- 首先,最大的好处是用户体验,对于内容的改动不需要加载整个页面。这样做好处颇多,因为数据层和UI的分离,可以重新编写一个原生的移动设备应用程序而不用(对原有数据服务部分)大动干戈。
- 单页面Web应用层程序最根本的优点是高效。它对服务器压力很小,消耗更少的带宽,能够与面向服务的架构更好地结合。
/* * Swipe 2.0 * @author bjtqti * @description 基于javascript的单页应用 * Copyright 2014, MIT License * */ function Swipe(container, options) { "use strict"; // quit if no root element if (!container) return; options = options || {}; this.container = container; //页面数据 this.pages = options.pages||[]; this.pointer = {}; //设备屏宽 this.screenWidth = 640; this.init(); } Swipe.prototype = { //初始化 init : function(){ var maxLen = this.pages.length; var index = Number(localStorage.getItem('index'))||0; var next,prev; if(!maxLen) return; //创建页面基础元素 this.createLeftButton(); this.createSwipeWrap(); this.createRightButton(); //缓存页码索引信息 this.curIndex = index; this.maxLen = maxLen; this.pointer.cur = this.createPage(index); if(maxLen ==1) return; switch(index){ case 0: next = this.createPage(index+1); break; case maxLen -1: prev = this.createPage(index-1); break; default: prev = this.createPage(index-1); next = this.createPage(index+1); } this.pointer.next = next; this.pointer.prev = prev; next && this.move(next,this.screenWidth); prev && this.move(prev,-this.screenWidth); }, //创建翻页容器 createSwipeWrap : function(){ var ele = document.createElement('ul'); ele.className = "xut-container"; this.container.appendChild(ele); this.box = ele; }, //创建左翻页按钮 createLeftButton : function(){ var that = this; this.createBtn({ name : "xut-left", text : "<", fn : function(){ that.prev(); } }) }, //创建右翻页按钮 createRightButton : function(){ var that = this; this.createBtn({ name : "xut-right", text : ">", fn : function(){ that.next(); } }) }, //创建按钮 createBtn : function(options){ var ele = document.createElement('div'); ele.className = options.name; ele.innerHTML = options.text; this.container.appendChild(ele); ele.addEventListener('click',options.fn,false); return ele; }, //创建页面 createPage : function(index){ var li = document.createElement('li'); li.setAttribute('class','xut-flip'); li.innerHTML = index; //这里可以进行自由扩展,数据从this.pages添加 this.box.appendChild(li); return li; }, //上一页 prev : function(){ if(this.curIndex > 0){ var prev = this.pointer.prev; var cur = this.pointer.cur; this.curIndex--; //当前页移到右边 this.slide(cur,this.screenWidth); //上一页移到中间 this.slide(prev,0); //清除下下一页 this.destory(this.pointer.next); //更新标记 this.pointer.next = cur; this.pointer.cur = prev; //预创建上一页 if(this.curIndex -1 > -1){ this.pointer.prev = this.createPage(this.curIndex-1); this.move(this.pointer.prev,-this.screenWidth); }else{ this.pointer.prev = null; } localStorage.setItem('index',this.curIndex) } }, //下一页 next : function(){ if(this.curIndex < this.maxLen-1){ var next = this.pointer.next; var cur = this.pointer.cur; this.curIndex++; //当前页移到左边 this.slide(cur,-this.screenWidth); //下一页移到中间 this.slide(next,0); //清除上上一页 this.destory(this.pointer.prev); //更新标记 this.pointer.prev = cur; this.pointer.cur = next; //预创建下一页 if(this.curIndex+1 < this.maxLen){ this.pointer.next = this.createPage(this.curIndex+1); this.move(this.pointer.next,this.screenWidth); }else{ this.pointer.next = null; } localStorage.setItem('index',this.curIndex) } }, //滑动 slide : function(ele,distance){ var time = 300; ele.style['webkitTransitionDuration'] = time+'ms'; this.move(ele,distance); }, //移位 move : function(ele,distance){ ele.style['-webkit-transform'] = 'translate3d('+distance+'px, 0, 0)'; }, //销毁 destory : function(ele){ if(!ele) return; this.box.removeChild(ele); } }