• c/c++ 链表实现

    ***********************************************************************/ /* Created: 2014-03-02 /* Author: http://weibo.com/3088919800/profile /************************************************************************/ #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" struct ListNode { int value; ListNode * next; }; ListNode* CreateListNode(const int& nNodeValue) { ListNode* pNode; pNode = (ListNode*)malloc(sizeof(ListNode)); if (!pNode) return NULL; pNode->value = nNodeValue; pNode->next = NULL; return pNode; } //we need the head node value. ListNode * CreateList(const int& nListHeadVal) { ListNode * li; li = CreateListNode(nListHeadVal); if (!li) return NULL; return li; } //free all nodes in the list void FreeList(ListNode *li) { ListNode * pListNode, *pTmpNode; pListNode = li; while (pListNode) { pTmpNode = pListNode; pListNode = pListNode->next; free(pTmpNode); } li = NULL; } ListNode* AppendNode(ListNode* pList, const int &nVal) { ListNode* node; ListNode* header; node = CreateListNode(nVal); if (!node) return pList; header = pList; if (!header) return node; header = pList; while(header->next) header = header->next; header->next = node; return pList; } //if find return the node, else return null ListNode* Find(ListNode* pList, const int& nVal) { ListNode* pListNode = NULL; pListNode = pList; while (pListNode) { if (pListNode->value == nVal) break; pListNode = pListNode->next; } return pListNode; } //insert decreasing 增减 ListNode* Insert(ListNode* pList, const int& nVal) { ListNode * pNewNode = NULL; ListNode* pIterNode = NULL; pNewNode = CreateListNode(nVal); if (!pNewNode) return pList; if (!pList) return pNewNode; pIterNode = pList; while (pIterNode->value > nVal && pIterNode->next && pIterNode->next->value > nVal) pIterNode = pIterNode->next; //if true ,it is the first node if (pIterNode->value <= nVal) { pNewNode->next = pIterNode; return pNewNode; } if (pIterNode->next) pNewNode->next = pIterNode->next; pIterNode->next = pNewNode; return pList; } //insert Ascending,递增 ListNode* Insert2(ListNode* pList, const int& nVal) { ListNode * pNewNode = NULL; ListNode* pIterNode = NULL; pNewNode = CreateListNode(nVal); if (!pNewNode) return pList; if (!pList) return pNewNode; pIterNode = pList; while (pIterNode->value < nVal && pIterNode->next && pIterNode->next->value < nVal) pIterNode= pIterNode->next; //if true ,it is the first node if (pIterNode->value > nVal) { pNewNode->next = pIterNode; return pNewNode; } // insert the node. if (pIterNode->next) pNewNode->next = pIterNode->next; pIterNode->next = pNewNode; return pList; } void PrintList(ListNode* list) { ListNode* pIterNode; pIterNode = list; while (pIterNode) { printf("%d ", pIterNode->value); pIterNode = pIterNode->next; } } //链表倒置 ListNode* InvertList(ListNode* list) { ListNode *pIterNode, *pNewHead, *pTmpNode; pTmpNode = list; if (!pTmpNode || !(pTmpNode->next)) return list; pNewHead = list; pIterNode = list; while(pIterNode->next) { pTmpNode = pIterNode->next->next; pIterNode->next->next = pNewHead; pNewHead = pIterNode->next; pIterNode->next = pTmpNode; } return pNewHead; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ListNode* list = CreateList(12); ListNode* pNode; if (!list) { printf("create list error!"); exit(-1); } int i = 0; for (int i = 0; i< 20; i++) { list = Insert2(list, i); } printf(" After insert list: "); PrintList(list); list = InvertList(list); printf(" After invert the list "); PrintList(list); //test find . pNode = Find(list, 8); if (pNode) { printf(" find it:%d ", pNode->value); } else { printf(" not find it:%d ", 8); } //free all the list node FreeList(list); getchar(); return 0; }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/algorithmic/p/3654402.html
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