• Pyhton对象解释




    class Point:
        'Represents a point in two-dimensional geometric coordinates'
        def __init__(self, x = 0, y = 0):
            '''Initialize the position of a new point, The x and y
               coordinates can be specified. If they are not, the point
               defaults to the origin.'''
            self.move(x, y)
        def move(self, x, y):
            "Move the point to a new location in two-dimensional space"
            self.x = x
            self.y = y
        def reset(self):
            'Reset the point back to the geometric origin: 0,0'
            self.move(0, 0)
        def calcalate_distance(self, other_point):
            """Calculate the distance from this point to a second point
               passed as a parameter.
            This function uses the Pythagorean Theorem to calculate 
            the distance between the two points. The distance is returned
            as a float."""
            return math.sqrt(
                    (self.x - other_point.x)**2 + 
                    (self.y - other_point.y)**2)

    将上述的脚本保存为filename.py,然后使用python -i filename.py加载到交互解释器,然后在python的提示符里面输入help(Point),回车,可以看到漂亮的格式解释文档,如下


    1、《Python3 面向对象编程》 [加]Dusty Philips 著

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