• 用正则提取SQL脚本关键字屏蔽常见错误

          每天的批量部署SQL script难免会出现一些小差错,为了避免某些常见而又容易忽略的错误的出现,我们在执行前先将脚本过滤一遍,通过一些关键字来提示是否出现了不符合的设置。

          本实例以创建表和给表怎加列不容许出现null列以及在执行脚本过程中不容许出现设置SET ANSI_PADDING OFF为例,利用正则获取脚本中的关键字,以检索是否符合要求。

          完成这个任务我们的主要挑战是如何获取sql 脚本中的关键字,如创建新table时,我们如何判断出那一段脚本是字段列,这里就需要用的正则来提取出关键字。来看看通常创建表的脚本:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[A](
    	[EmployerID] [int] NOT NULL,
    	[InvoiceItemID] [int] NOT NULL
    ) ON [PRIMARY]

      像这样的语句结构我们只需要提取出“CREATE TABLE [dbo].[A](” 与“) ON [PRIMARY] GO”之间的语句然后用‘,’分割出每个字段,即可判断是否有“NOT NULL”关键字。


    create table Ace 
    AceID int,
    AceName nvarchar(20),
    	AceID ASC
    ) ON [PRIMARY]

      很明显这个脚本中,我们要提取的就是“Create table Ace (” 与 “CONSTRAINT” 之间的内容了。所以处理起来就需要分情况而定。下面来看我的处理:

            /// <summary>
            /// Check exists "NOT NULL" when create table.
            /// </summary>
            /// Author: Ace Yue
            /// Date:2013-04-08
            /// <param name="sqlScript">the sql script</param>
            protected void CheckNullableWhenCreate(string sqlScript)
                string sCreateBegin = @"\s?create\s+table\s+((dbo.)?|(\[dbo\].)?)(\[?)([a-z]+[_,a-z0-9]*(\]?))(\s*)(\()(\s*)";//Get the script start when create new table.
                Regex regCheck = new Regex(sCreateBegin);
                if (regCheck.IsMatch(sqlScript))
                    int iSplitStart = sqlScript.IndexOf(regCheck.Match(sqlScript).Value);
                    int iSplitEnd = 0;
                    string sSplit = sqlScript.Substring(iSplitStart + regCheck.Match(sqlScript).Value.Length);//Capture the script behind the table's name.
                    string sEndGeneral = @"(\s*)(?<![0-9])(\){1})";// get the ")" but not in "(10)"
                    string sEndSpecific = @"(\,\s*)(constraint)(\s+)((\[?)[a-z]+[_,a-z0-9]*(\]?))(\s+)(primary)(\s+)(key)(\s+)(clustered)"; //Get the "CONSTRAINT" when the script contain "CONSTRAINT".
                    Regex regEndGeneral = new Regex(sEndGeneral);
                    Regex regEndSpecific = new Regex(sEndSpecific);
                    if (regEndSpecific.IsMatch(sSplit))
                        iSplitEnd = sSplit.IndexOf(regEndSpecific.Match(sSplit).Value);
                    else if (regEndGeneral.IsMatch(sSplit))
                        iSplitEnd = sSplit.IndexOf(regEndGeneral.Match(sSplit).Value);
                        iSplitEnd = sSplit.Length;
                    sSplit = sSplit.Substring(0, iSplitEnd);
                    string[] arrScript = sSplit.Split(',');
                    string sExistsNotNull = @"(\s+)(not)(\s+)(null)(\s*)";
                    Regex regExistsNotNull = new Regex(sExistsNotNull);
                    foreach (string sItem in arrScript)
                        if (!regExistsNotNull.IsMatch(sItem))
                            this.bPass = false;
                            this.SReturn += "The SQL script not contain \"NOT NULL\" in some column when create table. Do you want continue ? \r\n";


    ALTER TABLE dbo.Billing_Plan_Payment_Bank_Log
          Add InvoiceReference1 NVarChar(100)    NOT NULL CONSTRAINT
    DF_Billing_Plan_Payment_Bank_Log_InvoiceReference1 DEFAULT '',
                InvoiceReference2 NVarChar(100)    NOT NULL CONSTRAINT
    DF_Billing_Plan_Payment_Bank_Log_InvoiceReference2 DEFAULT '',
                InvoiceReference3 NVarChar(100)    NOT NULL CONSTRAINT
    DF_Billing_Plan_Payment_Bank_Log_InvoiceReference3 DEFAULT ''


            /// <summary>
            /// Check the script exists "NOT NULL" when Alter table add columns.
            /// </summary>
            /// Author: Ace Yue
            /// Date:2013-04-08
            /// <param name="sqlScript">the sql script</param>
            protected void CheckNullableWhenAlter(string sqlScript)
                string sAlterBegin = @"(\s*)(alter)(\s+)(table)(\s+)((dbo.)?|(\[dbo\].)?)(\[?)([a-z]+[_,a-z0-9]*(\]?))(\s+)(add)(\s+)";// Get the script begin when alter table. like "ALTER TABLE dbo.Billing_Plan_Payment_Bank_Log Add"
                Regex regCheck = new Regex(sAlterBegin);
                if (regCheck.IsMatch(sqlScript))
                    int iSplitStart = sqlScript.IndexOf(regCheck.Match(sqlScript).Value);
                    string sSplit = sqlScript.Substring(iSplitStart + regCheck.Match(sqlScript).Value.Length);
                    string sAlterEnd = @"(\s+)((go\s+)|(go$))";
                    Regex regEnd = new Regex(sAlterEnd);
                    int iSplitEnd = 0;
                    if (regEnd.IsMatch(sSplit))
                        iSplitEnd = sSplit.IndexOf(regEnd.Match(sSplit).Value);
                        iSplitEnd = sSplit.Length;
                    sSplit = sSplit.Substring(0, iSplitEnd);
                    string[] arrScript = sSplit.Split(',');
                    string sExistsNotNull = @"(\s+)(not)(\s+)(null)(\s*)";
                    Regex regExistsNotNull = new Regex(sExistsNotNull);
                    foreach (string sItem in arrScript)
                        if (!regExistsNotNull.IsMatch(sItem))
                            this.bPass = false;
                            this.SReturn += "The SQL script not contain \"NOT NULL\" in some column when add new column. Do you want continue ? \r\n";

      处理SET ANSI_PADDING OFF 这个就是太简单了,主需要查出就可以了:

            /// <summary>
            /// Check the Script is contain "Set ANSI OFF" when 
            /// </summary>
            /// Author: Ace Yue
            /// Date:2013-04-08
            /// <param name="sqlScript">The SQL Script whose you want to check</param>
            protected void CheckANSI(string sqlScript)
                Regex reg = new Regex(@"set\s+ansi_padding{1}\s+(off\s+|off$)");// Is there have "SET ANSI_PADDING OFF" 
                if (reg.IsMatch(sqlScript))
                    this.BPass = false;
                    this.SReturn += "This SQL script contain \"SET ANSI_PADDING OFF\". Do you want to continue?\r\n";


    // Copyright (C) Moonplus.net Corporation . Ace Yue 2013-04-08
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
    namespace SQLScript
        /// <summary>
        /// Define check the SQL Script delegate.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sqlScrit">The SQL Script.</param>
        public delegate void CheckScriptDel(string sqlScrit);
        public class ScriptCheckHelper
            private bool bPass = true;
            public bool BPass { get { return bPass; } set { this.bPass = value; } }
            private string sReturn = "";
            public string SReturn { get { return sReturn; } set { this.sReturn = value; } }
            /// <summary>
            /// Start invoke the check script function.
            /// </summary>
            /// Author: Ace Yue
            /// Date: 2013-04-08
            /// Mantis:0033628: SIS 3.0 - Research - Build a small SQL script validation tools to Check SQL issues 
            /// <param name="sqlScript">The SQL Script whose you want to check</param>
            public void StartCheck(string sqlScript)
                CheckScriptDel checkDel = CheckNullable;
                checkDel += CheckANSI;
            /// <summary>
            /// Check the Script is contain the nullable field when create table or add new field.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="sqlScirpt">The SQL Script whose you want to check</param>
            protected void CheckNullable(string sqlScirpt)
                CheckScriptDel checkNullable = CheckNullableWhenCreate;
                checkNullable += CheckNullableWhenAlter;
            /// <summary>
            /// Check the Script is contain "Set ANSI OFF" when 
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="sqlScript">The SQL Script whose you want to check</param>
            protected void CheckANSI(string sqlScript)
                Regex reg = new Regex(@"set\s+ansi_padding{1}\s+(off\s+|off$)");// Is there have "SET ANSI_PADDING OFF" 
                if (reg.IsMatch(sqlScript))
                    this.BPass = false;
                    this.SReturn += "This SQL script contain \"SET ANSI_PADDING OFF\". Do you want to continue?\r\n";
            /// <summary>
            /// Check exists "NOT NULL" when create table.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="sqlScript">the sql script</param>
            protected void CheckNullableWhenCreate(string sqlScript)
                string sCreateBegin = @"\s?create\s+table\s+((dbo.)?|(\[dbo\].)?)(\[?)([a-z]+[_,a-z0-9]*(\]?))(\s*)(\()(\s*)";//Get the script start when create new table.
                Regex regCheck = new Regex(sCreateBegin);
                if (regCheck.IsMatch(sqlScript))
                    int iSplitStart =sqlScript.IndexOf(regCheck.Match(sqlScript).Value);
                    int iSplitEnd = 0;
                    string sSplit = sqlScript.Substring(iSplitStart + regCheck.Match(sqlScript).Value.Length);//Capture the script behind the table's name.
                    string sEndGeneral = @"(\s*)(?<![0-9])(\){1})";// get the ")" but not in "(10)"
                    string sEndSpecific = @"(\,\s*)(constraint)(\s+)((\[?)[a-z]+[_,a-z0-9]*(\]?))(\s+)(primary)(\s+)(key)(\s+)(clustered)"; //Get the "CONSTRAINT" when the script contain "CONSTRAINT".
                    Regex regEndGeneral = new Regex(sEndGeneral);
                    Regex regEndSpecific = new Regex(sEndSpecific);
                    if (regEndSpecific.IsMatch(sSplit))
                        iSplitEnd = sSplit.IndexOf(regEndSpecific.Match(sSplit).Value);
                    else if (regEndGeneral.IsMatch(sSplit))
                        iSplitEnd = sSplit.IndexOf(regEndGeneral.Match(sSplit).Value);
                        iSplitEnd = sSplit.Length;
                    sSplit = sSplit.Substring(0, iSplitEnd);
                    string[] arrScript = sSplit.Split(',');
                    string sExistsNotNull = @"(\s+)(not)(\s+)(null)(\s*)"; 
                    Regex regExistsNotNull =new Regex(sExistsNotNull);
                    foreach (string sItem in arrScript)
                        if (!regExistsNotNull.IsMatch(sItem))
                            this.bPass = false;
                            this.SReturn += "The SQL script not contain \"NOT NULL\" in some column when create table. Do you want continue ? \r\n";
            /// <summary>
            /// Check the script exists "NOT NULL" when Alter table add columns.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="sqlScript">the sql script</param>
            protected void CheckNullableWhenAlter(string sqlScript)
                string sAlterBegin = @"(\s*)(alter)(\s+)(table)(\s+)((dbo.)?|(\[dbo\].)?)(\[?)([a-z]+[_,a-z0-9]*(\]?))(\s+)(add)(\s+)";// Get the script begin when alter table. like "ALTER TABLE dbo.Billing_Plan_Payment_Bank_Log Add"
                Regex regCheck = new Regex(sAlterBegin);
                if (regCheck.IsMatch(sqlScript))
                    int iSplitStart = sqlScript.IndexOf(regCheck.Match(sqlScript).Value);
                    string sSplit = sqlScript.Substring(iSplitStart + regCheck.Match(sqlScript).Value.Length);
                    string sAlterEnd = @"(\s+)((go\s+)|(go$))";
                    Regex regEnd = new Regex(sAlterEnd);
                    int iSplitEnd=0;
                    if (regEnd.IsMatch(sSplit))
                        iSplitEnd = sSplit.IndexOf(regEnd.Match(sSplit).Value);
                        iSplitEnd = sSplit.Length;
                    sSplit = sSplit.Substring(0, iSplitEnd);
                    string[] arrScript = sSplit.Split(',');
                    string sExistsNotNull = @"(\s+)(not)(\s+)(null)(\s*)";
                    Regex regExistsNotNull = new Regex(sExistsNotNull);
                    foreach (string sItem in arrScript)
                        if (!regExistsNotNull.IsMatch(sItem))
                            this.bPass = false;
                            this.SReturn += "The SQL script not contain \"NOT NULL\" in some column when add new column. Do you want continue ? \r\n";



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/aces/p/CheckSQLScript.html
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