• 2016.8.4


    learning python

       radical 【rædɪkḷ】 

    1. radical ideas are very new and different, and are against what most people think or believe
      - the computer has introdced radical innovations
      - radical ideas about education
    2. a radical change or different is very big and important
      - they are proposing radical changes to the way the company is run.
      - a radical reform of the tax system.
    3. someone who is radical has ideas that are very new and different, and against what most people think or believe
      - a radical left-wing politician.

       distinction 【dɪˈstɪŋkʃən】 

    1. a difference that you can see, hear, small, feel, etc: a noticeable difference between things or people
      - there are no obvious distinctions between the two designs.
    2. the separation of people or things into different groups
      - the law should be enforced without distinction as to race, sex, or religion.
    3. importance, excellence, or achievement
      - she was a politician of some distinction.(= she was a distinguished politician.)
      - her talents gave distionction to the work.
    4. a special honor, recognition, or award
      - she's won many distionctions.
    5. the quality of being special in some way
      - at that time, it had the distinction of being the largest bridge in the UK.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/an9wer/p/5738623.html
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