• 2016.8.10


    learning python

       protocol 【ˈproʊtəkɔ:l】 

    1. a system of rules that explain the correct conduct and procedures to be followed in formal situation
      - the soldier's actions constitute a breach of military protocol.
      - what is the proper protocol for declining a job offer.
    2. a plan for a scientific experiment or for medical treatment
      - an experimental protocol
    3. an established method for connecting computers so that they can exchange information
    4. a document that describes the details of a treaty or formal agreement betweem countries

       generalize 【ˈdʒɛnərəˌlaɪz】 

    1. to form a general principle or opinion after considering only a small number of facts or examples
      - she has a tendency to generalize from her husband to all men.
    2. to make a general statement about the whole of a group or thing
      - it is difficult to generalize about the kind of people who come on these courses.
    3. to say that an idea, result etc is related to a larger group
      - can we generalize this principle.

       trick 【trɪk】 

    1. an action that is meant to deceive someone
      - it was a trick to persuade her to give him money.
      - he didn't really lose his wallet —— that was a dirty trick.
    2. something done to surprise or confuse someone and to make other people laugh
      - he played a trick on me.
      - she enjoys playing tricks on her friends.
    3. something that makes things appear to be difficult from the way they really are
      - after walking for hours in the hot sun, his mind began playing tricks on him.
      - at first he thought someone was coming towards him, but it was just a trick of the light.
    4. do the trick: if something does the trick, it solves a problem or provides what is needed to get a good result
      - a bit more flour should do the trick.
    5. a skilful set of actions that seem like magic, done to entertain people
      - my uncle was always showing me card tricks when i was a kid.
    6. clever method: a way of doing something that works very well but may not be easy to notice
      - the trick is to bend your knees as you catch the ball.
      - the sales man who knew all the tricks of the trade.
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