• 开发基础

    # 1. 列表['alex','egon','yuan','wusir','666'](编程)
    # - 1.把666替换成999
    # - 2.获取"yuan"索引
    # - 3.假设不知道前面有几个元素,分片得到最后的三个元素
    # li[-1] = '999'
    # li[li.index('666')] = '999'
    # print(li.index('yuan'))
    # print(li[-3:])

    # 2. 将字符串“www.luffycity.com”给拆分成列表:li=['www','luffycity','com']
    # li = "www.luffycity.com"
    # li = li.split(".")

    # 3. 对字典进行增删改查(编程题)
    # dic = {"Development":"开发小哥","OP":"运维小哥","Operate":"运营小仙女","UI":"UI小仙女"}
    # dic.pop("Development")
    # del dic["Development"]
    # print(dic.pop("Development","error"))
    # dic["Development"] = "开发小哥"
    # Development --> 开发小哥
    # for i in dic:
    # print("%s---->%s" % (i, dic[i]))

    # 4. 计算1+2+3...+98+99+100
    # sun = 0
    # for i in range(1,101):
    # sun += i
    # print(sun)

    # 5. 制作趣味模板程序(编程题)
    #   需求:等待用户输入名字、地点、爱好,根据用户的名字和爱好进行任意现实
    # 如:敬爱可爱的xxx,最喜欢在xxx地方干xxx
    # while True:
    # name = input("name:")
    # addr = input("addr:")
    # s = """
    # 可爱的 %s 喜欢在
    # %s 待着
    # """ % (name, addr)
    # print(s)

    # 6.写一个三次认证(编程) 实现用户输入用户名和密码, 当用户名为seven 或alex且密码为123时, 显示登陆成功, 否则登陆失败, 失败时允许重复输入三次

    # _name1 = "seven"
    # _name2 = "alex"
    # _password = "123"
    # count = 0
    # while count < 3:
    # name = input("name:")
    # password = input("password:")
    # if name == _name1 or name == _name2 and password == _password:
    # print("欢迎登录")
    # break
    # else:
    # print("失败")
    # count += 1

    # 7. 切割字符串"luffycity"为"luffy","city"(编程)
    # s = "luffycity"
    # s1 = s[:5]
    # s2 = s[-4:]
    # print(s1,s2)

    # 8. 深浅copy  字符编码

    # 9. 有如下字符串:n = "路飞学城"(编程题)
    # - 将字符串转换成utf-8的字符编码的字节,再将转换的字节重新转换为utf-8的字符编码字符串
    # n = "路飞学城"
    # print(n.encode("UTF-8").decode("UTF-8"))

    # 10. 将列表['alex', 'steven', 'egon'] 中的每一个元素使用 ‘\_’ 连接为一个字符串(编程)
    # s = ['alex', 'steven', 'egon']
    # print("\_".join(s))

    # int,字符串,列表, 元组,字典,集合 它们支持的方法,字符编码 练练

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/alice-bj/p/8434939.html
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