• 图片切换实例

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    window.onload = function (){
        var oDiv = document.getElementById('pic');
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        var arrUrl = [ 'img/1.png', 'img/2.png', 'img/3.png', 'img/4.png' ];
        var arrText = [ '小宠物', '图片二', '图片三', '面具' ];
        var num = 0;
        var oldLi = null;
        for( var i=0; i<arrUrl.length; i++ ){
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      //一定要在 li 创建 后 oldLi
    = aLi[num]; // 初始化 oImg.src = arrUrl[num]; oSpan.innerHTML = 1+num+' / '+arrUrl.length; oP.innerHTML = arrText[num]; aLi[num].className = 'active'; for( var i=0; i<aLi.length; i++ ){ aLi[i].index = i; // 索引值 aLi[i].onclick = function (){ oImg.src = arrUrl[ this.index ]; oP.innerHTML = arrText[ this.index ]; oSpan.innerHTML = 1+this.index + ' / '+arrText.length; /* <li class="active"></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> */ // 思路一:全部清空,当前添加 // for( var i=0; i<aLi.length; i++ ){ // aLi[i].className = ''; // } // this.className = 'active'; // 思路二:清空上个,当前添加 oldLi.className = ''; oldLi = this; this.className = 'active'; }; } }; </script> </head> <body> <div id="pic"> <img src="" /> <span>数量正在加载中……</span> <p>文字说明正在加载中……</p> <ul></ul> </div> </body> </html>
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/angdh/p/11621772.html
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