• 2016.6.19


    news from BBC

    The UK's EU referendum: All you need to know

       referendum 【ˌrefəˈrendəm】 全名公决

    1.  This was the big news back in January and February as David Cameron sought an agreement with other European Union leaders to change the terms of Britain's membership.

       seek 过去式 sought

       the terms of 条款 

    2.  . He says the deal, which will take effect immediately if the UK votes to remain in the EU, gives Britain "special" status within the 28 nation club, and will help sort out some of the things British people say they don't like about the EU, such as high levels of immigration and giving up the ability to run our own affairs.

       sort out 分类,整理,解决 

       affair 【əˈfeə】 事务

    3.   He did not get the blanket ban he wanted. New arrivals will not be able to claim tax credits and other welfare payments straight away - but will gradually gain the right to more benefits the longer they stay, at a rate yet to be decided.

       blanket 【ˈblæŋkɪt】 毛毯,总括的,全体的

       blanket ban 全面禁止

       rate 【reɪt】 速度,比率


    1. delayed payment: an arrangement with a shop, bank etc that allows you to buy something and pay for it later.
    2. praise: approval or praise that you give to someone for something they have done.

       tax credit 税收抵免 即对纳税人来源于国内外的全部所得或财产课征所得税时允许以其在国外缴纳的所得税或财产税税款抵免应纳税款的一种税收优惠方式,是解决国际间所得或财产重复课税的一种措施。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/an9wer/p/5598461.html
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