There is a strip 1 × n with two sides. Each square of the strip (their total amount is 2 n, n squares on each side) is painted in one of two colors (let’s call them Aand B). Alice and Bob play a game. Alice makes the first turn. On each turn, a player can bend the strip in half with the fold passing on the divisions of the squares (i.e. the turn is possible only if the strip has an even length). Bending the strip can be done either inwards or outwards. If the strip has become completely one color after the next turn, then the winner is the player whose color is it ( Arefers to Alice, B to Bob). If the current player has no legal moves, but no one has won, the game ends with a draw.
Who will win if both players play optimally? This means that each player tries to win; if it is not possible, to achieve a draw.
The first line contains an integer n that is the length of the strip (1 ≤ n ≤ 5 · 10 5).
The next two lines contain two strings of letters “A” and “B” with lengths n, describing two sides of the strip. The letters that are under each other, correspond to the different sides of the same square.
If Alice wins, output “Alice”. If Bob wins, output “Bob”. If the game ends with a draw, output “Draw”.
input | output |
Bob |
Draw |
2 AA BB |
Alice |
In the first example, Alice starts the game with the strip BBAA/BABB. After her turn she can get the strip BB/AA or BB/AB. In both cases, Bob can win by getting the strip B/B.
In the second example, Alice can’t make even the first turn, so the result is a draw.
In the third example, Alice wins by the first move, getting the stripe A/A from the strip AA/BB.
#include<cstdio> int n,rsz[1000010]; char a[1000010]; int dfs(int l,int r,int dep) { if(rsz[l]>=r) { if(a[l]=='A') return 1; if(a[l]=='B') return 2; return 0; } if(((r-l+1)/2)%2!=0) return 0; int m=(l+r>>1); int f1=dfs(l,m,dep^1),f2=dfs(m+1,r,dep^1); if(!dep) { if(f1==1 || f2==1) return 1; if(f1==0 || f2==0) return 0; // if(f1==2 && f2==2) return 2; } else { if(f1==2 || f2==2) return 2; if(f1==0 || f2==0) return 0; // if(f1==1 && f2==1) return 1; } } int main() { //freopen("e.in","r",stdin); scanf("%d",&n); scanf("%s",a+1); scanf("%s",a+1+n); n<<=1; rsz[n]=n; for(int i=n-1;i>=1;--i) if(a[i]==a[i+1]) rsz[i]=rsz[i+1]; else rsz[i]=i; int f=dfs(1,n,0); if(f==0) puts("Draw"); else if(f==1) puts("Alice"); else puts("Bob"); return 0; }