• kafka 的 DelayedProduce

    producer 发送数据到 broker,如果 producer 端设置 acks = -1,同时 broker 侧配置 min.insync.replicas = 2,这时 broker 会创建 DelayedProduce,leader broker 会等待消息复制到其他副本中,或者超时后返回。

       * Append messages to leader replicas of the partition, and wait for them to be replicated to other replicas;
       * the callback function will be triggered either when timeout or the required acks are satisfied;
       * if the callback function itself is already synchronized on some object then pass this object to avoid deadlock.
       * 把消息追加到 leader 副本中,然后等待消息复制到其他副本,当超时或者 required acks 数满足后,会执行回调函数。
      def appendRecords(timeout: Long,
                        requiredAcks: Short,
                        internalTopicsAllowed: Boolean,
                        isFromClient: Boolean,
                        entriesPerPartition: Map[TopicPartition, MemoryRecords],
                        responseCallback: Map[TopicPartition, PartitionResponse] => Unit,
                        delayedProduceLock: Option[Lock] = None,
                        processingStatsCallback: Map[TopicPartition, RecordsProcessingStats] => Unit = _ => ()) {
        // requiredAcks 取值为 -1, 0, 1
        if (isValidRequiredAcks(requiredAcks)) {
          val sTime = time.milliseconds
          // 把数据写入本地文件中
          val localProduceResults = appendToLocalLog(internalTopicsAllowed = internalTopicsAllowed,
            isFromClient = isFromClient, entriesPerPartition, requiredAcks)
          debug("Produce to local log in %d ms".format(time.milliseconds - sTime))
          // 遍历 localProduceResults
          val produceStatus = localProduceResults.map { case (topicPartition, result) =>
            topicPartition ->
                      result.info.lastOffset + 1, // required offset
                      new PartitionResponse(result.error, result.info.firstOffset, result.info.logAppendTime, result.info.logStartOffset)) // response status
          // 可简单认为当 ack = -1 时,需要 DelayedProduce
          if (delayedProduceRequestRequired(requiredAcks, entriesPerPartition, localProduceResults)) {
            // create delayed produce operation
            val produceMetadata = ProduceMetadata(requiredAcks, produceStatus)
            val delayedProduce = new DelayedProduce(timeout, produceMetadata, this, responseCallback, delayedProduceLock)
            // create a list of (topic, partition) pairs to use as keys for this delayed produce operation
            val producerRequestKeys = entriesPerPartition.keys.map(new TopicPartitionOperationKey(_)).toSeq
            // try to complete the request immediately, otherwise put it into the purgatory
            // this is because while the delayed produce operation is being created, new
            // requests may arrive and hence make this operation completable.
            // 尝试执行 delayedProduce 的 tryComplete,执行成功则返回,失败则加入到哈希轮定时器
            delayedProducePurgatory.tryCompleteElseWatch(delayedProduce, producerRequestKeys)
          } else {
            // we can respond immediately
            val produceResponseStatus = produceStatus.mapValues(status => status.responseStatus)
        } else {
          // If required.acks is outside accepted range, something is wrong with the client
          // Just return an error and don't handle the request at all
          val responseStatus = entriesPerPartition.map { case (topicPartition, _) =>
            topicPartition -> new PartitionResponse(Errors.INVALID_REQUIRED_ACKS,
              LogAppendInfo.UnknownLogAppendInfo.firstOffset, RecordBatch.NO_TIMESTAMP, LogAppendInfo.UnknownLogAppendInfo.logStartOffset)

    什么时候触发 DelayedProduce 的 tryComplete 呢?

    follower 一直从 leader 拉取消息,并上报自身的 loe,leader 根据副本的 loe 更新 hw,并且触发 DelayedProduce.tryComplete。

    // kafka.cluster.Partition#updateReplicaLogReadResult
      def updateReplicaLogReadResult(replica: Replica, logReadResult: LogReadResult): Boolean = {
        val replicaId = replica.brokerId
        // No need to calculate low watermark if there is no delayed DeleteRecordsRequest
        val oldLeaderLW = if (replicaManager.delayedDeleteRecordsPurgatory.delayed > 0) lowWatermarkIfLeader else -1L
        val newLeaderLW = if (replicaManager.delayedDeleteRecordsPurgatory.delayed > 0) lowWatermarkIfLeader else -1L
        // check if the LW of the partition has incremented
        // since the replica's logStartOffset may have incremented
        val leaderLWIncremented = newLeaderLW > oldLeaderLW
        // check if we need to expand ISR to include this replica
        // if it is not in the ISR yet
        val leaderHWIncremented = maybeExpandIsr(replicaId, logReadResult)
        val result = leaderLWIncremented || leaderHWIncremented
        // some delayed operations may be unblocked after HW or LW changed
        if (result)
        debug(s"Recorded replica $replicaId log end offset (LEO) position ${logReadResult.info.fetchOffsetMetadata.messageOffset}.")
      // kafka.cluster.Partition#tryCompleteDelayedRequests
       * Try to complete any pending requests. This should be called without holding the leaderIsrUpdateLock.
      private def tryCompleteDelayedRequests() {
        val requestKey = new TopicPartitionOperationKey(topicPartition)
      // kafka.server.ReplicaManager#tryCompleteDelayedProduce
       * Try to complete some delayed produce requests with the request key;
       * this can be triggered when:
       * 1. The partition HW has changed (for acks = -1)
       * 2. A follower replica's fetch operation is received (for acks > 1)
      def tryCompleteDelayedProduce(key: DelayedOperationKey) {
        val completed = delayedProducePurgatory.checkAndComplete(key)
        debug("Request key %s unblocked %d producer requests.".format(key.keyLabel, completed))
  • 相关阅读:
    Java 学习笔记之 线程interrupted方法
    Java 学习笔记之 线程interrupt方法
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/allenwas3/p/13141070.html
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