• 使用VB6写一个自定义的进度信息框窗口





     1 Private Sub cmdCommand1_Click()
     2     Dim pb As New CProgressBar
     3     pb.AddStage "第一步", 10000
     4     pb.AddStage "第二步", 10000
     5     pb.AddStage "第三步", 10000
     6     pb.AddStage "第四步", 10000
     7     Do Until pb.IsCompleted
     8         pb.NextStep
     9     Loop
    10 End Sub








     1 '///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     2 '模块名称: CProgressBar:进度条显示窗体模块
     3 '相关模块: CLayoutHelper:
     4 '///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     6 Private m_LayoutHelper As CLayoutHelper
     7 Private Const BAR_MARGIN = 30
     8 Private mStartTime As Single
    10 Private Sub Form_Initialize()
    11     Set m_LayoutHelper = New CLayoutHelper
    12     m_LayoutHelper.StartLayout Me, "", Me.ScaleHeight - 70, 0, 30
    13     Me.lblStartTime.Caption = Format(Now, "yyyy/m/d h:mm:ss")
    14     Me.lblEndTime.Caption = ""
    15     Me.lblTotalTime.Caption = ""
    16     mStartTime = Timer
    17 End Sub
    19 Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
    20     Set m_LayoutHelper = Nothing
    21 End Sub
    23 '设置总进度结束时间信息
    24 Public Sub SetEndTime()
    25     Me.lblEndTime.Caption = Format(Now, "yyyy/m/d h:mm:ss")
    26 End Sub
    28 '重画总进度条及其文本内容
    29 Public Sub DrawStage(Caption As String, Position As Double)
    30     DrawBar picStage, Caption, Position
    31 End Sub
    33 '重画子进度条及其文本内容
    34 Public Sub DrawStep(Position As Double)
    35     DrawBar picStep, Format(Position, "0%"), Position
    36     Me.lblTotalTime.Caption = GetPassedTime()
    37 End Sub
    39 '根据起始时间与结束时间计算累计的时间数,返回“×时×分×秒”格式字符串
    40 Private Function GetPassedTime() As String
    41     Dim mHour As Long, mMinute As Long, mSecond As Long
    42     Dim mPassTime As Single
    43     mPassTime = Timer - mStartTime
    44     mHour = mPassTime  (60 ^ 2)
    45     mMinute = (mPassTime - mHour * (60 ^ 2))  60
    46     mSecond = mPassTime - mHour * (60 ^ 2) - mMinute * 60
    47     GetPassedTime = mHour & "" & mMinute & "" & mSecond & ""
    48 End Function
    50 '画进度条的过程
    51 Private Sub DrawBar(TargetBar As PictureBox, Caption As String, Position As Double)
    52     '画背景进度条
    53     TargetBar.Cls
    54     TargetBar.ForeColor = RGB(0, 255, 0)
    55     TargetBar.Line (BAR_MARGIN, BAR_MARGIN)-Step((TargetBar.ScaleWidth - BAR_MARGIN * 2) * Position, _
    56         TargetBar.ScaleHeight - BAR_MARGIN * 2), , BF
    57     '画进度文字信息
    58     TargetBar.ForeColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)
    59     TargetBar.FontSize = 10
    60     TargetBar.FontBold = True
    61     TargetBar.CurrentX = (TargetBar.ScaleWidth - TargetBar.TextWidth(Caption)) / 2
    62     TargetBar.CurrentY = (TargetBar.ScaleHeight - TargetBar.TextHeight(Caption)) / 2
    63     TargetBar.Print Caption
    64 End Sub


      1 '///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      2 '模块名称: CLayoutHelper:控制动态库中包含窗口的布局
      3 '相关模块:
      4 '///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      6 Private WithEvents m_TargetForm As VB.Form
      7 Private WithEvents m_MoveBar As Label
      8 Private m_TitleLabel As Label
      9 Private m_LineBar As Label
     10 Private m_BackGround As Label
     11 Private WithEvents m_CloseBarBG As Label
     12 Private WithEvents m_CloseBar As Label
     13 Private m_PrePos As Point
     15 Private m_MoveBarHeight As Long
     16 Private m_LineBarHeight As Long
     17 Private m_BorderWidth As Long
     19 Private m_MoveBarColor As Long
     20 Private m_LineBarColor As Long
     21 Private m_BorderColor As Long
     23 Private Sub Class_Initialize()
     24     m_MoveBarColor = RGB(190, 205, 219)
     25     m_LineBarColor = RGB(140, 140, 140)
     26     m_BorderColor = RGB(0, 0, 0)
     27 End Sub
     29 Public Property Get MoveBarColor() As Long
     30     MoveBarColor = m_MoveBarColor
     31 End Property
     33 Public Property Let MoveBarColor(ByVal vData As Long)
     34     m_MoveBarColor = vData
     35     m_MoveBar.BackColor = vData
     36     m_CloseBarBG.BackColor = vData
     37 End Property
     39 Public Property Get LineBarColor() As Long
     40     LineBarColor = m_LineBarColor
     41 End Property
     43 Public Property Let LineBarColor(ByVal vData As Long)
     44     m_LineBarColor = vData
     45     m_LineBar.BackColor = vData
     46 End Property
     48 Public Property Get BorderColor() As Long
     49     BorderColor = m_BorderColor
     50 End Property
     52 Public Property Let BorderColor(ByVal vData As Long)
     53     m_BorderColor = vData
     54     m_TargetForm.BackColor = vData
     55 End Property
     57 Public Property Set TargetForm(ByVal vData As VB.Form)
     58     Set m_TargetForm = vData
     59     m_TargetForm.BackColor = RGB(0, 0, 0)
     60 End Property
     62 Public Property Get Title() As String
     63     Title = m_TitleLabel.Caption
     64 End Property
     66 Public Property Let Title(ByVal vData As String)
     67     m_TitleLabel.Caption = vData
     68 End Property
     70 Public Property Get MoveBarHeight() As Long
     71     MoveBarHeight = m_MoveBarHeight
     72 End Property
     74 Public Property Let MoveBarHeight(ByVal vData As Long)
     75     If vData <= 0 Then
     76         m_MoveBarHeight = 700
     77     Else
     78         m_MoveBarHeight = vData
     79     End If
     80 End Property
     82 Public Property Get LineBarHeight() As Long
     83     LineBarHeight = m_LineBarHeight
     84 End Property
     86 Public Property Let LineBarHeight(ByVal vData As Long)
     87     If vData < 0 Then
     88         m_LineBarHeight = 0
     89     Else
     90         m_LineBarHeight = vData
     91     End If
     92 End Property
     94 Public Property Get BorderWidth() As Long
     95     BorderWidth = m_BorderWidth
     96 End Property
     98 Public Property Let BorderWidth(ByVal vData As Long)
     99     If vData <= 0 Then
    100         m_BorderWidth = 30
    101     Else
    102         m_BorderWidth = vData
    103     End If
    104 End Property
    106 Public Property Get InnerLeft() As Long
    107     InnerLeft = m_BorderWidth
    108 End Property
    110 Public Property Get InnerTop() As Long
    111     InnerTop = m_BorderWidth + m_MoveBar.Height + m_LineBar.Height
    112 End Property
    114 Public Property Get InnerWidth() As Long
    115     InnerWidth = m_TargetForm.ScaleWidth - 2 * m_BorderWidth
    116 End Property
    118 Public Property Get InnerHeight() As Long
    119     InnerHeight = m_TargetForm.ScaleHeight - 2 * m_BorderWidth - m_MoveBar.Height - m_LineBar.Height
    120 End Property
    122 Public Sub StartLayout(Optional TargetForm As VB.Form = Nothing, _
    123     Optional TitleText As String = "信息提示", _
    124     Optional MoveBarHeight As Long = 700, _
    125     Optional LineBarHeight As Long = 30, _
    126     Optional BorderWidth As Long = 30, _
    127     Optional TopMost As Boolean = True)
    129     If TargetForm Is Nothing And m_TargetForm Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    130     Set Me.TargetForm = TargetForm
    131     Me.MoveBarHeight = MoveBarHeight
    132     Me.LineBarHeight = LineBarHeight
    133     Me.BorderWidth = BorderWidth
    135     Set m_CloseBar = CreateCloseLabel(m_TargetForm, RGB(0, 0, 0))
    136     Set m_CloseBarBG = CreateCloseBGLabel(m_TargetForm, m_MoveBarColor)
    137     Set m_TitleLabel = CreateTitleLabel(m_TargetForm, TitleText)
    138     Set m_MoveBar = CreateLabel(m_TargetForm, m_CloseBarBG.BackColor)
    139     Set m_LineBar = CreateLabel(m_TargetForm, m_LineBarColor)
    140 '    If LineBarHeight = 0 Then m_LineBar.Visible = False
    142     Call ResizeForm
    143     If TopMost Then Call BringToTop
    144 End Sub
    146 Private Function CreateTitleLabel(TargetForm As VB.Form, Text As String) As Label
    147     Dim m_label As Label
    148     Static iCount As Long
    149     iCount = iCount + 1
    150     Set m_label = TargetForm.Controls.Add("VB.Label", "TitleLabel" & iCount)
    151     m_label.BackStyle = 0  '透明
    152     m_label.BorderStyle = 0 'none
    153     m_label.Appearance = 0  'flat
    154     m_label.AutoSize = True
    155     m_label.FontBold = True
    156     m_label.FontSize = 12
    157     m_label.Caption = Text
    158     m_label.Visible = True
    159     Set CreateTitleLabel = m_label
    160     Set m_label = Nothing
    161 End Function
    163 Private Function CreateLabel(TargetForm As VB.Form, BackColor As Long) As Label
    164     Dim m_label As Label
    165     Static iCount As Long
    166     iCount = iCount + 1
    167     Set m_label = TargetForm.Controls.Add("VB.Label", "udfLabel" & iCount)
    168     m_label.BackStyle = 1   'opaque
    169     m_label.BorderStyle = 0 'none
    170     m_label.Appearance = 0  'flat
    171     m_label.AutoSize = False
    172     m_label.BackColor = BackColor
    173     m_label.Visible = True
    174     Set CreateLabel = m_label
    175     Set m_label = Nothing
    176 End Function
    178 Private Function CreateCloseBGLabel(TargetForm As VB.Form, BackColor As Long) As Label
    179     Dim m_label As Label
    180     Static iCount As Long
    181     iCount = iCount + 1
    182     Set m_label = TargetForm.Controls.Add("VB.Label", "udfCloseBGLabel" & iCount)
    183     m_label.BackStyle = 1   'opaque
    184     m_label.BorderStyle = 0 'none
    185     m_label.Appearance = 0  'flat
    186     m_label.AutoSize = False
    187     m_label.BackColor = BackColor
    188     m_label.Width = 400
    189     m_label.Height = m_label.Width
    190     m_label.Visible = True
    192     Set CreateCloseBGLabel = m_label
    193     Set m_label = Nothing
    194 End Function
    196 Private Function CreateCloseLabel(TargetForm As VB.Form, ForeColor As Long) As Label
    197     Dim m_label As Label
    198     Static iCount As Long
    199     iCount = iCount + 1
    200     Set m_label = TargetForm.Controls.Add("VB.Label", "udfCloseLabel" & iCount)
    201     m_label.BackStyle = 0   'Transparent
    202     m_label.BorderStyle = 0 'none
    203     m_label.Appearance = 0  'flat
    204     m_label.AutoSize = True
    205     m_label.ForeColor = ForeColor
    206     m_label.FontBold = True
    207     m_label.FontSize = 12
    208     m_label.Caption = "×"
    209     m_label.Visible = True
    210     Set CreateCloseLabel = m_label
    211     Set m_label = Nothing
    212 End Function
    214 Private Sub m_CloseBar_Click()
    215     Unload m_TargetForm
    216 End Sub
    218 Private Sub m_CloseBarBG_Click()
    219     Unload m_TargetForm
    220 End Sub
    222 Private Sub m_CloseBar_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
    223     m_CloseBar.ForeColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    224     m_CloseBarBG.BackColor = m_BorderColor
    225 End Sub
    227 Private Sub m_CloseBarBG_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
    228     m_CloseBar.ForeColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    229     m_CloseBarBG.BackColor = m_BorderColor
    230 End Sub
    232 Private Sub ResizeForm()
    233     m_MoveBar.Move Me.BorderWidth, Me.BorderWidth, m_TargetForm.Width - Me.BorderWidth * 2, m_MoveBarHeight
    234     m_TitleLabel.Move m_MoveBar.Left + 200, m_MoveBar.Top + (m_MoveBar.Height - m_TitleLabel.Height) / 2
    235     m_CloseBarBG.Move m_MoveBar.Left + m_MoveBar.Width - m_CloseBarBG.Width - 10, Me.BorderWidth
    236     m_CloseBar.Move m_CloseBarBG.Left + (m_CloseBarBG.Width - m_CloseBar.Width) / 2, _
    237         m_CloseBarBG.Top + (m_CloseBarBG.Height - m_CloseBar.Height) / 2 - 40
    238     m_LineBar.Move Me.BorderWidth, Me.BorderWidth + m_MoveBarHeight, m_TargetForm.Width - Me.BorderWidth * 2, m_LineBarHeight
    239 End Sub
    241 Private Sub m_MoveBar_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
    242     If (Button And vbLeftButton) > 0 Then
    243         m_PrePos.X = X
    244         m_PrePos.Y = Y
    245     End If
    246 End Sub
    248 Private Sub m_MoveBar_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
    249     If m_TargetForm.WindowState = 2 Then Exit Sub
    250     If (Button And vbLeftButton) > 0 Then
    251         m_TargetForm.Move m_TargetForm.Left + X - m_PrePos.X, m_TargetForm.Top + Y - m_PrePos.Y
    252     End If
    253     m_CloseBar.ForeColor = RGB(0, 0, 0)
    254     m_CloseBarBG.BackColor = m_MoveBar.BackColor
    255 End Sub
    257 Private Sub BringToTop()
    258     SetWindowPos m_TargetForm.hwnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE Or SWP_NOSIZE  '窗体置顶
    259 End Sub


     1 '///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     2 '模块名称: CProgressBar:进度条显示窗体模块
     3 '相关模块: CLayoutHelper:
     4 '///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     5 Private Type StageInfo
     6     Caption As String
     7     StepNumber As Integer
     8 End Type
    10 Private mProgressBar As FProgressBar    '进度信息窗体对象
    11 Private mStages() As StageInfo          '进度阶段信息数组
    12 Private mLength As Integer              '数组的长度
    13 Private mCurrentStage As Integer        '当前所处的阶段号
    14 Private mCurrentStep As Integer         '当前所处的子进度号
    15 Private mIsCompleted As Boolean         '是否所有进度完成
    17 Property Get IsCompleted() As Boolean
    18 On Error GoTo Exit_Handler
    19     If mCurrentStage = UBound(mStages) And _
    20             mCurrentStep = mStages(mCurrentStage).StepNumber Then
    21         mIsCompleted = True
    22         mProgressBar.SetEndTime
    23     End If
    24     IsCompleted = mIsCompleted
    25     Exit Property
    26 Exit_Handler:
    27     IsCompleted = False
    28 End Property
    30 '添加一条阶段进度初始信息
    31 Public Sub AddStage(Caption As String, StepNumber As Integer)
    32     mLength = mLength + 1
    33     ReDim Preserve mStages(1 To mLength)
    34     mStages(mLength).Caption = Caption
    35     mStages(mLength).StepNumber = StepNumber
    36 End Sub
    38 Public Sub NextStep()
    39     If mProgressBar.Visible = False Then mProgressBar.Show
    40     If mLength = 0 Or mStages(UBound(mStages)).StepNumber = 0 Then Exit Sub
    41     If Me.IsCompleted Then Exit Sub
    42     If mCurrentStage = 0 Then
    43         mCurrentStage = 1
    44         mProgressBar.DrawStage mStages(mCurrentStage).Caption, mCurrentStage / mLength
    45     End If
    46     mCurrentStep = mCurrentStep + 1
    47     If mCurrentStep > mStages(mCurrentStage).StepNumber Then
    48         mCurrentStep = 1
    49         mCurrentStage = mCurrentStage + 1
    50         mProgressBar.DrawStage mStages(mCurrentStage).Caption, mCurrentStage / mLength
    51     End If
    52     mProgressBar.DrawStep mCurrentStep / mStages(mCurrentStage).StepNumber
    53     DoEvents
    54 End Sub
    56 Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    57     Set mProgressBar = New FProgressBar
    58 End Sub
    60 Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    61     Set mProgressBar = Nothing
    62 End Sub
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    Ubuntu telnet
    Linux Source命令及脚本的执行方式解析(转)
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/alexywt/p/6365939.html
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