#region 申请开门 /// <summary> /// 申请开门 /// </summary> string sWebsRet = "";//二维码 public BDCom PutinBdcom = new BDCom(); //string sopenbox = ""; private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string url = ""; Encoding encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8"); IDictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); parameters.Add("code", "*****"); parameters.Add("wcode", "*****"); HttpWebResponse response = CreatePostHttpResponse(url, parameters, encoding); //打印返回值 Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream(); //获取响应的字符串流 StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(stream); //创建一个stream读取流 string html = sr.ReadToEnd(); //从头读到尾,放到字符串html Console.WriteLine(html); } #endregion private HttpWebResponse CreatePostHttpResponse(string url, IDictionary<string, string> parameters, Encoding encoding) { try { HttpWebRequest request = null; //HTTPSQ请求 ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(CheckValidationResult); request = WebRequest.Create(url) as HttpWebRequest; request.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version10; request.Method = "POST"; request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; request.UserAgent = DefaultUserAgent; //如果需要POST数据 if (!(parameters == null || parameters.Count == 0)) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; foreach (string key in parameters.Keys) { if (i > 0) { buffer.AppendFormat("&{0}={1}", key, parameters[key]); } else { buffer.AppendFormat("{0}={1}", key, parameters[key]); } i++; } byte[] data = null; //charset.GetBytes(buffer.ToString()); using (Stream stream = request.GetRequestStream()) { stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); } } return request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return null; } } private bool CheckValidationResult(object sender, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors) { return true;//总是接受 } #region 第二步查询空箱子 /// <summary> /// 第二步查询空箱子 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private int PutInboxCard(string strcode) { string sBoxNo = ""; string strcardId = strcode; ////////////////////// // 查询当前是否存物 ////////////////////// // 0. 查询存物记录 ////////////////////// string sThisBoxNoSql = " select OperTime, BoxNo from BoxInOut where OperID='" + strcardId + "' and OperType='1' and OperStatus='1' "; string sOperTime = ""; string sThisBoxNo = ""; try { SQLiteDbHelper ScabHelper11 = new SQLiteDbHelper(TrhaConst.trhaSCAB); if (ScabHelper11.dbConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open) { IDataReader sqReader = ScabHelper11.ExecuteQuery(sThisBoxNoSql); while (sqReader.Read()) { sOperTime = sqReader.GetString(sqReader.GetOrdinal("OperTime")); sThisBoxNo = sqReader.GetString(sqReader.GetOrdinal("BoxNo")); //MessageBox.Show("第一次"+sThisBoxNo); } } if (ScabHelper11.dbConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open) ScabHelper11.CloseSqlConnection(); } catch { return -1; } if (sThisBoxNo != "") { //lblSendMessage.Text = "您正在使用" + sThisBoxNo + "号箱。"; TrhaConst.sPutinBoxNo = sThisBoxNo; //if (ScabHelper1.dbConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open) ScabHelper1.CloseSqlConnection(); return 2; } ////////////////////// // 随机选取一个柜箱 ////////////////////// // 1. 获取当前空箱总数 ////////////////////// string sBoxNoSql = " select count(*) iBoxNoCnt from ScabBox where BoxStatus='0' "; int iBoxNoCnt = 0; try { SQLiteDbHelper ScabHelper2 = new SQLiteDbHelper(TrhaConst.trhaSCAB); if (ScabHelper2.dbConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open) { IDataReader sqReader = ScabHelper2.ExecuteQuery(sBoxNoSql); while (sqReader.Read()) { iBoxNoCnt = sqReader.GetInt32(sqReader.GetOrdinal("iBoxNoCnt")); } } if (ScabHelper2.dbConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open) ScabHelper2.CloseSqlConnection(); } catch { return -1; } if (iBoxNoCnt == 0) { //MessageBox.Show("所有箱门已存物,请您稍候!"); return 3; } ///////////////////////// // 2. 随机选择一个空箱 ///////////////////////// int iRandomBoxNo = TrhaConst.GetRandom(0, iBoxNoCnt); sBoxNoSql = " select BoxNo from ScabBox where BoxStatus='0' "; try { SQLiteDbHelper ScabHelper3 = new SQLiteDbHelper(TrhaConst.trhaSCAB); if (ScabHelper3.dbConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open) { IDataReader sqReader = ScabHelper3.ExecuteQuery(sBoxNoSql); int BoxNoIdx = 0; while (sqReader.Read()) { sBoxNo = sqReader.GetString(sqReader.GetOrdinal("BoxNo")); if (BoxNoIdx == iRandomBoxNo) { break; } BoxNoIdx++; } } if (ScabHelper3.dbConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open) ScabHelper3.CloseSqlConnection(); } catch { //MessageBox.Show("本地数据库访问失败,请联系技术服务人员!"); return -1; } if (sBoxNo == "") { //MessageBox.Show("获取空箱号失败,请联系技术服务人员!"); return -1; } int iCabinComm = 0; SQLiteDbHelper ScabHelper4 = new SQLiteDbHelper(TrhaConst.trhaSCAB); try { if (ScabHelper4.dbConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open) { IDataReader sqReader = ScabHelper4.ReadFullTable("BarComm"); while (sqReader.Read()) { iCabinComm = Convert.ToInt32(sqReader.GetString(sqReader.GetOrdinal("CabinComm"))); } sqReader.Close(); } if (ScabHelper4.dbConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open) ScabHelper4.CloseSqlConnection(); } catch { //MessageBox.Show("本地数据库访问失败,请联系技术服务人员!"); return -1; } if (iCabinComm == 0) { //MessageBox.Show("本地数据库访问失败,请联系技术服务人员!"); return -1; } TrhaConst.iCabinComm = iCabinComm; // 柜箱使用串口号 TrhaConst.sPutinBoxNo = sBoxNo; // 使用柜箱号 return 4; } #endregion #region 第三步zhj-2018-12-30写进数据库存记录 /// <summary> /// 写进数据库存记录 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private int WriteBoxInOut() { int retwbi = 0; //"OperTime"操作时间, "OperDate"操作日期, "OperType"1存0取, "OperStatus"操作状态, "BoxNo"箱号, "OperID"使用人, "RecStatus" 记录状态上传服务器0是未上传1是已上传, //zhj-2019-01-03新增"OutBoxTime"取物时间, "CardId"证件号码, "UserName"姓名,InOutStatus:取物有效状态:永久有效,取后失效(存的时候是取后失效,登记存入的时候,永久有效) //OperTime"操作时间, "OperDate"操作日期, "OperType"1存0, "OperStatus"操作状态, "BoxNo"箱号, "OperID"使用人, "RecStatus"记录上传状态, "CourtID"法院ID, "UserName"姓名, "CardId"身份证号, "LawyerCard"律师号码, "Purpose"采访事由, "Mobile"手机号 string[] colItems = { "OperTime", "OperDate", "OperType", "OperStatus", "BoxNo", "OperID", "RecStatus", "CourtID", "UserName", "CardId", "LawyerCard", "Purpose", "Mobile" }; string[] valueItems = new string[13]; System.DateTime currentTime = new System.DateTime(); currentTime = System.DateTime.Now; valueItems[0] = currentTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); valueItems[1] = currentTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); valueItems[2] = "1"; valueItems[3] = "1"; //valueItems[4] = TrhaConst.sPutinBoxNo; valueItems[5] = sOperID; valueItems[6] = "0"; //valueItems[7] = sCourtID; valueItems[8] = sUserName; valueItems[9] = sCardId; //valueItems[10] = sLawyerCard; valueItems[11] = sPurpose; valueItems[12] = sMobile; string[] sPutinSqls = new string[2]; try { SQLiteDbHelper ScabHelper1 = new SQLiteDbHelper(TrhaConst.trhaSCAB); if (ScabHelper1.dbConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open) { //更新柜子的状态是1为占用状态, sPutinSqls[0] = " update ScabBox set BoxStatus='1',"; sPutinSqls[0] = sPutinSqls[0] + "OperID='" + valueItems[5] + "',";//使用人 sPutinSqls[0] = sPutinSqls[0] + "OperDate='" + valueItems[1] + "',";//操作日期 sPutinSqls[0] = sPutinSqls[0] + "OperTime='" + valueItems[0] + "',";//操作时间 sPutinSqls[0] = sPutinSqls[0] + "OperDesc='存入' "; sPutinSqls[0] = sPutinSqls[0] + "where BoxNo='" + valueItems[4] + "' "; sPutinSqls[1] = " insert into BoxInOut (" + colItems[0]; for (int ii = 1; ii < colItems.Length; ++ii) { sPutinSqls[1] += ", " + colItems[ii]; } sPutinSqls[1] += ") values('"; sPutinSqls[1] += valueItems[0]; for (int ii = 1; ii < valueItems.Length; ++ii) { sPutinSqls[1] += "', '" + valueItems[ii]; } sPutinSqls[1] += "') "; bool bTransExe = ScabHelper1.ExecuteTrans(sPutinSqls); if (bTransExe) { retwbi = 1; } else { retwbi = -1; } } if (ScabHelper1.dbConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open) ScabHelper1.CloseSqlConnection(); } catch { retwbi = -1; } return retwbi; } #endregion private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string[] sboxinoutrecs = new string[1]; sboxinoutrecs[0] = "1ww"; string[] sArrBoxInOut = new string[0]; Thread sendThread1 = new Thread(send); sendThread1.Start(sboxinoutrecs); } private void send(object sboxrecs) { //string IP = "localhost"; string IP = ""; string sServerPort = "8081"; string swebsurl = "http://" + IP + ":" + sServerPort + "/phyServer/services/ImportDataService?wsdl"; //wsdl地址 string swebsname = "webServN"; TrhaConst.wsdScab = new WebServiceProxy(swebsurl, swebsname); string[] sboxinoutrecs = (string[])sboxrecs; string funname = "interfaceTest"; try { sWebsRet = (string)TrhaConst.wsdScab.ExecuteQuery(funname, sboxinoutrecs); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return; } }