串行CPU的时序流程如下图所示:取指、译码、执行、回写。 其中,取指、回写是与存储器打交道;而译码与执行则是CPU内部自个儿的操作。
本文的所有VHDL程序摘自《开放式实验CPU设计》第二章 “16位实验CPU设计实例”。
1、通用寄存器组成部分 (regfile)
1 --实验6.9——实验CPU:通用寄存器组 2 library IEEE; 3 use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; 4 5 entity regfile is 6 Port ( DR: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); 7 SR: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); 8 reset: in std_logic; 9 DRWr: in std_logic; 10 clk: in std_logic; 11 d_input: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 12 DR_data: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 13 SR_data: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) 14 ); 15 end regfile; 16 17 18 architecture struct of regfile is 19 -- components 20 -- 16 bit Register for register file 21 component reg 22 port ( 23 clr: in std_logic; 24 D: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 25 clock: in std_logic; 26 write: in std_logic; 27 sel: in std_logic; 28 Q: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) 29 ); 30 end component; 31 32 -- 2 to 4 Decoder 33 component decoder_2_to_4 34 port( 35 sel: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); 36 sel00: out std_logic; 37 sel01: out std_logic; 38 sel02: out std_logic; 39 sel03: out std_logic 40 ); 41 end component; 42 43 -- 4 to 1 line multiplexer 44 component mux_4_to_1 45 port ( 46 input0, 47 input1, 48 input2, 49 input3: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 50 sel: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); 51 out_put: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)); 52 end component; 53 54 55 signal reg00, reg01, reg02, reg03 56 :std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 57 58 signal sel00 ,sel01 ,sel02 ,sel03 59 : std_logic; 60 61 begin 62 Areg00: reg port map( 63 clr => reset, 64 D => d_input , 65 clock => clk , 66 write => DRWr , 67 sel => sel00 , 68 Q => reg00 69 ); 70 71 Areg01: reg port map( 72 clr => reset, 73 D => d_input , 74 clock => clk , 75 write => DRWr , 76 sel => sel01 , 77 Q => reg01 78 ); 79 80 Areg02: reg port map( 81 clr => reset, 82 D => d_input , 83 clock => clk , 84 write => DRWr , 85 sel => sel02 , 86 Q => reg02 87 ); 88 89 Areg03: reg port map( 90 clr => reset, 91 D => d_input , 92 clock => clk , 93 write => DRWr , 94 sel => sel03 , 95 Q => reg03 96 ); 97 98 -- decoder 99 des_decoder: decoder_2_to_4 port map 100 ( 101 sel => DR, 102 sel00 => sel00 , 103 sel01 => sel01 , 104 sel02 => sel02 , 105 sel03 => sel03 106 ); 107 108 mux1: mux_4_to_1 PORT MAP( 109 Input0 => reg00 , 110 Input1 => reg01 , 111 Input2 => reg02 , 112 Input3 => reg03 , 113 sel => DR , 114 out_put => DR_data 115 ); 116 117 mux2: mux_4_to_1 PORT MAP( 118 input0 => reg00 , 119 input1 => reg01 , 120 input2 => reg02 , 121 input3 => reg03 , 122 sel => SR , 123 out_put => SR_data 124 ); 125 126 end struct;
2、取指部分 (instru_fetch)
1 library ieee, my_lib; 2 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 3 use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; 4 use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; 5 use my_lib.exp_cpu_components.all; 6 7 entity instru_fetch is 8 port(reset,clk: in std_logic; 9 data_read: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --存储器读出的数 10 lj_instruct: in std_logic; --长转移指令 11 DW_intruct: in std_logic; 12 c_z_j_flag: in std_logic; --为1时进行条件转移 13 sjmp_addr: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --条件转移指令的转移地址 14 t1,t2,t3: buffer std_logic; 15 pc: buffer std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 16 pc_inc: buffer std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 17 IR: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) 18 ); 19 end instru_fetch; 20 21 architecture behav of instru_fetch is 22 signal start: std_logic; 23 24 begin 25 IR_poc: process(reset,t2) 26 begin 27 if reset = '0' then 28 IR <= x"7000"; --nop指令 29 elsif t2'event and t2 = '1' then 30 IR <= data_read; 31 end if; 32 end process; 33 34 process(reset,clk) 35 begin 36 if reset = '0' then 37 start <= '1'; 38 else 39 if clk'event and clk ='0' then 40 start <= '0'; 41 end if; 42 end if; 43 end process; 44 45 process(reset,clk) 46 begin 47 if reset = '0' then 48 t1 <= '0'; 49 t2 <= '0'; 50 t3 <= '0'; 51 elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then 52 t1 <= start or t3; 53 t2 <= t1; 54 t3 <= t2; 55 end if; 56 end process; 57 58 pc_inc <= pc + '1'; --为取双字指令的第2个字或者计算相对转移地址做准备 59 PC_proc: process(reset,t3) 60 begin 61 if reset = '0' then 62 pc <= x"0000"; 63 elsif t3'event and t3 = '0' then 64 if lj_instruct = '1' then 65 pc <= data_read; 66 elsif c_z_j_flag ='1' then 67 pc <= sjmp_addr; 68 elsif DW_intruct = '1' then 69 pc <= pc + "10"; 70 else 71 pc <= pc_inc; 72 end if; 73 end if; 74 end process; 75 76 end behav; 77 78 79
3、指令译码部分 (decoder_unit)
1 library ieee, my_lib; 2 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 3 use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; 4 use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; 5 use my_lib.exp_cpu_components.all; 6 7 entity decoder_unit is 8 port (IR: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 9 SR: out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); 10 DR: out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); 11 op_code: out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); 12 zj_instruct: out std_logic; 13 cj_instruct: out std_logic; 14 lj_instruct: out std_logic; 15 DRWr: buffer std_logic; --为1时写DR寄存器 16 Mem_Write: out std_logic; 17 DW_intruct: buffer std_logic; 18 change_z: out std_logic; 19 change_c: out std_logic; 20 sel_memdata: out std_logic; --为1时存储器的读出数据作为写入DR的数据 21 r_sjmp_addr: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) --相对转移地址 22 ); 23 end decoder_unit; 24 25 architecture behav of decoder_unit is 26 27 begin 28 29 SR <= IR(9 downto 8); 30 DR <= IR(11 downto 10); 31 sel_memdata <= IR(15) and IR(14) and (not IR(13)); 32 change_z <= not IR(15) and IR(1); 33 change_c <= not IR(15) and IR(2); 34 35 DRWr_proc: process(IR) 36 begin 37 if IR(15) = '0' then 38 if IR(0) ='1' then 39 DRWr <= '1'; 40 else 41 DRWr <= '0'; 42 end if; 43 elsif IR(14) = '1' and IR(13) = '0' then 44 DRWr <= '1'; 45 else 46 DRWr <= '0'; 47 end if; 48 end process; 49 50 sj_addr_proc: process(IR) --条件转移指令的相对转移地址从8位扩展到16位 51 begin 52 if IR(7) ='1' then 53 r_sjmp_addr <= "11111111" & IR(7 downto 0); 54 else 55 r_sjmp_addr <= "00000000" & IR(7 downto 0); 56 end if; 57 end process; 58 59 M_instruct:process(IR) 60 begin 61 case IR(15 downto 12) is 62 when "1000" | "1100" => --jmp addr;mvDR dr,data 63 Mem_Write <= '0'; 64 DW_intruct <= '1'; 65 when "1110" => -- str dr,sr 66 Mem_Write <= '1'; 67 DW_intruct <= '0'; 68 when others => 69 Mem_Write <= '0'; 70 DW_intruct <= '0'; 71 end case; 72 end process; 73 74 ALUOP_CODE_PROC: PROCESS(IR) 75 begin 76 if IR(15) = '0' then 77 op_code <= IR(14 downto 12); 78 else 79 op_code <= "111"; 80 end if; 81 end process; 82 83 84 Jinstruct_PROC: process(IR) 85 begin 86 case IR(15 downto 12) is 87 when "1000" => --jmp adr 88 zj_instruct <= '0'; 89 cj_instruct <= '0'; 90 lj_instruct <= '1'; 91 when "1001" => --jnc addr 92 zj_instruct <= '0'; 93 cj_instruct <= '1'; 94 lj_instruct <= '0'; 95 when "1010" => --jnz addr 96 zj_instruct <= '1'; 97 cj_instruct <= '0'; 98 lj_instruct <= '0'; 99 when others => 100 zj_instruct <= '0'; 101 cj_instruct <= '0'; 102 lj_instruct <= '0'; 103 end case; 104 end process; 105 106 end behav; 107
4、执行部分 (exe_unit)
1 library ieee, my_lib; 2 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 3 use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; 4 use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; 5 use my_lib.exp_cpu_components.all; 6 7 entity exe_unit is 8 port( 9 t1: in std_logic; 10 op_code: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); 11 zj_instruct: in std_logic; 12 cj_instruct: in std_logic; 13 pc: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 14 pc_inc: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 15 c_in: in std_logic; --以前指令产生的进位C 16 z_in: in std_logic; --以前指令产生的Z 17 Mem_Write: in std_logic; --为1时,写存储器 18 c_tmp: out std_logic; 19 z_tmp: out std_logic; 20 c_z_j_flag: out std_logic; --为1时进行条件转移 21 r_sjmp_addr: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --相对转移地址 22 DW_intruct: in std_logic; 23 sjmp_addr: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --条件转移指令的转移地址 24 SR_data: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 25 DR_data: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 26 Mem_Addr: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 27 result: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) --运算结果 28 ); 29 30 end exe_unit; 31 32 architecture behav of exe_unit is 33 signal A,B :std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 34 signal result_t: std_logic_vector(16 downto 0); 35 36 begin 37 c_z_j_flag <= ( (not c_in) and cj_instruct) or ((not z_in) and zj_instruct); 38 A <= DR_data; 39 B <= SR_data; 40 sjmp_addr <= pc_inc + r_sjmp_addr; 41 42 Mem_Addr_proc: process(t1,SR_DATA,pc,DW_intruct) 43 begin 44 if t1 = '1' then 45 Mem_Addr <= pc; 46 else 47 if DW_intruct = '1' then 48 Mem_Addr <= pc_inc; 49 elsif Mem_Write = '1' then 50 Mem_Addr <= DR_data; 51 else 52 Mem_Addr <= SR_data; 53 end if; 54 end if; 55 end process; 56 57 alu_proc:process(op_code,A,B) 58 begin 59 case op_code is 60 when "000" => 61 result_t <= ('0' & A) + ('0' & B); 62 when "001" => 63 result_t <= ('0' & A) + '1'; 64 when "010" => 65 result_t <= ('0' & A) - ('0' & B); 66 when "011" => 67 result_t <= ('0' & A) - '1'; 68 when "100" => 69 result_t <= ('0' & A) and ('0' & B); 70 when "101" => 71 result_t <= ('0' & A) or ('0' & B); 72 when "110" => 73 result_t <= not ('0' & A); 74 when "111" => 75 result_t <= ('0' & B); 76 end case; 77 end process; 78 result <= result_t(15 downto 0); 79 c_tmp <= result_t(16); 80 z_tmp <= (not result_t(15)) and (not result_t(14)) and 81 (not result_t(13)) and (not result_t(12)) and 82 (not result_t(11)) and (not result_t(10)) and 83 (not result_t(9)) and (not result_t(8)) and 84 (not result_t(7)) and (not result_t(6)) and 85 (not result_t(5)) and (not result_t(4)) and 86 (not result_t(3)) and (not result_t(2)) and 87 (not result_t(1)) and (not result_t(0)); 88 89 end behav;
5、存储器部分 (memory_unit)
1 library IEEE, my_lib; 2 use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; 3 use my_lib.exp_cpu_components.all; 4 5 entity memory_unit is 6 port( 7 reset: in std_logic; 8 clk,t3: in std_logic; 9 Mem_addr: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 10 Mem_Write: in std_logic; 11 sel_memdata: in std_logic; --为1时存储器的读出数据作为写入DR的数据 12 SR_data: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --写存储器的数据 13 result: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --运算结果 14 rw: out std_logic; 15 ob: inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 16 ar: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 17 data_read: buffer std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --从存储器读出的指令或者数据 18 DR_data_out: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) --写入DR的数据 19 ); 20 end memory_unit; 21 22 architecture behav of memory_unit is 23 begin 24 25 ar <= Mem_addr; 26 R_W_Memory_proc: process(reset,ob,SR_DATA,clk,t3,Mem_Write) --读写存储器处理 27 begin 28 if reset = '0' then 29 rw <= '1'; 30 ob <= "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"; --将存储器数据总线置为高阻,读存储器 31 else 32 if Mem_Write = '1' and t3 = '1' then 33 ob <= SR_DATA; --写存储器 34 rw <= clk; 35 else 36 ob <= "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"; --将存储器数据总线置为高阻,读存储器 37 rw <= '1'; 38 data_read <= ob; 39 end if; 40 end if; 41 end process; 42 43 sele_DR_proc: process(sel_memdata,data_read,result) 44 begin 45 if sel_memdata = '1' then 46 DR_data_out <= data_read; --存储器数据作为写DR的数据 47 else 48 DR_data_out <= result; --运算结果作为写DR的数据 49 end if; 50 end process; 51 52 end behav; 53 54 55
1 library ieee; 2 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 3 4 package exp_cpu_components is 5 component reg port 6 (reset: in std_logic; 7 d_input: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 8 clk: in std_logic; 9 write: in std_logic; 10 sel: in std_logic; 11 q_output: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) 12 ); 13 end component; 14 15 component mux_4_to_1 port 16 ( 17 input0, 18 input1, 19 input2, 20 input3: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 21 sel: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); 22 out_put: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) 23 ); 24 end component; 25 26 component decoder_2_to_4 port 27 ( 28 sel: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); 29 sel00: out std_logic; 30 sel01: out std_logic; 31 sel02: out std_logic; 32 sel03: out std_logic 33 ); 34 end component; 35 36 component regfile Port 37 (DR: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); 38 SR: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); 39 reset: in std_logic; 40 write: in std_logic; 41 clk: in std_logic; 42 d_input: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 43 change_z: in std_logic; 44 change_c: in std_logic; 45 c_in: in std_logic; 46 z_in: in std_logic; 47 R0,R1,R2,R3: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 48 output_DR: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 49 output_SR: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 50 c_out: out std_logic; 51 z_out: out std_logic 52 ); 53 end component; 54 55 component instru_fetch port 56 ( 57 reset,clk: in std_logic; 58 data_read: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --存储器读出的数 59 lj_instruct: in std_logic; --长转移指令 60 DW_intruct: in std_logic; --双字指令 61 c_z_j_flag: in std_logic; --为1时进行条件转移 62 sjmp_addr: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --条件转移指令的转移地址 63 t1,t2,t3: buffer std_logic; 64 pc: buffer std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 65 pc_inc: buffer std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 66 IR: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) 67 ); 68 end component; 69 70 component decoder_unit port 71 (IR: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 72 SR: out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); 73 DR: out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); 74 op_code: out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); 75 zj_instruct: out std_logic; 76 cj_instruct: out std_logic; 77 lj_instruct: out std_logic; 78 DRWr: buffer std_logic; --为1时写DR寄存器 79 Mem_Write: out std_logic; 80 DW_intruct: buffer std_logic; 81 change_z: out std_logic; 82 change_c: out std_logic; 83 sel_memdata: out std_logic; --为1时存储器的读出数据作为写入DR的数据 84 r_sjmp_addr: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) --相对转移地址 85 ); 86 end component; 87 88 component exe_unit port 89 (t1: in std_logic; 90 op_code: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); 91 zj_instruct: in std_logic; 92 cj_instruct: in std_logic; 93 pc: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 94 pc_inc: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 95 c_in: in std_logic; --以前指令产生的进位C 96 z_in: in std_logic; --以前指令产生的Z 97 Mem_Write: in std_logic; --为1时,写存储器 98 c_tmp: out std_logic; 99 z_tmp: out std_logic; 100 c_z_j_flag: out std_logic; --为1时进行条件转移 101 r_sjmp_addr: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --相对转移地址 102 DW_intruct : in std_logic; 103 sjmp_addr: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --条件转移指令的转移地址 104 SR_data: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 105 DR_data: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 106 Mem_Addr: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 107 result: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) --运算结果 108 ); 109 end component; 110 111 component memory_unit port 112 (reset: in std_logic; 113 clk,t3: in std_logic; 114 Mem_addr: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 115 Mem_Write: in std_logic; 116 sel_memdata: in std_logic; --为1时存储器的读出数据作为写入DR的数据 117 SR_data: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --写存储器的数据 118 result: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --运算结果 119 rw: out std_logic; 120 ob: inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 121 ar:out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); 122 data_read: buffer std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --从存储器读出的指令或者数据 123 DR_data_out: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) --写入DR的数据 124 ); 125 end component; 126 end exp_cpu_components;
7、顶层设计实体 (exp_cpu)
--实验6.13——实验CPU:CPU调试 library ieee, my_lib; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use my_lib.exp_cpu_components.all; entity exp_cpu is port ( clk: in std_logic; --//系统时钟 reset: in std_logic; --//系统复位信号 reg_sel: in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); --选择寄存器 reg_content: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --寄存器输出 c_flag: out std_logic; z_flag: out std_logic; WE: out std_logic; --//读写内存控制信号 AR: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --//读写内存地址 OB: inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) --//外部总线 ); end exp_cpu; architecture behav of exp_cpu is --instru_fetch out signal t1,t2,t3: std_logic; signal pc,pc_inc,IR: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --decoder_unit out signal SR,DR: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal op_code: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); signal zj_instruct,cj_instruct,lj_instruct: std_logic; signal DRWr,Mem_Write,DW_intruct,change_z: std_logic; signal change_c,sel_memdata: std_logic; signal r_sjmp_addr: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --exe_unit out signal c_tmp,z_tmp,c_z_j_flag: std_logic; signal Mem_Addr,result,sjmp_addr: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --memory out signal data_read,DR_data_out: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --regfile out signal R0,R1,R2,R3: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal output_DR,output_SR: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal c_out,z_out: std_logic; begin c_flag <= c_out; z_flag <= z_out; TEST_OUT: process(reg_sel) --被测信号以寄存器内容输出 begin case reg_sel is when "000000" => reg_content <= R0; when "000001" => reg_content <= R1; when "000010" => reg_content <= R2; when "000011" => reg_content <= R3; when "000100" => reg_content <= "0000000" & t3 & "000" & t2 & "000" & t1; when "111110" => reg_content <= pc; when "111111" => reg_content <= IR; when others => reg_content <= x"0000"; end case; end process; --reg_content <= R0; --实际测试中是用这句话代替了上边的进程,也就是说默认选择R0作为要输出显示的寄存器 G_INSTRU_FETCH: instru_fetch port map (reset => reset, clk => clk, data_read => data_read, --存储器读出的数 lj_instruct => lj_instruct, --来自decoder的长转移指令标志 DW_intruct => DW_intruct, --来自decoder的双字指令标志 c_z_j_flag => c_z_j_flag, --为1时进行条件转移,来自EXE sjmp_addr => sjmp_addr, --条件转移指令的转移地址,来自EXE t1 => t1, t2 => t2, t3 => t3, pc => pc, pc_inc => pc_inc, IR => IR ); G_DECODER: decoder_unit port map (IR => IR, --来自instru_fetch SR => SR, --源寄存器号 DR => DR, --目的寄存器号 op_code => op_code, --ALU运算的操作码 zj_instruct => zj_instruct, --为1时是如果Z=0则转移指令 cj_instruct => cj_instruct, --为1时是如果C=0则转移指令 lj_instruct => lj_instruct, --为1时是无条件长转移指令 DRWr => DRWr, --为1时在t3下降沿写DR寄存器,送往regfile Mem_Write => Mem_Write, --为1时对存储器进行写操作。 DW_intruct => DW_intruct, --为1时是双字指令 change_z => change_z, --为1时在t3下降沿根据指令执行结果置Z标志 change_c => change_c, --为1时在t3下降沿根据指令执行结果置Z标志 sel_memdata => sel_memdata, --为1时存储器的读出数据作为写入DR的数据 r_sjmp_addr => r_sjmp_addr --相对转移地址 ); G_EXE: exe_unit port map ( t1 => t1, op_code => op_code, --ALU运算的操作码,来自decoder zj_instruct => zj_instruct, --为1时是如果Z=1则转移指令,来自decoder cj_instruct => cj_instruct, --为1时是如果C=1则转移指令,来自decoder pc => pc, --来自instru_fetch pc_inc => pc_inc, --来自instru_fetch c_in => c_out,--以前指令产生的进位C,来自regfile z_in => z_out, --以前指令产生的Z,来自regfile Mem_Write => Mem_Write, --存储器写,来自decoder_unit c_tmp => c_tmp, --本条指令产生的Z标志送往regfile z_tmp => z_tmp, --本条指令产生的Z标志送往regfile c_z_j_flag => c_z_j_flag, --为1时进行条件转移,送往instru_fetch r_sjmp_addr => r_sjmp_addr, --相对转移地址,来自decoder DW_intruct => DW_intruct, --双字指令标志,来自decoder,送往 sjmp_addr => sjmp_addr,--条件转移指令的转移地址instru_fetch SR_data => output_SR, --SR寄存器值,来自regfile DR_data => output_DR, --SR寄存器值,来自regfile Mem_Addr => Mem_Addr, --存储器地址,送往memory result => result --运算结果,送往regfile ); G_MEMORY: memory_unit port map (reset => reset, clk => clk, t3 => t3, Mem_addr => Mem_addr, --存储器地址,来自exe_unit Mem_Write => Mem_Write, --存储器写,来自decoder_unit sel_memdata => sel_memdata, --为1时存储器的读出数据作为写入DR的数据,来自decoder SR_data => output_SR,--写存储器的数据,来自regfile result => result, --运算结果,来自exe_unit rw => WE, --存储器读写信号,送往芯片外部 ob => ob, --存储器数据总线,和芯片外部存储器数据总线连接 ar => AR, --存储器地址,送往芯片外部和存储器地址总线连接 data_read => data_read, --从存储器读出的指令,送往instru_fetch DR_data_out => DR_data_out --写入DR的数据,送往regfile ); G_REGFILE: regfile port map (DR => DR, --DR寄存器号,来自decoder SR => SR, --SR寄存器号,来自decoder reset => reset, write => DRWr, --寄存器写控制信号,来自decoder clk => t3, --寄存器写入脉冲,来自instru_fetch,下降沿写入 d_input => DR_data_out, --写入寄存器的数据,来自memory change_z => change_z, --为1时在t4下降沿根据Z_tmp置Z标志,来自decoder change_c => change_c, --为1时在t4下降沿根据C_tmp置C标志,来自decoder c_in => c_tmp, --本条指令得到的c,来自decoder z_in => z_tmp, --本条指令得到的c,来自decoder R0 => R0, R1 => R1, R2 => R2, R3 => R3, output_DR => output_DR, --DR寄存器内容,送往exe和memory output_SR => output_SR, --SR寄存器内容,送往exe c_out => c_out, --C标志,送往exe和exp z_out => z_out --Z标志,送往exe和exp ); end behav;
movrd r0,#2
movrd r0,#8
movrd r0,#6