• Atitit  J2EE平台相关规范--39个  3.J2SE平台相关规范--42个


    Atitit  J2EE平台相关规范--39个  3.J2SE平台相关规范--42个


    5 XML Parsing Specification
    16 J2EE Connector Architecture
    19 Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0
    52 A Standard Tag Library for JavaServer Pages
    53 Java Servlet 2.3 and JavaServer Pages 1.2 Specifications
    54 JDBC 3.0 Specification
    58 Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition 1.3 Specification
    63 Java API for XML Processing 1.1
    67 Java APIs for XML Messaging 1.0
    77 J2EE Management
    88 Java EE Application Deployment
    93 Java API for XML Registries 1.0 (JAXR)
    101 Java APIs for XML based RPC
    109 Implementing Enterprise Web Services
    112 J2EE Connector Architecture 1.5
    115 Java Authorization Contract for Containers
    151 Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition 1.4 (J2EE 1.4) Specification
    152 JavaServer Pages 2.0 Specification
    153 Enterprise JavaBeans 2.1
    154 Java Servlet 2.4 Specification
    173 Streaming API for XML
    181 Web Services Metadata for the Java Platform
    220 Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0
    221 JDBC 4.0 API Specification
    222 Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) 2.0
    224 Java API for XML-Based Web Services (JAX-WS) 2.0
    244 Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (Java EE 5) Specification
    245 JavaServer Pages 2.1
    250 Common Annotations for the Java Platform
    252 JavaServer Faces 1.2
    902 Java Servlet API Specification, Version 2.2, Errata Sheet, 4/1/2000
    903 Java Servlet API Specification, Version 2.2, Errata Sheet, 4/27/2000
    904 JavaMail Specification
    907 Java Transaction API (JTA)
    910 JDBC 2.1 Errata Sheet
    914 Java Message Service (JMS) API
    919 JavaMail
    921 Implementing Enterprise Web Services 1.1
    925 JavaBeans Activation Framework 1.1
    5 XML Parsing Specification
    6 Unified Printing API (Java Print Service API)
    10 Preferences API Specification
    13 Decimal Arithmetic Enhancement
    14 Add Generic Types To The Java Programming Language
    15 Image I/O Framework Specification
    41 A Simple Assertion Facility
    47 Logging API Specification
    51 New I/O APIs for the Java Platform
    54 JDBC 3.0 Specification
    55 Certification Path API
    56 Java Network Launching Protocol and API
    57 Long-Term Persistence for JavaBeans Specification
    59 J2SE Merlin Release Contents
    72 Java GSS API
    163 Java Platform Profiling Architecture
    166 Concurrency Utilities
    174 Monitoring and Management Specification for the Java Virtual Machine
    175 AMetadata Facility for the Java Programming Language
    176 J2SE 5.0 (Tiger) Release Contents
    199 Java Compiler API
    200 Network Transfer Format for Java Archives.
    201 Extending the Java Programming Language with Enumerations, Autoboxing, Enhanced for loops and Static Import
    202 Java Class File Specification Update
    203 More New I/O APIs for the Java Platform ('NIO.2')
    204 Unicode Supplementary Character Support
    206 Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) 1.3
    208 Java Business Integration (JBI)
    250 Common Annotations for the Java Platform
    268 Java Smart Card I/O API
    269 Pluggable Annotation Processing API
    270 Java SE 6 Release Contents
    277 Java Module System
    292 Supporting Dynamically Typed Languages on the Java Platform
    294 Improved Modularity Support in the Java Programming Language
    901 Java Language Specification
    915 J2SE 1.4 (Merlin) Maintenance Review
    916 J2SE 1.4 (Merlin) Beta 2Maintenance Review
    917 J2SE 1.4 (Merlin) Beta 3 Maintenance Review
    918 J2SE 1.4 Release Candidate
    923 J2SE 1.4.2 (Mantis) Beta
    924 Java Virtual Machine Specification



    作者:: 绰号:老哇的爪子 ( 全名::Attilax Akbar Al Rapanui 阿提拉克斯 阿克巴 阿尔 拉帕努伊 ) 

    汉字名:艾提拉(艾龙)   EMAIL:1466519819@qq.com

    转载请注明来源: http://www.cnblogs.com/attilax/



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