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router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => { function checkBrowser() { let ua = navigator.userAgent.toLocaleLowerCase(); let browserType = "", browserVersion = ""; console.log("ua ", ua); if (ua.match(/msie/) != null || ua.match(/trident/) != null) { browserType = "IE"; //哈哈,现在可以检测ie11.0了! browserVersion = ua.match(/msie ([d.]+)/) != null ? ua.match(/msie ([d.]+)/)[1] : ua.match(/rv:([d.]+)/)[1]; } else if (ua.match(/firefox/) != null) { browserType = "Firefox"; // 火狐 } else if (ua.match(/opera/) != null) { browserType = "Opera"; // 欧朋 } else if (ua.match(/chrome/) != null) { browserType = "Chrome"; // 谷歌 } else if (ua.match(/safari/) != null) { browserType = "Safari"; // Safari } var arr = new Array(browserType, browserVersion); return arr; } let browserArr = checkBrowser(); if (browserArr[0] == 'IE' && (1 * browserArr[1]) < 11 && to.path != "/login") { next("/login") } else { next(); } })
// 账号密码登录 acLogin() { let browserArr = this.checkBrowser(); if (browserArr[0] == "IE") { if ((1 * browserArr[1]) < 11) { this.$message.error("请在IE11浏览器或则其他非IE浏览器进行登录!"); return false; } } if (!this.loginForm.username || !this.loginForm.password) { this.$message({ message: "请输入账号和密码", type: "warning", }); return false; } var postData = { data: { username: this.loginForm.username, password: md5(this.loginForm.password), }, platformCode: 1, }; this.$axios({ method: "POST", url: "/userLogin/login", data: postData, }) .then((res) => { this.loginSuccess(res); }) .catch(() => { }); }, checkBrowser() { let ua = navigator.userAgent.toLocaleLowerCase(); let browserType = "", browserVersion = ""; // console.log("ua ", ua); if (ua.match(/msie/) != null || ua.match(/trident/) != null) { browserType = "IE"; //哈哈,现在可以检测ie11.0了! browserVersion = ua.match(/msie ([d.]+)/) != null ? ua.match(/msie ([d.]+)/)[1] : ua.match(/rv:([d.]+)/)[1]; } else if (ua.match(/firefox/) != null) { browserType = "Firefox"; // 火狐 } else if (ua.match(/opera/) != null) { browserType = "Opera"; // 欧朋 } else if (ua.match(/chrome/) != null) { browserType = "Chrome"; // 谷歌 } else if (ua.match(/safari/) != null) { browserType = "Safari"; // Safari } var arr = new Array(browserType, browserVersion); return arr; }