• day6_python课后习题

    2018-12-10 23:15:37



     1 #_author:'ZYB'
     2 #data:2018/12/9
     3 import os
     4 def find_file(keywords,path='D:HomeWorkHomeWorkday6'):
     5     file_list = get_all_file(path)
     6     for file in file_list:
     7         if file.endswith('.py') or file.endswith('.txt'):
     8             with open(file,'r',encoding='utf-8') as fr:
     9                 if keywords in fr.read():
    10                     print(file)
    11                     print('=='*20)
    12 def get_all_file(path):
    13     file_list = []
    14     for cur_path, cur_dirs, cur_files in os.walk(path):
    15         for name in cur_files:
    16             file_list.append(os.path.join(cur_path,name))
    17     return file_list
    18 keywords = input("Please input the key words that you want to search:")
    19 path = input("Please input the filepath:")
    20 find_file(keywords,path)
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     1 #_author:'ZYB'
     2 #data:2018/12/9
     3 import os
     4 import time
     5 def Clear_logs(N):
     6     file_list = get_all_file()
     7     for file in file_list:
     8         if file.endswith('.log'):
     9             f = os.path.split(file)[1]
    10             t = f[-14:-4]
    11             if time.time()-StrToTimestamp(t) >= 24*60*60*int(N):
    12                 os.remove(file)
    13 def get_all_file(path='D:HomeWorkHomeWorkday6logs'):
    14     file_list = []
    15     for cur_path, cur_dirs, cur_files in os.walk(path):
    16         for name in cur_files:
    17             file_list.append(os.path.join(cur_path,name))
    18     return file_list
    19 def StrToTimestamp(Str=None,format='%Y-%m-%d'):
    20     #格式化好的时间转时间戳:
    21     if Str:
    22         timep = time.strptime(Str, format)
    23         res = time.mktime(timep)
    24     else:
    25         res = time.time()
    26     return int(res)
    27 N = input('请输入需要清除几天前的日志:')
    28 Clear_logs(N) #清除N天前的日志
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     1 #_author:'ZYB'
     2 #data:2018/12/10
     3 import pymysql
     4 import hashlib
     5 def CheckUserInSql(user):
     6     conn = pymysql.connect(host='',user='jxz',
     7                     password='123456',port=3306,db='jxz',charset='utf8')
     8     cur = conn.cursor(pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) #加了这个参数,返回值是字典形式的元组
     9     sql = 'select * from app_myuser where username="%s";' %user # 查看数据库是否以及存在user用户
    10     cur.execute(sql) #只是执行sql,并不会返回数据
    11     res = cur.fetchall()
    12     cur.close()  # 关闭游标
    13     conn.close()  # 关闭连接数据库
    14     if len(res) == 0:
    15         return True
    16     else:
    17         return False
    19 def isNotNone(user):
    20     if str(user).strip()=='':
    21         return False
    22     else:
    23         return True
    24 def StoreInSQL(user,pwd,admin):
    25     conn = pymysql.connect(host='', user='jxz',
    26                            password='123456', port=3306, db='jxz', charset='utf8')
    27     cur = conn.cursor(pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)  # 加了这个参数,返回值是字典形式的元组
    28     sql = 'insert into app_myuser (username,passwd,is_admin) values ("%s","%s",%d);'%(user,pwd,admin)
    29     cur.execute(sql)
    30     conn.commit()
    31     cur.close()
    32     conn.close()
    33 def my_md5(s):
    34     news = str(s).encode()
    35     m = hashlib.md5(news)
    36     return m.hexdigest()
    38 user = input('请输入注册的用户名:')
    39 pwd = input('请输入注册密码:')
    40 is_admin = int(input('请输入注册账号的权限(0非管理员/1管理员):'))
    41 if isNotNone(user):
    42     if CheckUserInSql(user):
    43         pwdmd5 = my_md5(pwd)
    44         StoreInSQL(user,pwdmd5,is_admin)
    45     else:
    46         print('输入的账号已经存在!')
    47 else:
    48     print('输入的账号不能为空!')
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     1 #_author:'ZYB'
     2 #data:2018/12/10
     3 import pymysql
     4 import hashlib
     5 def CheckUserInSql(user):
     6     conn = pymysql.connect(host='',user='jxz',
     7                     password='123456',port=3306,db='jxz',charset='utf8')
     8     cur = conn.cursor(pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) #加了这个参数,返回值是字典形式的元组
     9     sql = 'select * from app_myuser where username="%s";' %user # 查看数据库是否以及存在user用户
    10     cur.execute(sql) #只是执行sql,并不会返回数据
    11     res = cur.fetchall()
    12     cur.close()  # 关闭游标
    13     conn.close()  # 关闭连接数据库
    14     if len(res) == 0:
    15         return True, res
    16     else:
    17         return False, res
    18 def my_md5(s):
    19     news = str(s).encode()
    20     m = hashlib.md5(news)
    21     return m.hexdigest()
    23 user = input('请输入登录账号:')
    24 pwd = input('请输入登录密码:')
    25 pwdmd5 = my_md5(pwd)
    26 Condition, res = CheckUserInSql(user)
    27 if not Condition:
    28     if res[0]['passwd'] == pwdmd5:
    29         print('恭喜%s登录成功!'%user)
    30     else:
    31         print('密码错误!')
    32 else:
    33     print('账号不存在!')
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    TSQL 字符串前加 N 是什么意思
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    sql 修改列名及表名
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    极限编程(XP,eXtreme Programming)
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/arraon/p/10099899.html
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