• wp8 入门到精通 仿美拍评论黑白列表思路

           static bool isbool = false;
            private void BindGameDelete()
                Tile tile = new Tile();
                List<Color> list = new List<Color>();
                if (isbool)
                tile.Background = new SolidColorBrush(list[0]);
                    isbool = false;
                    tile.Background = new SolidColorBrush(list[1]);
                    isbool = true;
                tile.Width = 456;
                tile.Height = 60;
                ContextMenu cm = new ContextMenu();
                cm.IsZoomEnabled = false;
                RoutedEventHandler clickHandler = new RoutedEventHandler(GameDelete_Click);
                // Add "edit" entry
                MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItem()
                    Header = "取消关注",
                    Tag = "Delete"
                menuItem.Click += clickHandler;
                ContextMenuService.SetContextMenu(tile, cm);
            private void GameDelete_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                var gameToDelte = ((MenuItem)sender).CommandParameter;
            private void Tile_Hold(object sender, System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs e)
               <StackPanel x:Name="addTile" Grid.Row="1" Orientation="Vertical">
                            <c4f:Tile Background="Red" Content="11111" Width="456" Height="60" Hold="Tile_Hold"/>
                            <!--<c4f:Tile Background="Gray" Content="11111" Width="456" Height="60"/>
                            <c4f:Tile Background="Green" Content="11111" Width="456" Height="60"/>
                            <c4f:Tile Background="Yellow" Content="11111" Width="456" Height="60"/>
                            <c4f:Tile Background="Violet" Content="11111" Width="456" Height="60"/>
                            <c4f:Tile Background="Tomato" Content="11111" Width="456" Height="60"/>
                            <c4f:Tile Background="YellowGreen" Content="11111" Width="456" Height="60"/>
                            <c4f:Tile Background="Thistle" Content="11111" Width="456" Height="60"/>
                            <c4f:Tile Background="Turquoise" Content="11111" Width="456" Height="60"/>
                            <c4f:Tile Background="Tomato" Content="11111" Width="456" Height="60"/>
                            <c4f:Tile Background="Teal" Content="11111" Width="456" Height="60"/>
                            <c4f:Tile Background="Tan" Content="11111" Width="456" Height="60"/>
                            <c4f:Tile Background="SteelBlue" Content="11111" Width="456" Height="60"/>-->
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/androllen/p/5106596.html
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