• 面试宝典-面试题3.2:不修改数组找出重复的数字






     1 #include"iostream"
     2 #include"stdio.h"
     3 using namespace std;
     4 const int MAXN=1000;
     6 int CountRange(const int * numbers,int length,int start ,int end)
     7 {
     8     if(numbers==nullptr)
     9         return 0;
    10     int count=0;
    11     for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
    12         if(numbers[i]>=start&&numbers[i]<=end)
    13             ++count;
    14     return count;
    15 }
    17 int GetDuplication(const int * numbers,int length)
    18 {
    19     if(numbers==nullptr || length<=0)
    20         return -1;
    22     int start=1;
    23     int end=length-1;
    24     while(end>=start)
    25     {
    26         int middle=((end-start)>>1)+start;//求平均值的良好 习惯
    27         int count=CountRange(numbers,length,start,middle);
    28         if(end==start)
    29         {
    30             if(count>1) return start;
    31             else break;
    32         }
    33         if(count>(middle-start)+1)
    34             end=middle;
    35         else
    36             start=middle+1;
    37     }
    38     return -1;
    39 }
    41 int main()
    42 {
    43     int length;
    44     while(cin>>length)
    45     {
    46         int numbers[MAXN];
    47         for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
    48             cin>>numbers[i];
    49         int res=GetDuplication(numbers,length);
    50         if(res!=-1)
    51             cout<<"the duplicate number is: "<<res<<endl;
    52         else
    53             cout<<"wrong input!"<<endl;
    54     }
    55     return 0;
    56 }
    View Code


    #include <iostream>
    int countRange(const int* numbers, int length, int start, int end);
    // 参数:
    //        numbers:     一个整数数组
    //        length:      数组的长度
    // 返回值:
    //        正数  - 输入有效,并且数组中存在重复的数字,返回值为重复的数字
    //        负数  - 输入无效,或者数组中没有重复的数字
    int getDuplication(const int* numbers, int length)
        if(numbers == nullptr || length <= 0)
            return -1;
        int start = 1;
        int end = length - 1;
        while(end >= start)
            int middle = ((end - start) >> 1) + start;
            int count = countRange(numbers, length, start, middle);
            if(end == start)
                if(count > 1)
                    return start;
            if(count > (middle - start + 1))
                end = middle;
                start = middle + 1;
        return -1;
    int countRange(const int* numbers, int length, int start, int end)
        if(numbers == nullptr)
            return 0;
        int count = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
            if(numbers[i] >= start && numbers[i] <= end)
        return count;
    // ====================测试代码====================
    void test(const char* testName, int* numbers, int length, int* duplications, int dupLength)
        int result = getDuplication(numbers, length);
        for(int i = 0; i < dupLength; ++i)
            if(result == duplications[i])
                std::cout << testName << " passed." << std::endl;
        std::cout << testName << " FAILED." << std::endl;
    // 多个重复的数字
    void test1()
        int numbers[] = { 2, 3, 5, 4, 3, 2, 6, 7 };
        int duplications[] = { 2, 3 };
        test("test1", numbers, sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(int), duplications, sizeof(duplications) / sizeof(int));
    // 一个重复的数字
    void test2()
        int numbers[] = { 3, 2, 1, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7 };
        int duplications[] = { 4 };
        test("test2", numbers, sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(int), duplications, sizeof(duplications) / sizeof(int));
    // 重复的数字是数组中最小的数字
    void test3()
        int numbers[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 8 };
        int duplications[] = { 1 };
        test("test3", numbers, sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(int), duplications, sizeof(duplications) / sizeof(int));
    // 重复的数字是数组中最大的数字
    void test4()
        int numbers[] = { 1, 7, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 2, 8 };
        int duplications[] = { 8 };
        test("test4", numbers, sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(int), duplications, sizeof(duplications) / sizeof(int));
    // 数组中只有两个数字
    void test5()
        int numbers[] = { 1, 1 };
        int duplications[] = { 1 };
        test("test5", numbers, sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(int), duplications, sizeof(duplications) / sizeof(int));
    // 重复的数字位于数组当中
    void test6()
        int numbers[] = { 3, 2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };
        int duplications[] = { 3 };
        test("test6", numbers, sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(int), duplications, sizeof(duplications) / sizeof(int));
    // 多个重复的数字
    void test7()
        int numbers[] = { 1, 2, 2, 6, 4, 5, 6 };
        int duplications[] = { 2, 6 };
        test("test7", numbers, sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(int), duplications, sizeof(duplications) / sizeof(int));
    // 一个数字重复三次
    void test8()
        int numbers[] = { 1, 2, 2, 6, 4, 5, 2 };
        int duplications[] = { 2 };
        test("test8", numbers, sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(int), duplications, sizeof(duplications) / sizeof(int));
    // 没有重复的数字
    void test9()
        int numbers[] = { 1, 2, 6, 4, 5, 3 };
        int duplications[] = { -1 };
        test("test9", numbers, sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(int), duplications, sizeof(duplications) / sizeof(int));
    // 无效的输入
    void test10()
        int* numbers = nullptr;
        int duplications[] = { -1 };
        test("test10", numbers, 0, duplications, sizeof(duplications) / sizeof(int));
    int main()
        return 0;
    View Code
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/acm-jing/p/10349784.html
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