• windows核心编程单例模式代码

    Module: Singleton.cpp
    Notices: Copyright (c) 2008 Jeffrey Richter & Christophe Nasarre
    #include "resource.h"
    #include "..CommonFilesCmnHdr.h" /* See Appendix A. */
    #include <windowsx.h>
    #include <Sddl.h> // for SID management
    #include <tchar.h>
    #include <strsafe.h>
    // Main dialog
    HWND g_hDlg;
    // Mutex, boundary and namespace used to detect previous running instance
    HANDLE g_hSingleton = NULL;
    HANDLE g_hBoundary = NULL;
    HANDLE g_hNamespace = NULL;
    // Keep track whether or not the namespace was created or open for clean-up
    BOOL g_bNamespaceOpened = FALSE;
    // Names of boundary and private namespace
    PCTSTR g_szBoundary = TEXT("3-Boundary");
    PCTSTR g_szNamespace = TEXT("3-Namespace");
    #define DETAILS_CTRL GetDlgItem(g_hDlg, IDC_EDIT_DETAILS)
    // Adds a string to the "Details" edit control
    void AddText(PCTSTR pszFormat, ...) 
    	va_list argList;
    	va_start(argList, pszFormat);
    	TCHAR sz[20 * 1024];
    	Edit_GetText(DETAILS_CTRL, sz, _countof(sz));
    		_tcschr(sz, TEXT('')), _countof(sz) - _tcslen(sz),
    		pszFormat, argList);
    	Edit_SetText(DETAILS_CTRL, sz);
    void Dlg_OnCommand(HWND hwnd, int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify) 
    	switch (id) 
    	case IDOK:
    	case IDCANCEL:
    		// User has clicked on the Exit button
    		// or dismissed the dialog with ESCAPE
    		EndDialog(hwnd, id);
    void CheckInstances() 
    	// Create the boundary descriptor
    	g_hBoundary = CreateBoundaryDescriptor(g_szBoundary, 0);
    	// Create a SID corresponding to the Local Administrator group
    	PSID pLocalAdminSID = &localAdminSID;
    	DWORD cbSID = sizeof(localAdminSID);
    	if (!CreateWellKnownSid(WinBuiltinAdministratorsSid, NULL, pLocalAdminSID, &cbSID) ) 
    		AddText(TEXT("AddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor failed: %u
    "), GetLastError());
    	// Associate the Local Admin SID to the boundary descriptor
    	// --> only applications running under an administrator user
    	// will be able to access the kernel objects in the same namespace
    	if (!AddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor(&g_hBoundary, pLocalAdminSID)) 
    		AddText(TEXT("AddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor failed: %u
    "), GetLastError());
    	// Create the namespace for Local Administrators only
    	sa.nLength = sizeof(sa);
    	sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE;
    	if (!ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor(TEXT("D:(A;;GA;;;BA)"), SDDL_REVISION_1, &sa.lpSecurityDescriptor, NULL)) 
    		AddText(TEXT("Security Descriptor creation failed: %u
    "), GetLastError());
    	g_hNamespace =CreatePrivateNamespace(&sa, g_hBoundary, g_szNamespace);
    	// Don't forget to release memory for the security descriptor
    	// Check the private namespace creation result
    	DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError();
    	if (g_hNamespace == NULL) 
    		// Nothing to do if access is denied
    		// --> this code must run under a Local Administrator account
    		if (dwLastError == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) 
    			AddText(TEXT("Access denied when creating the namespace.
    			AddText(TEXT(" You must be running as Administrator.
    			if (dwLastError == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) 
    				// If another instance has already created the namespace,
    				// we need to open it instead.
    				AddText(TEXT("CreatePrivateNamespace failed: %u
    "), dwLastError);
    				g_hNamespace = OpenPrivateNamespace(g_hBoundary, g_szNamespace);
    				if (g_hNamespace == NULL) 
    					AddText(TEXT(" and OpenPrivateNamespace failed: %u
    "), dwLastError);
    					g_bNamespaceOpened = TRUE;
    					AddText(TEXT(" but OpenPrivateNamespace succeeded
    				AddText(TEXT("Unexpected error occured: %u
    "), dwLastError);
    	// Try to create the mutex object with a name
    	// based on the private namespace
    	TCHAR szMutexName[64];
    	StringCchPrintf(szMutexName, _countof(szMutexName), TEXT("%s\%s"), g_szNamespace, TEXT("Singleton"));
    	g_hSingleton = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, szMutexName);
    	if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) 
    		// There is already an instance of this Singleton object
    		AddText(TEXT("Another instance of Singleton is running:
    		AddText(TEXT("--> Impossible to access application features.
    		// First time the Singleton object is created
    		AddText(TEXT("First instance of Singleton:
    		AddText(TEXT("--> Access application features now.
    BOOL Dlg_OnInitDialog(HWND hwnd, HWND hwndFocus, LPARAM lParam) 
    	// Keep track of the main dialog window handle
    	g_hDlg = hwnd;
    	// Check whether another instance is already running
    INT_PTR WINAPI Dlg_Proc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) 
    	switch (uMsg) 
    		chHANDLE_DLGMSG(hwnd, WM_COMMAND, Dlg_OnCommand);
    		chHANDLE_DLGMSG(hwnd, WM_INITDIALOG, Dlg_OnInitDialog);

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/actionke/p/4192620.html
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