1. 词法分析
lexical analysis is the process of converting a sequence of characters into a sequence of tokens。
2. 语法分析
syntactic analysis , is the process of analyzing a sequence of tokens to determine their grammatical structure with respect to a given (more or less) formal grammar . And it checks for correct syntax and builds a data structure (often some kind of parse tree , abstract syntax tree or other hierarchical structure) implicit in the input tokens.
比如:Time()<="080000",要让计算器知道这一句Time()<="080000"是什么意思,源头依旧是我们定义的,时间小于 8 点 0 分 0 秒
3. 个人理解
是一个从小到大、从大到小的过程。像编译器中,我们定义char c,计算器知道要去划一个字节的空间。c = 'A‘; 把划分的一字节空间写入41H。