- <?php
- if(!defined('IN_DISCUZ')) {
- exit('Access Denied');
- }
- require_once libfile('function/home');
- function deletemember($uids, $delpost = true) {
- if(!$uids) {
- return;
- }
- require_once libfile('function/sec');
- updateMemberOperate($uids, 2);
- if($delpost) {
- deleteattach($uids, 'uid');
- deletepost($uids, 'authorid');
- }
- require_once libfile('function/forum');
- foreach($uids as $uid) {
- my_thread_log('deluser', array('uid' => $uid));
- }
- $uids = dimplode($uids);
- $numdeleted = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".DB::table('common_member')." WHERE uid IN ($uids)");
- foreach(array('common_member_field_forum', 'common_member_field_home', 'common_member_count', 'common_member_log', 'common_member_profile',
- 'common_member_verify', 'common_member_verify_info', 'common_member_status', 'common_member_validate', 'common_member_magic',
- 'forum_access', 'forum_moderator', 'common_member_action_log') as $table) {
- DB::delete($table, "uid IN ($uids)");
- }
- $doids = array();
- $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table('home_doing')." WHERE uid IN ($uids)");
- while($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
- $doids[$value['doid']] = $value['doid'];
- }
- $delsql = !empty($doids) ? "doid IN (".dimplode($doids).") OR " : "";
- DB::delete('home_docomment', "$delsql uid IN ($uids)");
- DB::delete('common_domain', "id IN ($uids) AND idtype='home'");
- DB::delete('home_feed', "uid IN ($uids) OR (id IN ($uids) AND idtype='uid')");
- DB::delete('home_notification', "uid IN ($uids) OR authorid IN ($uids)");
- DB::delete('home_poke', "uid IN ($uids) OR fromuid IN ($uids)");
- DB::delete('home_comment', "(uid IN ($uids) OR authorid IN ($uids) OR (id IN ($uids) AND idtype='uid'))");
- DB::delete('home_visitor', "uid IN ($uids) OR vuid IN ($uids)");
- DB::delete('home_friend', "uid IN ($uids) OR fuid IN ($uids)");
- DB::delete('home_friend_request', "uid IN ($uids) OR fuid IN ($uids)");
- DB::delete('common_invite', "uid IN ($uids) OR fuid IN ($uids)");
- DB::delete('common_myinvite', "touid IN ($uids) OR fromuid IN ($uids)");
- DB::delete('common_moderate', "id IN (".$uids.") AND idtype='uid_cid'");
- $query = DB::query("SELECT filepath, thumb, remote FROM ".DB::table('home_pic')." WHERE uid IN ($uids)");
- while($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
- $pics[] = $value;
- }
- deletepicfiles($pics);
- include_once libfile('function/home');
- $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table('home_album')." WHERE uid IN ($uids)");
- while($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
- pic_delete($value['pic'], 'album', 0, ($value['picflag'] == 2 ? 1 : 0));
- }
- DB::query("DELETE FROM ".DB::table('common_mailcron').", ".DB::table('common_mailqueue')." USING ".DB::table('common_mailcron').", ".DB::table('common_mailqueue')." WHERE ".DB::table('common_mailcron').".touid IN ($uids) AND ".DB::table('common_mailcron').".cid=".DB::table('common_mailqueue').".cid", 'UNBUFFERED');
- foreach(array('home_doing', 'home_share', 'home_album', 'common_credit_rule_log', 'common_credit_rule_log_field',
- 'home_pic', 'home_blog', 'home_blogfield', 'home_class', 'home_clickuser',
- 'home_userapp', 'home_userappfield', 'home_show', 'common_member') as $table) {
- DB::delete($table, "uid IN ($uids)");
- }
- manyoulog('user', $uids, 'delete');
- return $numdeleted;
- }
- function deletepost($ids, $idtype = 'pid', $credit = false, $posttableid = false, $recycle = false) {
- global $_G;
- $recycle = $recycle && $idtype == 'pid' ? true : false;
- if($_G['setting']['plugins'][HOOKTYPE.'_deletepost']) {
- $_G['deletepostids'] = & $ids;
- $hookparam = func_get_args();
- hookscript('deletepost', 'global', 'funcs', array('param' => $hookparam, 'step' => 'check'), 'deletepost');
- }
- if(!$ids || !in_array($idtype, array('authorid', 'tid', 'pid'))) {
- return 0;
- }
- loadcache('posttableids');
- $posttableids = !empty($_G['cache']['posttableids']) ? ($posttableid !== false && in_array($posttableid, $_G['cache']['posttableids']) ? array($posttableid) : $_G['cache']['posttableids']): array('0');
- if($idtype == 'pid') {
- require_once libfile('function/forum');
- foreach($ids as $pid) {
- my_post_log('delete', array('pid' => $pid));
- }
- }
- $count = count($ids);
- $idsstr = dimplode($ids);
- if($credit) {
- $tuidarray = $ruidarray = array();
- foreach($posttableids as $id) {
- $query = DB::query('SELECT tid, pid, first, authorid, replycredit, invisible FROM '.DB::table(getposttable($id))." WHERE $idtype IN ($idsstr)");
- while($post = DB::fetch($query)) {
- if($post['invisible'] != -1 && $post['invisible'] != -5) {
- if($post['first']) {
- $tuidarray[$post['fid']][] = $post['authorid'];
- } else {
- $ruidarray[$post['fid']][] = $post['authorid'];
- if($post['authorid'] > 0 && $post['replycredit'] > 0) {
- $replycredit_list[$post['authorid']][$post['tid']] += $post['replycredit'];
- }
- }
- $tids[] = $post['tid'];
- }
- }
- }
- if($tuidarray || $ruidarray) {
- require_once libfile('function/post');
- }
- if($tuidarray) {
- foreach($tuidarray as $fid => $tuids) {
- updatepostcredits('-', $tuids, 'post', $fid);
- }
- }
- if($ruidarray) {
- foreach($ruidarray as $fid => $ruids) {
- updatepostcredits('-', $ruids, 'reply', $fid);
- }
- }
- }
- foreach($posttableids as $id) {
- if($recycle) {
- DB::query("UPDATE ".DB::table(getposttable($id))." SET invisible='-5' WHERE pid IN ($idsstr)");
- } else {
- foreach(array(getposttable($id), 'forum_postcomment') as $table) {
- DB::delete($table, "$idtype IN ($idsstr)");
- }
- DB::delete('forum_trade', ($idtype == 'authorid' ? 'sellerid' : $idtype)." IN ($idsstr)");
- DB::delete('home_feed', "id IN ($idsstr) AND idtype='".($idtype == 'authorid' ? 'uid' : $idtype)."'");
- }
- }
- if(!$recycle && $idtype != 'authorid') {
- foreach(array('forum_postposition', 'forum_poststick') as $table) {
- DB::delete($table, "$idtype IN ($idsstr)");
- }
- }
- if($idtype == 'pid') {
- DB::delete('forum_postcomment', "rpid IN ($idsstr)");
- DB::delete('common_moderate', "id IN ($idsstr) AND idtype='pid'");
- }
- if($replycredit_list) {
- $query = DB::query("SELECT tid, extcreditstype FROM ".DB::table('forum_replycredit')." WHERE tid IN (".dimplode($tids).")");
- while($rule = DB::fetch($query)) {
- $rule['extcreditstype'] = $rule['extcreditstype'] ? $rule['extcreditstype'] : $_G['setting']['creditstransextra'][10] ;
- $replycredity_rule[$rule['tid']] = $rule;
- }
- foreach($replycredit_list AS $uid => $tid_credit) {
- foreach($tid_credit AS $tid => $credit) {
- $uid_credit[$replycredity_rule[$tid]['extcreditstype']] -= $credit;
- }
- updatemembercount($uid, $uid_credit, true);
- }
- }
- if(!$recycle) {
- deleteattach($ids, $idtype);
- }
- if($_G['setting']['plugins'][HOOKTYPE.'_deletepost']) {
- hookscript('deletepost', 'global', 'funcs', array('param' => $hookparam, 'step' => 'delete'), 'deletepost');
- }
- return $count;
- }
- function deletethreadcover($tids) {
- global $_G;
- loadcache(array('threadtableids', 'posttableids'));
- $threadtableids = !empty($_G['cache']['threadtableids']) ? $_G['cache']['threadtableids'] : array(0);
- $deletecover = array();
- foreach($threadtableids as $tableid) {
- if(!$tableid) {
- $threadtable = "forum_thread";
- } else {
- $threadtable = "forum_thread_$tableid";
- }
- $query = DB::query("SELECT cover, tid FROM ".DB::table($threadtable)." WHERE tid IN ($tids)");
- while($row = DB::fetch($query)) {
- if($row['cover']) {
- $deletecover[$row['tid']] = $row['cover'];
- }
- }
- }
- if($deletecover) {
- foreach($deletecover as $tid => $cover) {
- $filename = getthreadcover($tid, 0, 1);
- $remote = $cover < 0 ? 1 : 0;
- dunlink(array('attachment' => $filename, 'remote' => $remote, 'thumb' => 0));
- }
- }
- }
- function deletethread($tids, $membercount = false, $credit = false, $ponly = false) {
- global $_G;
- if($_G['setting']['plugins'][HOOKTYPE.'_deletethread']) {
- $_G['deletethreadtids'] = & $tids;
- $hookparam = func_get_args();
- hookscript('deletethread', 'global', 'funcs', array('param' => $hookparam, 'step' => 'check'), 'deletethread');
- }
- if(!$tids) {
- return 0;
- }
- require_once libfile('function/forum');
- foreach($tids as $tid) {
- my_post_log('delete', array('tid' => $tid));
- }
- $count = count($tids);
- $tids = dimplode($tids);
- loadcache(array('threadtableids', 'posttableids'));
- $threadtableids = !empty($_G['cache']['threadtableids']) ? $_G['cache']['threadtableids'] : array();
- $posttableids = !empty($_G['cache']['posttableids']) ? $_G['cache']['posttableids'] : array('0');
- if(!in_array(0, $threadtableids)) {
- $threadtableids = array_merge(array(0), $threadtableids);
- }
- DB::delete('common_moderate', "id IN ($tids) AND idtype='tid'");
- $atids = $fids = $postids = $threadtables = array();
- foreach($threadtableids as $tableid) {
- $threadtable = !$tableid ? "forum_thread" : "forum_thread_$tableid";
- $query = DB::query("SELECT cover, tid, fid, posttableid FROM ".DB::table($threadtable)." WHERE tid IN ($tids)");
- while($row = DB::fetch($query)) {
- $atids[] = $row['tid'];
- $row['posttableid'] = !empty($row['posttableid']) && in_array($row['posttableid'], $posttableids) ? $row['posttableid'] : '0';
- $postids[$row['posttableid']][$row['tid']] = $row['tid'];
- if($tableid) {
- $fids[$row['fid']][] = $tableid;
- }
- }
- if(!$tableid && !$ponly) {
- $threadtables[] = $threadtable;
- }
- }
- if($credit || $membercount) {
- $losslessdel = $_G['setting']['losslessdel'] > 0 ? TIMESTAMP - $_G['setting']['losslessdel'] * 86400 : 0;
- $postlist = $uidarray = $tuidarray = $ruidarray = array();
- foreach($postids as $posttableid => $posttabletids) {
- $query = DB::query('SELECT tid, first, authorid, dateline, replycredit, invisible FROM '.DB::table(getposttable($posttableid)).' WHERE tid IN ('.dimplode($posttabletids).')');
- while($post = DB::fetch($query)) {
- if($post['invisible'] != -1 && $post['invisible'] != -5) {
- $postlist[] = $post;
- }
- }
- }
- $query = DB::query("SELECT tid, extcreditstype FROM ".DB::table('forum_replycredit')." WHERE tid IN ($tids)");
- while($rule = DB::fetch($query)) {
- $rule['extcreditstype'] = $rule['extcreditstype'] ? $rule['extcreditstype'] : $_G['setting']['creditstransextra'][10] ;
- $replycredit_rule[$rule['tid']] = $rule;
- }
- foreach($postlist as $post) {
- if($post['dateline'] < $losslessdel) {
- if($membercount) {
- if($post['first']) {
- updatemembercount($post['authorid'], array('threads' => -1, 'post' => -1), false);
- } else {
- updatemembercount($post['authorid'], array('posts' => -1), false);
- }
- }
- } else {
- if($credit) {
- if($post['first']) {
- $tuidarray[$post['fid']][] = $post['authorid'];
- } else {
- $ruidarray[$post['fid']][] = $post['authorid'];
- }
- }
- }
- if($credit || $membercount) {
- if($post['authorid'] > 0 && $post['replycredit'] > 0) {
- if($replycredit_rule[$post['tid']]['extcreditstype']) {
- updatemembercount($post['authorid'], array($replycredit_rule[$post['tid']]['extcreditstype'] => (int)('-'.$post['replycredit'])));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if($credit) {
- if($tuidarray || $ruidarray) {
- require_once libfile('function/post');
- }
- if($tuidarray) {
- foreach($tuidarray as $fid => $tuids) {
- updatepostcredits('-', $tuids, 'post', $fid);
- }
- }
- if($ruidarray) {
- foreach($ruidarray as $fid => $ruids) {
- updatepostcredits('-', $ruids, 'reply', $fid);
- }
- }
- $auidarray = $attachtables = array();
- foreach($atids as $tid) {
- $attachtables[getattachtablebytid($tid)][] = $tid;
- }
- foreach($attachtables as $attachtable => $attachtids) {
- $query = DB::query("SELECT uid, dateline FROM ".DB::table($attachtable)." WHERE tid IN (".dimplode($attachtids).")");
- while($attach = DB::fetch($query)) {
- if($attach['dateline'] > $losslessdel) {
- $auidarray[$attach['uid']] = !empty($auidarray[$attach['uid']]) ? $auidarray[$attach['uid']] + 1 : 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if($auidarray) {
- $postattachcredits = !empty($_G['forum']['postattachcredits']) ? $_G['forum']['postattachcredits'] : $_G['setting']['creditspolicy']['postattach'];
- updateattachcredits('-', $auidarray, $postattachcredits);
- }
- }
- }
- if($ponly) {
- if($_G['setting']['plugins'][HOOKTYPE.'_deletethread']) {
- hookscript('deletethread', 'global', 'funcs', array('param' => $hookparam, 'step' => 'delete'), 'deletethread');
- }
- DB::query("UPDATE ".DB::table('forum_thread')." SET displayorder='-1', digest='0', moderated='1' WHERE tid IN ($tids)");
- foreach($postids as $posttableid=>$oneposttids) {
- updatepost(array('invisible' => '-1'), "tid IN ($tids)");
- }
- return $count;
- }
- DB::delete('forum_replycredit', "tid IN ($tids)");
- DB::delete('common_credit_log', "operation IN ('RCT', 'RCA', 'RCB') AND relatedid IN ($tids)");
- deletethreadcover($tids);
- foreach($threadtables as $threadtable) {
- DB::delete($threadtable, "tid IN ($tids)");
- }
- if($atids) {
- foreach($postids as $posttableid=>$oneposttids) {
- deletepost($oneposttids, 'tid', false, $posttableid);
- }
- deleteattach($atids, 'tid');
- }
- if($fids) {
- foreach($fids as $fid => $tableids) {
- $tableids = array_unique($tableids);
- foreach($tableids as $tableid) {
- $query = DB::query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS threads, SUM(replies)+COUNT(*) AS posts FROM ".DB::table("forum_thread_$tableid")." WHERE fid='$fid'");
- while($row = DB::fetch($query)) {
- DB::insert('forum_forum_threadtable', array('fid' => $fid, 'threadtableid' => $tableid, 'threads' => intval($row['threads']), 'posts' => intval($row['posts'])), false, true);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- foreach(array('forum_forumrecommend', 'forum_polloption', 'forum_poll', 'forum_activity', 'forum_activityapply', 'forum_debate',
- 'forum_debatepost', 'forum_threadmod', 'forum_relatedthread', 'forum_typeoptionvar',
- 'forum_postposition', 'forum_poststick', 'forum_pollvoter', 'forum_threadimage') as $table) {
- DB::delete($table, "tid IN ($tids)");
- }
- DB::query("DELETE FROM ".DB::table('home_feed')." WHERE id IN ($tids) AND idtype='tid'", 'UNBUFFERED');
- DB::query("DELETE FROM ".DB::table('common_tagitem')." WHERE idtype='tid' AND itemid IN ($tids)", 'UNBUFFERED');
- DB::query("DELETE FROM ".DB::table('forum_threadrush')." WHERE tid IN ($tids)", 'UNBUFFERED');
- if($_G['setting']['plugins'][HOOKTYPE.'_deletethread']) {
- hookscript('deletethread', 'global', 'funcs', array('param' => $hookparam, 'step' => 'delete'), 'deletethread');
- }
- return $count;
- }
- function deleteattach($ids, $idtype = 'aid') {
- global $_G;
- if(!$ids || !in_array($idtype, array('authorid', 'uid', 'tid', 'pid'))) {
- return;
- }
- $idtype = $idtype == 'authorid' ? 'uid' : $idtype;
- $ids = dimplode($ids);
- $pics = $attachtables = array();
- $query = DB::query("SELECT aid, tableid FROM ".DB::table('forum_attachment')." WHERE $idtype IN ($ids) AND pid>0");
- while($attach = DB::fetch($query)) {
- $attachtables[$attach['tableid']][] = $attach['aid'];
- }
- foreach($attachtables as $attachtable => $aids) {
- if($attachtable == 127) {
- continue;
- }
- $attachtable = 'forum_attachment_'.$attachtable;
- $aids = dimplode($aids);
- $query = DB::query("SELECT attachment, thumb, remote, aid, picid FROM ".DB::table($attachtable)." WHERE aid IN ($aids) AND pid>0");
- while($attach = DB::fetch($query)) {
- if($attach['picid']) {
- $pics[] = $attach['picid'];
- }
- dunlink($attach);
- }
- DB::delete($attachtable, "aid IN ($aids) AND pid>0");
- }
- DB::delete('forum_attachment', "$idtype IN ($ids) AND pid>0");
- if($pics) {
- $albumids = array();
- $query = DB::query("SELECT albumid FROM ".DB::table('home_pic')." WHERE picid IN (".dimplode($pics).") GROUP BY albumid");
- DB::delete('home_pic', 'picid IN ('.dimplode($pics).')', 0);
- while($album = DB::fetch($query)) {
- DB::update('home_album', array('picnum' => getcount('home_pic', array('albumid' => $album['albumid']))), array('albumid' => $album['albumid']));
- }
- }
- }
- function deletecomments($cids) {
- global $_G;
- $deltypes = $blognums = $newcids = $dels = $counts = array();
- $allowmanage = checkperm('managecomment');
- $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table('home_comment')." WHERE cid IN (".dimplode($cids).")");
- while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
- if($allowmanage || $value['authorid'] == $_G['uid'] || $value['uid'] == $_G['uid']) {
- $dels[] = $value;
- $newcids[] = $value['cid'];
- $deltypes[$value['idtype']] = $value['idtype'].'_cid';
- if($value['authorid'] != $_G['uid'] && $value['uid'] != $_G['uid']) {
- $counts[$value['authorid']]['coef'] -= 1;
- }
- if($value['idtype'] == 'blogid') {
- $blognums[$value['id']]++;
- }
- }
- }
- if(empty($dels)) return array();
- DB::delete('home_comment', "cid IN (".dimplode($newcids).")");
- DB::delete('common_moderate', "id IN (".dimplode($newcids).") AND idtype IN(".dimplode($deltypes).")");
- if($counts) {
- foreach ($counts as $uid => $setarr) {
- batchupdatecredit('comment', $uid, array(), $setarr['coef']);
- }
- }
- if($blognums) {
- $nums = renum($blognums);
- foreach ($nums[0] as $num) {
- DB::query("UPDATE ".DB::table('home_blog')." SET replynum=replynum-$num WHERE blogid IN (".dimplode($nums[1][$num]).")");
- }
- }
- return $dels;
- }
- function deleteblogs($blogids) {
- global $_G;
- $blogs = $newblogids = $counts = array();
- $allowmanage = checkperm('manageblog');
- $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table('home_blog')." WHERE blogid IN (".dimplode($blogids).")");
- while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
- if($allowmanage || $value['uid'] == $_G['uid']) {
- $blogs[] = $value;
- $newblogids[] = $value['blogid'];
- if($value['uid'] != $_G['uid']) {
- $counts[$value['uid']]['coef'] -= 1;
- }
- $counts[$value['uid']]['blogs'] -= 1;
- }
- }
- if(empty($blogs)) return array();
- DB::delete('home_blog', "blogid IN (".dimplode($newblogids).")");
- DB::delete('home_blogfield', "blogid IN (".dimplode($newblogids).")");
- DB::delete('home_comment', "id IN (".dimplode($newblogids).") AND idtype='blogid'");
- DB::delete('home_feed', "id IN (".dimplode($newblogids).") AND idtype='blogid'");
- DB::delete('home_clickuser', "id IN (".dimplode($newblogids).") AND idtype='blogid'");
- DB::delete('common_moderate', "id IN (".dimplode($newblogids).") AND idtype='blogid'");
- DB::delete('common_moderate', "id IN (".dimplode($newblogids).") AND idtype='blogid_cid'");
- if($counts) {
- foreach ($counts as $uid => $setarr) {
- batchupdatecredit('publishblog', $uid, array('blogs' => $setarr['blogs']), $setarr['coef']);
- }
- }
- DB::query("DELETE FROM ".DB::table('common_tagitem')." WHERE idtype='blogid' AND itemid IN (".dimplode($newblogids).")");
- return $blogs;
- }
- function deletefeeds($feedids) {
- global $_G;
- $allowmanage = checkperm('managefeed');
- $feeds = $newfeedids = array();
- $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table('home_feed')." WHERE feedid IN (".dimplode($feedids).")");
- while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
- if($allowmanage || $value['uid'] == $_G['uid']) {
- $newfeedids[] = $value['feedid'];
- $feeds[] = $value;
- }
- }
- if(empty($newfeedids)) return array();
- DB::query("DELETE FROM ".DB::table('home_feed')." WHERE feedid IN (".dimplode($newfeedids).")");
- return $feeds;
- }
- function deleteshares($sids) {
- global $_G;
- $allowmanage = checkperm('manageshare');
- $shares = $newsids = $counts = array();
- $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table('home_share')." WHERE sid IN (".dimplode($sids).")");
- while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
- if($allowmanage || $value['uid'] == $_G['uid']) {
- $shares[] = $value;
- $newsids[] = $value['sid'];
- if($value['uid'] != $_G['uid']) {
- $counts[$value['uid']]['coef'] -= 1;
- }
- $counts[$value['uid']]['sharings'] -= 1;
- }
- }
- if(empty($shares)) return array();
- DB::delete('home_share', "sid IN (".dimplode($newsids).")");
- DB::delete('home_comment', "id IN (".dimplode($newsids).") AND idtype='sid'");
- DB::delete('home_feed', "id IN (".dimplode($newsids).") AND idtype='sid'");
- DB::delete('common_moderate', "id IN (".dimplode($newsids).") AND idtype='sid'");
- DB::delete('common_moderate', "id IN (".dimplode($newsids).") AND idtype='sid_cid'");
- if($counts) {
- foreach ($counts as $uid => $setarr) {
- batchupdatecredit('createshare', $uid, array('sharings' => $setarr['sharings']), $setarr['coef']);
- }
- }
- return $shares;
- }
- function deletedoings($ids) {
- global $_G;
- $allowmanage = checkperm('managedoing');
- $doings = $newdoids = $counts = array();
- $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table('home_doing')." WHERE doid IN (".dimplode($ids).")");
- while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
- if($allowmanage || $value['uid'] == $_G['uid']) {
- $doings[] = $value;
- $newdoids[] = $value['doid'];
- if($value['uid'] != $_G['uid']) {
- $counts[$value['uid']]['coef'] -= 1;
- }
- $counts[$value['uid']]['doings'] -= 1;
- }
- }
- if(empty($doings)) return array();
- DB::delete('home_doing', "doid IN (".dimplode($newdoids).")");
- DB::delete('home_docomment', "doid IN (".dimplode($newdoids).")");
- DB::delete('home_feed', "id IN (".dimplode($newdoids).") AND idtype='doid'");
- DB::delete('common_moderate', "id IN (".dimplode($newdoids).") AND idtype='doid'");
- if($counts) {
- foreach ($counts as $uid => $setarr) {
- batchupdatecredit('doing', $uid, array('doings' => $setarr['doings']), $setarr['coef']);
- }
- }
- return $doings;
- }
- function deletespace($uid) {
- global $_G;
- $allowmanage = checkperm('managedelspace');
- if($allowmanage) {
- DB::query("UPDATE ".DB::table('common_member')." SET status='1' WHERE uid='$uid'");
- manyoulog('user', $uid, 'delete');
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- function deletepics($picids) {
- global $_G;
- $albumids = $sizes = $pics = $newids = array();
- $allowmanage = checkperm('managealbum');
- $haveforumpic = false;
- $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table('home_pic')." WHERE picid IN (".dimplode($picids).")");
- while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
- if($allowmanage || $value['uid'] == $_G['uid']) {
- $pics[] = $value;
- $newids[] = $value['picid'];
- $sizes[$value['uid']] = $sizes[$value['uid']] + $value['size'];
- $albumids[$value['albumid']] = $value['albumid'];
- if(!$haveforumpic && $value['remote'] > 1) {
- $haveforumpic = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if(empty($pics)) return array();
- DB::query("DELETE FROM ".DB::table('home_pic')." WHERE picid IN (".dimplode($newids).")");
- if($haveforumpic) {
- for($i = 0;$i < 10;$i++) {
- DB::query("UPDATE ".DB::table('forum_attachment_'.$i)." SET picid='0' WHERE picid IN (".dimplode($newids).")");
- }
- }
- DB::delete('home_comment', "id IN (".dimplode($newids).") AND idtype='picid'");
- DB::delete('home_feed', "id IN (".dimplode($newids).") AND idtype='picid'");
- DB::delete('home_clickuser', "id IN (".dimplode($newids).") AND idtype='picid'");
- DB::delete('common_moderate', "id IN (".dimplode($newids).") AND idtype='picid'");
- DB::delete('common_moderate', "id IN (".dimplode($newsids).") AND idtype='picid_cid'");
- if($sizes) {
- foreach ($sizes as $uid => $setarr) {
- $attachsize = intval($sizes[$uid]);
- updatemembercount($uid, array('attachsize' => -$attachsize), false);
- }
- }
- require_once libfile('function/spacecp');
- foreach ($albumids as $albumid) {
- if($albumid) {
- album_update_pic($albumid);
- }
- }
- deletepicfiles($pics);
- return $pics;
- }
- function deletepicfiles($pics) {
- global $_G;
- $remotes = array();
- include_once libfile('function/home');
- foreach ($pics as $pic) {
- pic_delete($pic['filepath'], 'album', $pic['thumb'], $pic['remote']);
- }
- }
- function deletealbums($albumids) {
- global $_G;
- $sizes = $dels = $newids = $counts = array();
- $allowmanage = checkperm('managealbum');
- $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table('home_album')." WHERE albumid IN (".dimplode($albumids).")");
- while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
- if($allowmanage || $value['uid'] == $_G['uid']) {
- $dels[] = $value;
- $newids[] = $value['albumid'];
- if(!empty($value['pic'])) {
- include_once libfile('function/home');
- pic_delete($value['pic'], 'album', 0, ($value['picflag'] == 2 ? 1 : 0));
- }
- }
- $counts[$value['uid']]['albums'] -= 1;
- }
- if(empty($dels)) return array();
- $pics = $picids = array();
- $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table('home_pic')." WHERE albumid IN (".dimplode($newids).")");
- while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
- $pics[] = $value;
- $picids[] = $value['picid'];
- $sizes[$value['uid']] = $sizes[$value['uid']] + $value['size'];
- }
- DB::query("DELETE FROM ".DB::table('home_pic')." WHERE albumid IN (".dimplode($newids).")");
- DB::query("DELETE FROM ".DB::table('home_album')." WHERE albumid IN (".dimplode($newids).")");
- DB::query("DELETE FROM ".DB::table('home_feed')." WHERE id IN (".dimplode($newids).") AND idtype='albumid'");
- if($picids) DB::query("DELETE FROM ".DB::table('home_clickuser')." WHERE id IN (".dimplode($picids).") AND idtype='picid'");
- if($sizes) {
- foreach ($sizes as $uid => $value) {
- $attachsize = intval($sizes[$uid]);
- $albumnum = $counts[$uid]['albums'] ? $counts[$uid]['albums'] : 0;
- updatemembercount($uid, array('albums' => $albumnum, 'attachsize' => -$attachsize), false);
- }
- }
- if($pics) {
- deletepicfiles($pics);
- }
- return $dels;
- }
- function deletepolls($pids) {
- global $_G;
- $counts = $polls = $newpids = array();
- $allowmanage = checkperm('managepoll');
- $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table('home_poll')." WHERE pid IN (".dimplode($pids).")");
- while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
- if($allowmanage || $value['uid'] == $_G['uid']) {
- $polls[] = $value;
- $newpids[] = $value['pid'];
- if($value['uid'] != $_G['uid']) {
- $counts[$value['uid']]['coef'] -= 1;
- }
- $counts[$value['uid']]['polls'] -= 1;
- }
- }
- if(empty($polls)) return array();
- DB::query("DELETE FROM ".DB::table('home_poll')." WHERE pid IN (".dimplode($newpids).")");
- DB::query("DELETE FROM ".DB::table('home_pollfield')." WHERE pid IN (".dimplode($newpids).")");
- DB::query("DELETE FROM ".DB::table('home_polloption')." WHERE pid IN (".dimplode($newpids).")");
- DB::query("DELETE FROM ".DB::table('home_polluser')." WHERE pid IN (".dimplode($newpids).")");
- DB::query("DELETE FROM ".DB::table('home_comment')." WHERE id IN (".dimplode($newpids).") AND idtype='pid'");
- DB::query("DELETE FROM ".DB::table('home_feed')." WHERE id IN (".dimplode($newpids).") AND idtype='pid'");
- if($counts) {
- foreach ($counts as $uid => $setarr) {
- batchupdatecredit('createpoll', $uid, array('polls' => $setarr['polls']), $setarr['coef']);
- }
- }
- return $polls;
- }
- function deletetrasharticle($aids) {
- global $_G;
- require_once libfile('function/home');
- $articles = $trashid = $pushs = $dels = array();
- $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table('portal_article_trash')." WHERE aid IN (".dimplode($aids).")");
- while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
- $dels[$value['aid']] = $value['aid'];
- $article = unserialize($value['content']);
- $articles[$article['aid']] = $article;
- if(!empty($article['idtype'])) $pushs[$article['idtype']][] = $article['id'];
- if($article['pic']) {
- pic_delete($article['pic'], 'portal', $article['thumb'], $article['remote']);
- }
- }
- if($dels) {
- DB::query('DELETE FROM '.DB::table('portal_article_trash')." WHERE aid IN(".dimplode($dels).")", 'UNBUFFERED');
- deletearticlepush($pushs);
- deletearticlerelated($dels);
- }
- return $articles;
- }
- function deletearticle($aids, $istrash = true) {
- global $_G;
- if(empty($aids)) return false;
- $trasharr = $article = $bids = $dels = $attachment = $attachaid = $catids = $pushs = array();
- $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table('portal_article_title')." WHERE aid IN (".dimplode($aids).")");
- while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
- $catids[] = intval($value['catid']);
- $dels[$value['aid']] = $value['aid'];
- $article[] = $value;
- if(!empty($value['idtype'])) $pushs[$value['idtype']][] = $value['id'];
- }
- if($dels) {
- foreach($article as $key => $value) {
- if($istrash) {
- $valstr = daddslashes(serialize($value));
- $trasharr[] = "('$value[aid]', '$valstr')";
- } elseif($value['pic']) {
- pic_delete($value['pic'], 'portal', $value['thumb'], $value['remote']);
- $attachaid[] = $value['aid'];
- }
- }
- if($istrash) {
- if($trasharr) {
- DB::query("INSERT INTO ".DB::table('portal_article_trash')." (`aid`, `content`) VALUES ".implode(',', $trasharr));
- }
- } else {
- deletearticlepush($pushs);
- deletearticlerelated($dels);
- }
- DB::delete('portal_article_title', "aid IN(".dimplode($dels).")");
- DB::delete('common_moderate', "id IN (".dimplode($dels).") AND idtype='aid'");
- $catids = array_unique($catids);
- if($catids) {
- foreach($catids as $catid) {
- $cnt = DB::result_first('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '.DB::table('portal_article_title')." WHERE catid = '$catid'");
- DB::update('portal_category', array('articles'=>$cnt), array('catid'=>$catid));
- }
- }
- }
- return $article;
- }
- function deletearticlepush($pushs) {
- if(!empty($pushs) && is_array($pushs)) {
- foreach($pushs as $idtype=> $fromids) {
- switch ($idtype) {
- case 'blogid':
- if(!empty($fromids)) DB::update('home_blogfield',array('pushedaid'=>'0'), 'blogid IN ('.dimplode($fromids).')');
- break;
- case 'tid':
- if(!empty($fromids)) $a = DB::update('forum_thread',array('pushedaid'=>'0'), 'tid IN ('.dimplode($fromids).')');
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function deletearticlerelated($dels) {
- DB::delete('portal_article_count', "aid IN(".dimplode($dels).")");
- DB::delete('portal_article_content', "aid IN(".dimplode($dels).")");
- $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table('portal_attachment')." WHERE aid IN (".dimplode($dels).")");
- while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
- $attachment[] = $value;
- $attachdel[] = $value['attachid'];
- }
- require_once libfile('function/home');
- foreach ($attachment as $value) {
- pic_delete($value['attachment'], 'portal', $value['thumb'], $value['remote']);
- }
- DB::delete('portal_attachment', "aid IN (".dimplode($dels).")");
- DB::delete('portal_comment', "id IN(".dimplode($dels).") AND idtype='aid'");
- DB::delete('common_moderate', "id IN (".dimplode($dels).") AND idtype='aid_cid'");
- DB::delete('portal_article_related', "aid IN(".dimplode($dels).")");
- }
- function deleteportaltopic($dels) {
- if(empty($dels)) return false;
- $targettplname = array();
- foreach ((array)$dels as $key => $value) {
- $targettplname[] = 'portal/portal_topic_content_'.$value;
- }
- DB::delete('common_diy_data', "targettplname IN (".dimplode($targettplname).")", 0, true);
- require_once libfile('class/blockpermission');
- $tplpermission = & template_permission::instance();
- $templates = array();
- $tplpermission->delete_allperm_by_tplname($targettplname);
- deletedomain($dels, 'topic');
- DB::delete('common_template_block', 'targettplname IN ('.dimplode($targettplname).')', 0, true);
- require_once libfile('function/home');
- $picids = array();
- $query = DB::query('SELECT * FROM '.DB::table('portal_topic').' WHERE topicid IN ('.dimplode($dels).')');
- while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
- if($value['picflag'] != '0') pic_delete(str_replace('portal/', '', $value['cover']), 'portal', 0, $value['picflag'] == '2' ? '1' : '0');
- }
- $picids = array();
- $query = DB::query('SELECT * FROM '.DB::table('portal_topic_pic').' WHERE topicid IN ('.dimplode($dels).')');
- while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
- $picids[] = $value['picid'];
- pic_delete($value['filepath'], 'portal', $value['thumb'], $value['remote']);
- }
- if (!empty($picids)) {
- DB::delete('portal_topic_pic', 'picid IN ('.dimplode($picids).')', 0, true);
- }
- foreach ($targettplname as $key => $value) {
- @unlink(DISCUZ_ROOT.'./data/diy/'.$value.'.htm');
- @unlink(DISCUZ_ROOT.'./data/diy/'.$value.'.htm.bak');
- @unlink(DISCUZ_ROOT.'./data/diy/'.$value.'_preview.htm');
- }
- DB::delete('portal_topic', 'topicid IN ('.dimplode($dels).')');
- DB::delete('portal_comment', "id IN(".dimplode($dels).") AND idtype='topicid'");
- DB::delete('common_moderate', "id IN (".dimplode($dels).") AND idtype='topicid_cid'");
- include_once libfile('function/block');
- block_clear();
- include_once libfile('function/cache');
- updatecache('diytemplatename');
- }
- function deletedomain($ids, $idtype) {
- if($ids && $idtype) {
- $ids = !is_array($ids) ? array($ids) : $ids;
- DB::query('DELETE FROM '.DB::table('common_domain')." WHERE id IN(".dimplode($ids).") AND idtype='$idtype'", 'UNBUFFERED');
- }
- }
- ?>
bzoj 1232 [Usaco2008Nov]安慰奶牛cheer
bzoj 1237 [SCOI2008]配对 贪心+dp
Binary GCD algorithm
Binary GCD algorithm
HDU1576 A/B (解法二)【试探法】
HDU1576 A/B (解法二)【试探法】
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