• linux 基础7-正则表达式

    1. 基础正规表示法

    1.1 以grep获取字符串:


    grep '^[a-z]' greptest #搜索以a-z开始的行
    grep '!$' greptest     #搜索以!结尾的行
    grep '.$' greptest    #搜索以.结尾的行,需要加入转义
    grep 'g..d' greptest   #.只代表一个字符
    grep 'goo*g' greptest  #*代表重复前面0个或者多个字符
    grep '[.!]$' greptest  #以.!结尾的行
    grep '[^.!]$' greptest  #不以.!结尾的行'
    grep 'go{2}g' greptest #以g开头,2个o和g结尾的行
    grep ‘go{2,5}’ greptest #以g开头2到5个o的行
    grep 'go{2,}g' greptest #以g开头,2个以上的o,以g结尾的行

    1.2 万用字符表示规则:

    ls -l ip?
    ls -l ip*

    1.3 ?和$符号的其他含义:



    echo $?
    echo $$

    2. printf

    3. sed工具简介



    cat -n greptest | sed '2a this line is added'
    cat -n greptest | sed '2i this line is inset'
    cat -n greptest | sed '2,3c this line is 2,3 replace'
    cat -n greptest | sed '2,8d'
    cat -n greptest | sed '2a this line is book'
    cat -n greptest | sed '2a this line is book' > greptestd #用数据流重导向可以改变源文件
    cat -n greptest | sed '1,8p'
    cat -n greptest | sed '$p' #显示最后一行
    cat -n greptest | sed 's /is//IS/'#把is替换为IS
    cat -n greptest | sed 's /is//IS/g'#把is替换为IS,全局替换


    sed -n '^/a-z/'p greptest
    sed -n '^/!$/'p greptest
    sed -n '/g..d/'p greptest
    sed -n '/too*/'p greptest
    sed -n '/.$/'p greptest
    sed -n '/go{2}g/'p greptest
    sed -n '/go{2,}g/'p greptest
    sed -n '2,/is/'p greptest
    sed -n '1,/is/'p greptest #第一行不会匹配
    sed -n '/good/=' greptest
    cat -n greptest | sed '/good/ a add a line in the next line'
    cat -n greptest | sed '/good/ i add a line in the before line'
    cat -n greptest | sed '/good/ a add a line in the next line'

    sed -n '/glad/=' -e '/glad/p' greptest
    sed -n '/glad/=';'/glad/p' greptest
    sed -n '
    >/glad/p’ greptest
    sed -e 's/is/IS/' -e 's/am/WAS/' greptest
    sed -e 's/is/IS/g';'s/am/WAS/' greptest
    sed '
    >s/am/WAS/' greptest

    #!/bin/sed -f
    /good/ a
    this line is append by good
    chmod u+x tst.sed

    sed 's/is/IS/gw greptest' greptest

    sed '1G' greptest
    sed '/good/G' greptest
    sed -n 's/great/man &/' greptest

    4. awk工具简介


    awk 'BEGIN{print "this is the start----"} {print $1,$2,$3} END{print "this is the end"}' filename

    awk '$0~/good/' greptest
    awk 'if($0~/good/) print $0' greptest
    awk 'if($0~/^[^a-zA-Z]/) print $0' greptest
    awk 'if($0~/!$/) print $0' greptest
    awk 'if($0~/g..d/) print $0' greptest
    awk 'if($0~/goo*/) print $0' greptest
    awk 'if($0~/good|glad/) print $0' greptest #|是或的意思
    awk 'if($0~/g00+/) print $0' greptest
    awk 'if($0~/g00?/) print $0' greptest

    awk '{print NF,NR,$NF,$NR,$0}' greptest
    awk '{print NF,NR,$NF,$NR,$0}END{print "=====";print"FLIENAME"}' greptest
    awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"}{print NF,NR,$NF,$NR,$0}END{print "=====";print"FLIENAME"}' greptest

    awk 'gsub("good","GOOD"){print $0}' greptest

    5. 文件数据对比与打印的相关功能

    5.1 diff:

    5.2 cmp:

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