• 407. Trapping Rain Water II

    Given an m x n matrix of positive integers representing the height of each unit cell in a 2D elevation map, compute the volume of water it is able to trap after raining.

    Both m and n are less than 110. The height of each unit cell is greater than 0 and is less than 20,000.


    Given the following 3x6 height map:
    Return 4.

    The above image represents the elevation map [[1,4,3,1,3,2],[3,2,1,3,2,4],[2,3,3,2,3,1]] before the rain.

    After the rain, water are trapped between the blocks. The total volume of water trapped is 4.

    fb : 考过一

    Analysis, 根据木桶原理,先找外围最矮的bar,里边如果有bar比它还矮,一定能存水(因为四周所有的bar都比它高)



     if (height[row][col] < cur) {

      res += cur.height- height[row][col];

      queue.offer(new Cell(row, col, cur.height));


    else {

      queue.offer(new Cell(row, col, height[row][col]));


    public class Solution {
        public class Cell {
            int row;
            int col;
            int height;
            public Cell(int row, int col, int height) {
                this.row = row;
                this.col = col;
                this.height = height;
        public int trapRainWater(int[][] heights) {
            if (heights == null || heights.length == 0 || heights[0].length == 0)
                return 0;
        // 创建heap,时复写comparator, 因为里面的元素时cell, 需要明确compare方法比较的内容
            PriorityQueue<Cell> queue = new PriorityQueue<>(1, new Comparator<Cell>(){
                public int compare(Cell a, Cell b) {
                    return a.height - b.height;
            int m = heights.length;
            int n = heights[0].length;
            boolean[][] visited = new boolean[m][n];
            // Initially, add all the Cells which are on borders to the queue.
            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
                visited[i][0] = true;
                visited[i][n - 1] = true;
                queue.offer(new Cell(i, 0, heights[i][0]));
                queue.offer(new Cell(i, n - 1, heights[i][n - 1]));
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                visited[0][i] = true;
                visited[m - 1][i] = true;
                queue.offer(new Cell(0, i, heights[0][i]));
                queue.offer(new Cell(m - 1, i, heights[m - 1][i]));
            // from the borders, pick the shortest cell visited and check its neighbors:
            // if the neighbor is shorter, collect the water it can trap and update its height as its height plus the water trapped
           // add all its neighbors to the queue.
            int[][] dirs = new int[][]{{-1, 0}, {1, 0}, {0, -1}, {0, 1}};
            int res = 0;
            while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
                Cell cell = queue.poll();
                for (int[] dir : dirs) {
                    int row = cell.row + dir[0];
                    int col = cell.col + dir[1];
                    if (row >= 0 && row < m && col >= 0 && col < n && !visited[row][col]) {
                        visited[row][col] = true;
                        res += Math.max(0, cell.height - heights[row][col]);
                        queue.offer(new Cell(row, col, Math.max(heights[row][col], cell.height)));
            return res;

      这里是矩阵, 在构建图时不需要用map来存储键值对以达到遍历的目的, 但是需要有元素大小的比较, 因此用heap, 与

    399. Evaluate Division 数据结构, 算法也不同, 一个是map 上的dfs, 一个是矩阵上的bfs, 一个是要找到一条自始至终的路径, 一个是遍历完所有相邻的点求值(根据题意)

    但是bfs要点在于如何建图, 是否建类, 建比较器, 建方向容器, 建走过的路的存储器(数组, 或者set, list) 如何遍历(堆不空?), 遍历到内部的点时判断是否符合题意(边界, 走过), 再考虑题意, 判断当前的点是否符合题意来加入结果的容器 或结果值, 将当前的点加入堆中是否要改变值啊什么的, 关键在于建立的是什么图. 里面的点是怎么个意思, 都是题意的转化

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