• 【Vegas原创】docker安装apache

    1, docker下载apache

    [root@it-1c2d webnav]# docker search apache
    NAME                               DESCRIPTION                                     STARS     OFFICIAL   AUTOMATED
    httpd                              The Apache HTTP Server Project                  3711      [OK]       
    tomcat                             Apache Tomcat is an open source implementati…   3149      [OK]       
    cassandra                          Apache Cassandra is an open-source distribut…   1320      [OK]       
    maven                              Apache Maven is a software project managemen…   1269      [OK]       
    solr                               Solr is the popular, blazing-fast, open sour…   862       [OK]       
    apache/airflow                     Apache Airflow                                  291                  
    apache/nifi                        Unofficial convenience binaries and Docker i…   227                  [OK]
    apache/zeppelin                    Apache Zeppelin                                 150                  [OK]
    eboraas/apache-php                 PHP on Apache (with SSL/TLS support), built …   144                  [OK]
    eboraas/apache                     Apache (with SSL/TLS support), built on Debi…   92                   [OK]
    apacheignite/ignite                Apache Ignite - Distributed Database            78                   [OK]
    apache/superset                    Apache Superset                                 73                   
    apachepulsar/pulsar                Apache Pulsar - Distributed pub/sub messagin…   49                   
    apache/nifi-registry               Unofficial convenience binaries for Apache N…   30                   
    antage/apache2-php5                Docker image for running Apache 2.x with PHP…   24                   [OK]
    apache/nutch                       Apache Nutch                                    23                   [OK]
    webdevops/apache                   Apache container                                15                   [OK]
    apache/tika                        Apache Tika Server - the content analysis to…   9                    
    newdeveloper/apache-php            apache-php7.2                                   8                    
    newdeveloper/apache-php-composer   apache-php-composer                             7                    
    lephare/apache                     Apache container                                6                    [OK]
    apache/fineract                    Apache Fineract                                 6                    
    secoresearch/apache-varnish        Apache+PHP+Varnish5.0                           2                    [OK]
    jelastic/apachephp                 An image of the Apache PHP application serve…   1                    
    apache/arrow-dev                   Apache Arrow convenience images for developm…   1                    
    [root@it-1c2d webnav]# docker pull httpd
    Using default tag: latest
    latest: Pulling from library/httpd
    07aded7c29c6: Pull complete 
    05bb40c8f148: Pull complete 
    0827b74117da: Pull complete 
    197d463eb419: Pull complete 
    a6714064df9a: Pull complete 
    Digest: sha256:73d23836348e4cb69d4312abcbd7d951532c935c62d8780ebd25434138794a57
    Status: Downloaded newer image for httpd:latest
    [root@it-1c2d webnav]# docker images
    REPOSITORY                                                                    TAG        IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
    httpd                                                                         latest     be1298ceb0ad   3 days ago      138MB

    2,docker run

    [root@it-1c2d ~]# docker run --name httpd -p 8081:80 -v /ZT/webnav/:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs -d httpd


    apache默认为80端口,所以如果,如果,如果需要改80端口为其他端口,切记!!!一定要映射80,不要乱映射其他的端口 。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/amadeuslee/p/15393605.html
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