'cookie': 'xxx',
2、python代码如下。注意:'cookie': 0,要修改为正确的值。
python -V # 验证python3是否安装成功
pip -V # 验证pip3是否安装成功
pip install -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple requests
pip install -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple openpyxl
import time import json import math import requests import sys import os from openpyxl import Workbook # 启动前输出 version_str = "V1.0" logo_str = "cnBlogs_List" logo_pic_str = """ ____ _ _ _ _ ___ _ __ | __ )| | ___ __ _ ___ | | (_)___| |_ / __| '_ | _ | |/ _ / _` / __| | | | / __| __| | (__| | | | |_) | | (_) | (_| \__ | |___| \__ |_ \___|_| |_|____/|_|\___/ \__, |___/ _____ |_____|_|___/\__| |___/ |_____| """ print("%s %s" % (logo_str, version_str), end='') print(logo_pic_str) print("%s %s 启动中..." % (logo_str, version_str)) time.sleep(3) # 开始启动 # 配置 # 方式一:直接赋值给常量COOKIE_STR # cookie值 COOKIE_STR = "" # 方式二:将cookie值存到一个指定的文件 COOKIE_PATH = "./mycookie.txt" if os.path.exists(COOKIE_PATH) and len(COOKIE_STR) == 0: # 如果存在cookie存值文件,且没有对系统常量cookie赋值,则读取文件中的内容 with open(COOKIE_PATH, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: data_str = f.read() if len(data_str) > 1: # 如果存在文件内容,则向系统赋值cookie常量 COOKIE_STR = data_str else: print("There is no cookie value in the file %s" % COOKIE_PATH) sys.exit() # sys.exit() CACHE_FILE_NAME = "cache.txt" # 缓存文件名称 EXCEL_FILE_NAME = "result.xls" # 电子表格文件名称 WORKSHEET_NAME = "cnblogs_admin" # 工作簿名称 # TABLE_HEAD_TITLE_LIST = ["title", "viewCount", "url", "comment_count", "datePublished", "dateUpdated"] # 表头名称 TABLE_HEAD_TITLE_LIST = ["标题", "阅读量", "链接", "评论数", "首次发布时间", "最近更新时间"] # 表头名称 SINGLE_PAGE_COUNT = 10 # 每页文章数目 # 定义函数 def get_data(page_n=1): page_num = page_n url = r'https://i-beta.cnblogs.com/api/posts/list?p=%s&cid=&t=1&cfg=0' % page_num headers = { 'authority': 'i-beta.cnblogs.com', 'method': 'GET', 'path': '/api/posts/list?p=1&cid=&t=1&cfg=0', 'scheme': 'https', 'accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*', 'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'accept-language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8', 'cookie': COOKIE_STR, 'referer': 'https://i-beta.cnblogs.com/posts', 'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty', 'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors', 'sec-fetch-site': 'same-origin', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.163 Safari/537.36', 'x-blog-id': '158654'} # 发起get请求 response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=True) html_data = response.content.decode() data_dict = json.loads(html_data) post_list = data_dict["postList"] # 获取页面内容 all_post_count = data_dict["postsCount"] # 获取总文章数目 page_count = math.ceil(all_post_count / 10) # 获取总页数 if page_n == 1: print("【code %s】第 %s 页:首页请求2遍,一遍获取总页数,另一遍获取首页数据写入文件" % (response.status_code, page_n)) else: print("【code %s】第 %s 页" % (response.status_code, page_n)) info_result = [] # 写入表格的数据 # 写入首行 if page_num == 1: info = TABLE_HEAD_TITLE_LIST # 首行内容 info_result.append(info) # 获取当页内容 for index, item in enumerate(post_list): title = item['title'] # 获取标题 viewCount = item['viewCount'] # 获取点击量 url = "https:%s" % item['url'] # 获取文章url comment_count = item['feedBackCount'] # 获取评论数量 datePublished = item['datePublished'] # 获取首次发布日期 dateUpdated = item['dateUpdated'] # 获取最近修改日期 print((index + ((page_n - 1) * SINGLE_PAGE_COUNT) + 1), end=' ') print(title) # print(viewCount) # print(url) # print(comment_count) # print("首发日期:", datePublished) # print("修改日期:", dateUpdated) # print() info = [title, viewCount, url, comment_count, datePublished, dateUpdated] # 每行的内容 info_result.append(info) return page_count, page_num, info_result # 启动测试 if __name__ == '__main__': info_result_all = [] # 所有页面的数据汇总列表 try: page_count = int(get_data()[0]) # 获取总页面数。请求一次第一页。 except Exception: print("请求无效,请替换为新Cookie值(COOKIE_STR)后重试") sys.exit() # 遍历所有页面 # for n in range(1, page_count + 1): for n in range(1, 2 + 1): time.sleep(1) # 休息一秒钟,降低请求频率 one_page_data_list = get_data(n) # 请求一次第n页 page_count = one_page_data_list[0] page_num = one_page_data_list[1] info_result = one_page_data_list[2] info_result_all.extend(info_result) # 将本页面数据写入缓存文件 save_file_cache = CACHE_FILE_NAME with open(save_file_cache, 'a', encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write("## 第 %s 页 " % page_num) # 缓存页面号 for line in info_result: f.write("%s %s %s %s %s %s " % tuple(line)) # 本页内容写入缓存 # 最后:将数据写入excel save_file = EXCEL_FILE_NAME # 存入文件名称 sheet_name = WORKSHEET_NAME # 工作簿名称 wb = Workbook() # 新建工作簿 ws1 = wb.active # 获得当前活跃的工作页,默认为第一个工作页 ws1.title = sheet_name # 修改页名称。sheet名称 for row in info_result_all: ws1.append(row) wb.save(save_file) # Excel文件名称,保存文件
import time import json import math import requests import sys import os from openpyxl import Workbook import pymysql # 启动前输出 version_str = "V1.3" logo_str = "cnBlogs_List" logo_pic_str = """ ____ _ _ _ _ ___ _ __ | __ )| | ___ __ _ ___ | | (_)___| |_ / __| '_ | _ | |/ _ / _` / __| | | | / __| __| | (__| | | | |_) | | (_) | (_| \__ | |___| \__ |_ \___|_| |_|____/|_|\___/ \__, |___/ _____ |_____|_|___/\__| |___/ |_____| """ print("%s %s" % (logo_str, version_str), end='') print(logo_pic_str) print("%s %s 启动中..." % (logo_str, version_str)) time.sleep(2.5) # 开始启动 # 配置 # 方式一:直接赋值给常量COOKIE_STR # cookie值 COOKIE_STR = "" # 方式二:将cookie值存到一个指定的文件 COOKIE_PATH = "./mycookie.txt" if os.path.exists(COOKIE_PATH) and len(COOKIE_STR) == 0: # 如果存在cookie存值文件,且没有对系统常量cookie赋值,则读取文件中的内容 with open(COOKIE_PATH, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: data_str = f.read() if len(data_str) > 0: # 如果存在文件内容,则向系统赋值cookie常量 COOKIE_STR = data_str else: print("There is no cookie value in the file %s" % COOKIE_PATH) sys.exit() # sys.exit() CACHE_FILE_NAME = "cache.txt" # 缓存文件名称 EXCEL_FILE_NAME = "result.xls" # 电子表格文件名称 WORKSHEET_NAME = "cnblogs_admin" # 工作簿名称 # TABLE_HEAD_TITLE_LIST = ["title", "countView", "countCommet", "url", "datePublished", "dateUpdated"] # 表头名称 TABLE_HEAD_TITLE_LIST = ["标题", "阅读量", "评论数", "链接", "首次发布时间", "最近更新时间"] # *.xls或cache.txt表头名称 SINGLE_PAGE_COUNT = 10 # 每页文章数目 # 配置请求参数 REQUEST_URL_PART = r'https://i-beta.cnblogs.com/api/posts/list?p=%s&cid=&t=1&cfg=0' REQUEST_HEADERS = { 'authority': 'i-beta.cnblogs.com', 'method': 'GET', 'path': '/api/posts/list?p=1&cid=&t=1&cfg=0', 'scheme': 'https', 'accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*', 'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'accept-language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8', 'cookie': COOKIE_STR, 'referer': 'https://i-beta.cnblogs.com/posts', 'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty', 'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors', 'sec-fetch-site': 'same-origin', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.163 Safari/537.36', } # 全局变量 info_result_all = [] # 所有页面的数据汇总列表 # 配置mysql数据库连接参数 MYSQL_HOST = 'localhost' MYSQL_PORT = 3306 MYSQL_USER = 'root' MYSQL_PASSWD = 'root' MYSQL_DB = 'cbs' MYSQL_CHARSET = 'utf8' # 连接数据库 connect = pymysql.Connect( host=MYSQL_HOST, port=MYSQL_PORT, user=MYSQL_USER, passwd=MYSQL_PASSWD, db=MYSQL_DB, charset=MYSQL_CHARSET ) # 获取游标 cursor = connect.cursor() # 定义函数 # 获取总页数 def get_page_count(page_n=1): page_num = page_n # 构造请求参数 url = REQUEST_URL_PART % page_num headers = REQUEST_HEADERS # 发起get请求 response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=True) html_data = response.content.decode() data_dict = json.loads(html_data) all_post_count = data_dict["postsCount"] # 获取总文章数目 page_count = math.ceil(all_post_count / 10) # 获取总页数 # 返回总页数 return page_count # 请求每个列表页的数据 # 1、打印到控制台 # 2、存入mysql数据库cbs中article_list表中 def get_per_page_data(page_n=1, save_mysql=True): page_num = page_n url = REQUEST_URL_PART % page_num headers = REQUEST_HEADERS # 发起get请求 response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=True) html_data = response.content.decode() data_dict = json.loads(html_data) post_list = data_dict["postList"] # 获取页面内容 all_post_count = data_dict["postsCount"] # 获取总文章数目 page_count = math.ceil(all_post_count / 10) # 获取总页数 print("【status %s】第 %s 页" % (response.status_code, page_n)) info_result = [] # 写入表格的数据 # 写入首行 if page_num == 1: info = TABLE_HEAD_TITLE_LIST # 首行内容 info_result.append(info) # 获取当页内容 for index, item in enumerate(post_list): title = item['title'] # 获取标题 viewCount = item['viewCount'] # 获取点击量 comment_count = item['feedBackCount'] # 获取评论数量 url = "https:%s" % item['url'] # 获取文章url datePublished = item['datePublished'] # 获取首次发布日期 dateUpdated = item['dateUpdated'] # 获取最近修改日期 # 打印到控制台 print((index + ((page_n - 1) * SINGLE_PAGE_COUNT) + 1), end=' ') print(title) info = [title, viewCount, comment_count, url, datePublished, dateUpdated] # 每行的内容 # 存内存列表 info_result.append(info) if save_mysql is True: # 存mysql数据库 # 先检查数据库中是否已经存有,如果已存,则不再存入 sql_0 = "select url from article_list where url='%s'" cursor.execute(sql_0 % url) # 生成增加sql语句 url_list = cursor.fetchall() # 获取查询结果 if len(url_list) > 0: print("数据库已存在:%s " % url) else: # 增加数据操作 sql_1 = "INSERT INTO article_list(title,countView,countComment,url,datePublished,dateUpdated) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s');" data = tuple(info) cursor.execute(sql_1 % data) # 生成增加sql语句 # cursor.execute(sql_1) # 生成增加sql语句 connect.commit() # 确认永久执行增加 return page_count, page_num, info_result # 变量列表页,数据存mysql、txt def get_cbs_list_data(page_count, save_cache=True): for n in range(1, page_count + 1): time.sleep(1) # 休息一秒钟,降低请求频率 one_page_data_list = get_per_page_data(n, save_mysql=True) # 请求一次第n页,并存mysql数据库 page_num = one_page_data_list[1] info_result = one_page_data_list[2] info_result_all.extend(info_result) if save_cache is True: # 将本页面数据写入缓存文件cache.txt save_file_cache = CACHE_FILE_NAME with open(save_file_cache, 'a', encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write("## 第 %s/%s 页 " % (page_num, page_count)) # 缓存页面号 for line in info_result: f.write("%s %s %s %s %s %s " % tuple(line)) # 本页内容写入缓存 # 将数据写入excel def save_excel(): save_file = EXCEL_FILE_NAME # 存入文件名称 sheet_name = WORKSHEET_NAME # 工作簿名称 wb = Workbook() # 新建工作簿 ws1 = wb.active # 获得当前活跃的工作页,默认为第一个工作页 ws1.title = sheet_name # 修改页名称。sheet名称 for row in info_result_all: ws1.append(row) wb.save(save_file) # Excel文件名称,保存文件 # 主函数 # 1、遍历所有页面 # 2、存入缓存文件cache.txt、存入mysql数据库 # 3、数据存入内存 # 4、存入xls电子表格中 def main(): # 尝试请求第一个列表页,获取总页数 try: page_count = int(get_page_count()) # 获取总页面数。 except Exception: print("请求无效,请替换为新Cookie值(COOKIE_STR)后重试") sys.exit() # 遍历所有页面。存mysql,存cache.txt文件 # get_cbs_list_data(page_count, save_cache=False) get_cbs_list_data(2, save_cache=True) # 遍历前2页 # 最后:将数据写入excel # save_excel() # 启动测试 if __name__ == '__main__': # 启动主程序 main()
/* Navicat MySQL Data Transfer Source Server : win7_local Source Server Version : 50717 Source Host : localhost:3306 Source Database : cbs Target Server Type : MYSQL Target Server Version : 50717 File Encoding : 65001 Date: 2020-05-27 11:35:19 */ SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for article_list -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `article_list`; CREATE TABLE `article_list` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `title` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `countView` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `countComment` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `url` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `datePublished` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `dateUpdated` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `url_index` (`url`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;