#undef X #undef Y void cls(void) { COORD coordScreen = { 0, 0 }; /* here's where we'll home the cursor */ DWORD cCharsWritten; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; /* to get buffer info */ DWORD dwConSize; /* number of character cells in the current buffer */ /* get the number of character cells in the current buffer */ GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( hOut, &csbi ); dwConSize = csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y; /* fill the entire screen with blanks */ FillConsoleOutputCharacter( hOut, (TCHAR)' ', dwConSize, coordScreen, &cCharsWritten); /* get the current text attribute */ GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( hOut, &csbi ); /* now set the buffer's attributes accordingly */ FillConsoleOutputAttribute( hOut, csbi.wAttributes, dwConSize, coordScreen, &cCharsWritten ); /* put the cursor at (0, 0) */ SetConsoleCursorPosition( hOut, coordScreen ); }