• uniapp 发起网络请求

    推荐下我写的 uni-http


    import Vue from 'vue'
    const BASE_URL = 'http://xxx.com';
    if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
      // #ifdef H5
      Vue.prototype.apiUrl = '';
      // #endif
      // #ifndef H5
      Vue.prototype.apiUrl = BASE_URL;
      // #endif
    } else {
      Vue.prototype.apiUrl = BASE_URL;
    function setDefaultObj(options) {
      // default show loading icon
      if (options.loading === undefined) {
        options.loading = true;
      // default method is get
      if (!options.method) options.method = 'GET'
      // send formdata 发送文件不能写
      if (options.formData && !options.datafilePath) {
        options.header = {
          'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
      // deault data
      if (!options.data) options.data = {}
      // token data
      if (!options.data.token) {
        // options.data.token = uni.getStorageSync('token') || '';
      // params
      if (options.params && Object.prototype.toString.call(options.params) === '[object Object]') {
        const paramsString = _jsonToSerialize(options.params);
        const s = options.url.indexOf('?') <= 0 ? '?' : '&';
        options.url += s + paramsString;
    Vue.prototype.request = function(options) {
      let _res, _rej;
      let _promise = new Promise((res, rej) => {
        _res = res;
        _rej = rej;
      if (options.loading) {
          title: '加载中'
      let url = options.url;
      if (!options.url.match(/^https?:///)) {
        url = _join(this.apiUrl, options.url);
      if (options.filePath) {
        // 传文件
        // https://www.kancloud.cn/guobaoguo/uni-app/821793
        const uploadTask = uni.uploadFile({
          url: url,
          filePath: options.filePath,
          name: options.name,
          formData: options.data,
          header: options.header,
          success: res => {
            if (options.loading) uni.hideLoading();
            const data = JSON.parse(res.data);
            if (typeof options.success == "function")
          fail: res => {
            if (options.loading) uni.hideLoading();
            const data = { ...res,
              data: JSON.parse(res.data)
            if (typeof options.fail == "function") options.fail(data);
      } else {
          url: url,
          data: options.data,
          method: options.method,
          header: options.header,
          success: res => {
            if (options.loading) uni.hideLoading();
            if (typeof options.success == "function") options.success(res.data);
          fail: res => {
            if (options.loading) uni.hideLoading();
            if (typeof options.fail == "function") options.fail(res);
      return _promise;
    Vue.prototype.postHttp = function(options) {
      return this.request({
        method: 'POST',
        formData: options.formData === false || options.filePath ? false : true,
    function _join(a_url, b_url) {
      return a_url.replace(//+$/, "") + "/" + b_url.replace(/^/+/, "")
    function _jsonToSerialize(o) {
      let s = '';
      for (let k in o) {
        let v = o[k];
        let vTag = Object.prototype.toString.call(v);
        if (vTag === '[object Array]') {
          for (let i of v) {
            s += `${k}=${encodeURIComponent(i)}&`
        } else if (vTag === '[object Object]') {
          s += `${k}=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(v))}&`
        } else {
          s += `${k}=${encodeURIComponent(v)}&`
      return s.replace(/&$/, '');
    export default {
      apiUrl: Vue.prototype.apiUrl,
      request: Vue.prototype.request.bind(Vue.prototype),
      postHttp: Vue.prototype.postHttp.bind(Vue.prototype),


    import './http-config';
    1. manifest.json配置代理
      "h5": {
        "router": {
          "mode": "hash"
        "devServer": {
          "https": false,
          "proxy": {
            "/api": {
              "target": "http://xxx.com",
              "changeOrigin": true,
              "secure": false,
              "pathRewrite": {
                "^/api": "/"


        // http://xxx.com/getvideo
          url: '/getvideo',
          success: res => {
            // ...


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ajanuw/p/12992084.html
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