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    #include <opencv2/opencv_lib.h>
    #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
    using namespace std;
    using namespace cv;
    #include <sstream>
    #include <string>
    template<typename T>
    string IntToString(T num)
        stringstream ss;
        string s;
        ss << num;
        ss >> s;
        return s;
    struct callparamter{
        Point pt;
        string window_name;
        string trackbar_name;
        vector<Mat> src;
        vector<Mat> dst;
        Mat blurresult;
        Mat disp;
        float focus_dist;
        float k;
        float freal;
        float pixelsize;
        float T;
        int Rmax;
        int F;
    callparamter ptr;
    float GetDist(float f, float pixelsize, float T, int  disp)
        float z = f * T *1000 / pixelsize / disp;
        return z;
    void getfiled(float &nerafield, float &farfield, float &sumfield,
        const float det, const float f, const float F, const float L)
        nerafield = F*det*L*L;
        farfield = nerafield;
        nerafield  = nerafield / (f*f + F*det*L);
        farfield = farfield / (f*f - F*det*L);
        sumfield = farfield + nerafield;
    void BlurRidus(float nerafield, float farfield, float L,const float dst,  float &R)
        nerafield = L - nerafield;
        farfield = L + farfield;
        if (dst < farfield && dst >nerafield )
            R = 0;
    void GetBlurImg(const vector<Mat> &img, vector<Mat> &blurresult, const Mat &disp, const float focus_dist,const float k, const float freal, const float pixelsize, 
         const float T,  const int Rmax, const float F)
        float u0 = focus_dist;//mm
        float  det = 0.019;
        int a = 1;
        int feq = a * 50;
        int A = 43;
        float nerafield, farfield, sumfield;
        getfiled(nerafield,farfield,sumfield,det, feq, F, u0);
        int stepmax = (int)(Rmax/2)+1;
        int m = img[0].rows;
        int n = img[0].cols;
        int nchannels = img.size();
        for (int c = 0;  c< nchannels; ++c)
            //Mat temp = img[c].clone();
            //Mat disttemp = blurresult[c].clone();
            for(int i = stepmax-1;  i < m-stepmax; ++i)
                for(int j = stepmax-1;  j < n-stepmax; ++j)
                    int dispdiff = disp.at<uchar>(i,j);
                    float u = GetDist(freal, pixelsize, T, dispdiff);
                    if(u > 2000)
                        u = 2000;
                    float B = a/F *abs((u0*(u-a*A)/(u*(u0-a*A)) - 1));
                    BlurRidus(nerafield, farfield,u0, u, B);
                    B = B*100;
                    int R = (int)(k*log(B+1))*2 +1;
                    int step = (int)(R/2);
                    Mat sub = img[c](Range(i-step, i+step+1),Range(j-step, j+step+1));            
                    blurresult[c].at<uchar>(i,j) = cv::sum(sub)[0]/(R*R);
            //blurresult[c] = disttemp.clone();
    float  GetMaxCoef(float umax)
        float u0[1] = {0.2*1000};
        float det = 0.019;
        float a = 1;
        float f = a * 50;
        float A = 43;
        float F = 1.0;
        float u = umax;
        u = u*1000;
        float R ;
        for(int i = 0; i< 1; ++i)
            float nerafield, farfield, sumfield;
            getfiled(nerafield, farfield, sumfield,det, f, F, u0[i]);
            R = a/F *abs((u0[i]*(u-a*A)/(u*(u0[i]-a*A)) - 1));
           BlurRidus(nerafield, farfield,u0[i], u,R);
           R *= 100;
        int MaxCoefficient = (int)(R);
        return MaxCoefficient;
    void BGblur_Demo(int F, void *param)
        //callparamter *ptr = (callparamter*) param;
        GetBlurImg(ptr.src,ptr.dst, ptr.disp, ptr.focus_dist, ptr.k, ptr.freal, ptr.pixelsize, ptr.T,ptr.Rmax,ptr.F);
        merge(ptr.dst, ptr.blurresult);
        imshow(ptr.window_name, ptr.blurresult);
         ptr.F = getTrackbarPos(ptr.trackbar_name, ptr.window_name);
         cout << "F: "<< ptr.F << endl;
    void on_mouse(int event,int x,int y,int flags,void *ustc)
        static Point pre_pt = (-1,-1);
        static Point cur_pt = (-1,-1);
        char temp[16];  
        if (event == CV_EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN)
            pre_pt = Point(x,y);  
            ptr.pt.x = x;
            ptr.pt.y = y;
            cout << "pos:" << ptr.pt.x << " " << ptr.pt.y << endl;
    void integral(unsigned char* inputMatrix, unsigned int* outputMatrix, int width, int height)
        unsigned int *columnSum = new unsigned int[width]; // sum of each column
        // calculate integral of the first line  
        for(int i=0;i<width;i++)
            outputMatrix[i] = inputMatrix[i];  
                outputMatrix[i] += outputMatrix[i-1];  
        for (int i=1;i<height;i++)
            int offset = i*width;  
            // first column of each line  
            columnSum[0] +=inputMatrix[offset];  
            outputMatrix[offset] = columnSum[0];  
             // other columns   
            for(int j=1;j<width;j++)
                columnSum[j] += inputMatrix[offset+j];  
                outputMatrix[offset+j] = outputMatrix[offset+j-1] + columnSum[j];   
        delete []columnSum;
    void main()
        uchar a[5][5] =
        {17 ,   24 ,    1  ,   8,    15},
        {23 ,    5  ,   7 ,   14  ,  16},
         {4 ,    6  ,  13 ,   20 ,   22},
        {10,    12 ,   19  ,  21,     3},
        {11 ,   18 ,   25 ,    2 ,    9},
        Mat src(5,5,CV_8UC1,&a);
        uchar *data = src.data;
        unsigned int  *dst = new unsigned int[5*5];
        integral(data, dst, 5,5);
        for (int i =0; i < 5; ++i)
            for (int j = 0 ; j < 5; ++j)
                cout << dst[i * 5 +j] << " ";
            cout << endl;
    //     Mat integralimg(5,5,CV_32SC1, &dst);
    //     cout << src <<endl;
    //     cout << integralimg <<endl;
        delete []dst;
    void main1()
        Mat img = imread("left.jpg",1);
        string str = "dist.bmp";
        Mat disp = imread(str,0);
        string window_name = "win";
        string trackbar_name = "Fvalue";
        int Fparamter = 1;
        int maxF = 5;
        float umax = 2.5;
        float Rmax = 21;
        float MaxCoefficient = GetMaxCoef(umax);
        float k = (Rmax-1)/ 2 /log(MaxCoefficient+1);
        float det = 0.019;
        int a = 1;
        int f = a * 50;
        int A = 43;
        float F = Fparamter;
        float u = umax;
        u = u*1000;
        float freal = 4.6;
        float pixelsize = 4.468;
        int m = img.rows;
        int n = img.cols;
        float T = 11* n / 1280.0;
        Mat blurresult = img.clone();
        vector<Mat> src(3);
        split(img, src);
        vector<Mat> dst(3);
        split(blurresult, dst);
        setMouseCallback(ptr.window_name, on_mouse,0);
        int x = 440;
        int y = 272;
        int dispdiff = disp.at<uchar>(y,x);
        float focus_dist = GetDist(freal, pixelsize, T, dispdiff);
        ptr.window_name =window_name;
        ptr.trackbar_name = trackbar_name;
        ptr.src = src;
        ptr.focus_dist = focus_dist;
        ptr.F = Fparamter;
        ptr.k = k;
        ptr.pixelsize = pixelsize;
        ptr.Rmax = Rmax;
        ptr.freal = freal;
        ptr.T = T;
        ptr.disp = disp;
        ptr.dst = dst;
        ptr.blurresult = blurresult;
        createTrackbar( trackbar_name, window_name, &Fparamter, maxF, BGblur_Demo );
        BGblur_Demo(Fparamter, (void*)(&ptr));
            int c;
            c = waitKey( 20 );
            if( (char)c == 27 )
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/adong7639/p/4286264.html
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