• 2016.6.2


    news from BBC

    US election: Why has Trump caught Clinton in the polls?

    1.  For the first time in this long election campaign, Republican Donald Trump has pulled ahead of Democrat Hillary Clinton in the RealClearPolitics average of national polls.

       pull ahead of 领先 

       poll 【pəʊl】 民意调查,投票选举

    2.  Mrs Clinton's double-digit lead, which she has held over the past several months, has vanished

       vanish 【ˈvænɪʃ】 消失,消亡

    3.  Republicans have rallied around Trump

       rally around 团结在...周围 

    4.  Remember the #NeverTrump movement? No one in the Republican Party seems to. While certain pundits (Bill Kristol) and politicians (Mitt Romney) continue to tilt at the independent-conservative-candidate windmill, the rank and file of the party appear to be falling in line behind their presumptive nominee.

       tilt 【tɪlt】 倾斜,抨击


      An independent or nonpartisan politician is an individual politician not affiliated to any political party.

       nominee 【nɒmɪˈni:】 被提名者,候选人

    5.  Speaking of Mr Sanders, his supporters cite these recent head-to-head polls as evidence that their man should stay in the Democratic race despite delegate maths that make victory seem extremely unlikely.

       head-to-head 白刃战,肉搏 

    6.  Minorities and women are overwhelming supporting Mrs Clinton. Right now that's being balanced out by whites and men who are backing Mr Trump in large numbers.

       minority 【maɪˈnɒrəti】 少数民族

       back 支持

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