- connentors points
1,Viewing Connection Points
the connection points viewing may be turned off sometime, in this case to turn it on, Check the View menu to see if Connection Points are highlighted.
2,Adding Connection Points
the Connector Tool enables you to add and connectors between shapes and “glue” them into place.
step1,Click on the pull-down arrow next to this icon and you can choose the Connection Point Tool.
step2,select the shape and notice how its highlighting has changed to indicate that it’s ready to receive a connection point.Your cursor has also changed.
step3, hold the Ctrl key, position your cursor where you want to add the connection point, and left click your mouse.
NB,You can place connection points outside of the selected shape geometry which is often a very useful technique.
- make connetion turn
Click the "Pointer Tool" on the toolbar and highlight the connector line you just drew.
Hold down the "Shift" key and drag the mid-point handle of the connector line up or down. This will add corners at 90 degree angles to the line with control handles that can be used to manipulate the line further.
To add corners at angles less than 90 degrees, hold down the "Control" key while moving the midpoint of the connector line up or down.