paip.cpu占用高解决方案---ThreadMast 跟Process Lasso的使用
作者Attilax ,
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE CONCAT(dezis.atian ,d.atian ) py ,g.hezi from gaopinzi g
force index(pri)
left join dezis FORCE index(i_py)
on dezis.hezi=left(g.hezi,1)
left join dezis d on d.hezi=right(g.hezi,1)
limit 30000
不个taskmanager的cpu praireitei ,放的个reitaim...再不个mysqlnt的set成个idle...终结汉式100%,走十不卡兰,能
eneitaim fneis proseis 了.....
auto adjust cpu prairity::Process Lasso
Process Lasso是什么?Process Lasso 是一款独特的调试级别的进程优化工具
主要功能是动态调整各个进程的优先级并设为合理的优先级类以实现为系统减负的目的,此项特性被 Process Lasso 定
义为过载抑制(out-of-control restraint),可有效避免蓝屏、假死、进程停止响应、进程占用 CPU 时间过多等症状
。同时它还具备前台进程推进、工作集修整、进程黑名单等附加特性。Process Lasso 对您系统的优化是完全实时+智能
main>manager process of all user :>> 不个mysqlnt sheu..
option> config process watchdog (rulers) >> mysql* ,for CPU,grather 30% for 3sec ,then set Cpu prairity
limit cpu use ThreadMast
ThreadMast no gui ...only cfg by reg..
install: Install.cmd
CPUThresholdPct CPU load threshold per application. This is a global setting
and affect all applications, unless other settings are defined in
the "Application" or "Exceptions" sections.
Default: 15%, Valid range 3 - 100.
MainSampleTime Time in seconds for application load above "CPUThresholdPct"
This value define the measurement time ThreadMaster using for
calculating the average CPU utilization for applications.
Default: 30 sec. Valid range 10 - 100+.
不个MainSampleTime set成个5三,sys log说式err..atleist 要30了..走十过李这个时间,走不个pross 的cpu 放的个
哈面儿能default 了app了,一半global的走形兰...
mysql-nt.exe 60
Statistics is updated by ThreadMaster, this section documents the work of ThreadMaster.
Count\ Number of times a image is handled
Time\ The total handling time for a image
有用李挂BES - Battle Encoder Shirase V1.2.2a , listall 不个mysqlnt的show 出来..test李挂.三,一股斤二find
handle fail兰牙十..pass..
电脑提速大师 3. 不起作用。