with t as( select 'A' parent, 'A1' child union all select 'A', 'A1' union all select 'A', '' union all select 'A', null union all select 'A', 'A2' union all select 'B', 'B1' union all select 'B', 'B2' union all select 'C', 'C1' union all select 'C', 'C2' ) SELECT parent, STUFF( ( SELECT ','+ child FROM t a WHERE b.parent = a.parent FOR XML PATH('') ),1 ,1, '') children FROM t b GROUP BY parent
--定义游标并进行合并处理 declare @t table(parent varchar(100),child varchar(100))--定义结果集表变量 declare my_cursor cursor local for with t1 as( select 'A' parent, 'A1' child union all select 'A', 'A1' union all select 'A', '' union all select 'A', null union all select 'A', 'A2' union all select 'B', 'B1' union all select 'B', 'B2' union all select 'C', 'C1' union all select 'C', 'C2' ) select parent, child from t1 order by parent, child declare @parent_old varchar(100) , @parent varchar(100) , @child varchar(100), @s varchar(100) open my_cursor fetch my_cursor into @parent , @child select @parent_old = @parent , @s='' while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin if @parent = @parent_old begin if charindex(@child, @s)=0 and @child<>'' select @s = @s + ',' + cast(@child as varchar) end else begin insert @t values(@parent_old , stuff(@s,1,1,'')) select @s = ',' + cast(@child as varchar) , @parent_old = @parent end fetch my_cursor into @parent , @child END insert @t values(@parent_old , stuff(@s,1,1,'')) close my_cursor deallocate my_cursor select * from @t