• 基于Fisco-Bcos的区块链智能合约-业务数据上链SDK实现


    基于springboot : https://github.com/FISCO-BCOS/spring-boot-starter

    pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
    contract TableFactory {
        function openTable(string) public constant returns (Table);  // 打开表
        function createTable(string,string,string) public returns(int);  // 创建表
    // 查询条件
    contract Condition {
        function EQ(string, int) public;
        function EQ(string, string) public;
        function NE(string, int) public;
        function NE(string, string)  public;
        function GT(string, int) public;
        function GE(string, int) public;
        function LT(string, int) public;
        function LE(string, int) public;
        function limit(int) public;
        function limit(int, int) public;
    // 单条数据记录
    contract Entry {
        function getInt(string) public constant returns(int);
        function getAddress(string) public constant returns(address);
        function getBytes64(string) public constant returns(byte[64]);
        function getBytes32(string) public constant returns(bytes32);
        function getString(string) public constant returns(string);
        function set(string, int) public;
        function set(string, string) public;
        function set(string, address) public;
    // 数据记录集
    contract Entries {
        function get(int) public constant returns(Entry);
        function size() public constant returns(int);
    // Table主类
    contract Table {
        // 查询接口
        function select(string, Condition) public constant returns(Entries);
        // 插入接口
        function insert(string, Entry) public returns(int);
        // 更新接口
        function update(string, Entry, Condition) public returns(int);
        // 删除接口
        function remove(string, Condition) public returns(int);
        function newEntry() public constant returns(Entry);
        function newCondition() public constant returns(Condition);


     * @title String & slice utility library for Solidity contracts.
     * @author Nick Johnson <arachnid@notdot.net>
     * @dev Functionality in this library is largely implemented using an
     *      abstraction called a 'slice'. A slice represents a part of a string -
     *      anything from the entire string to a single character, or even no
     *      characters at all (a 0-length slice). Since a slice only has to specify
     *      an offset and a length, copying and manipulating slices is a lot less
     *      expensive than copying and manipulating the strings they reference.
     *      To further reduce gas costs, most functions on slice that need to return
     *      a slice modify the original one instead of allocating a new one; for
     *      instance, `s.split(".")` will return the text up to the first '.',
     *      modifying s to only contain the remainder of the string after the '.'.
     *      In situations where you do not want to modify the original slice, you
     *      can make a copy first with `.copy()`, for example:
     *      `s.copy().split(".")`. Try and avoid using this idiom in loops; since
     *      Solidity has no memory management, it will result in allocating many
     *      short-lived slices that are later discarded.
     *      Functions that return two slices come in two versions: a non-allocating
     *      version that takes the second slice as an argument, modifying it in
     *      place, and an allocating version that allocates and returns the second
     *      slice; see `nextRune` for example.
     *      Functions that have to copy string data will return strings rather than
     *      slices; these can be cast back to slices for further processing if
     *      required.
     *      For convenience, some functions are provided with non-modifying
     *      variants that create a new slice and return both; for instance,
     *      `s.splitNew('.')` leaves s unmodified, and returns two values
     *      corresponding to the left and right parts of the string.
    pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
    library LibStrings {
        struct slice {
            uint _len;
            uint _ptr;
        function memcpy(uint dest, uint src, uint len) private pure {
            // Copy word-length chunks while possible
            for(; len >= 32; len -= 32) {
                assembly {
                    mstore(dest, mload(src))
                dest += 32;
                src += 32;
            // Copy remaining bytes
            uint mask = 256 ** (32 - len) - 1;
            assembly {
                let srcpart := and(mload(src), not(mask))
                let destpart := and(mload(dest), mask)
                mstore(dest, or(destpart, srcpart))
         * @dev Returns a slice containing the entire string.
         * @param self The string to make a slice from.
         * @return A newly allocated slice containing the entire string.
        function toSlice(string memory self) internal pure returns (slice memory) {
            uint ptr;
            assembly {
                ptr := add(self, 0x20)
            return slice(bytes(self).length, ptr);
         * @dev Returns the length of a null-terminated bytes32 string.
         * @param self The value to find the length of.
         * @return The length of the string, from 0 to 32.
         * TODO 此处将self改为uint(self)
        function len(bytes32 self) internal pure returns (uint) {
            uint ret;
            if (self == 0)
                return 0;
            if (uint(self) & 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff == 0) {
                ret += 16;
                self = bytes32(uint(self) / 0x100000000000000000000000000000000);
            if (uint(self)  & 0xffffffffffffffff == 0) {
                ret += 8;
                self = bytes32(uint(self) / 0x10000000000000000);
            if (uint(self)  & 0xffffffff == 0) {
                ret += 4;
                self = bytes32(uint(self) / 0x100000000);
            if (uint(self)  & 0xffff == 0) {
                ret += 2;
                self = bytes32(uint(self) / 0x10000);
            if (uint(self)  & 0xff == 0) {
                ret += 1;
            return 32 - ret;
         * @dev Returns a slice containing the entire bytes32, interpreted as a
         *      null-terminated utf-8 string.
         * @param self The bytes32 value to convert to a slice.
         * @return A new slice containing the value of the input argument up to the
         *         first null.
        function toSliceB32(bytes32 self) internal pure returns (slice memory ret) {
            // Allocate space for `self` in memory, copy it there, and point ret at it
            assembly {
                let ptr := mload(0x40)
                mstore(0x40, add(ptr, 0x20))
                mstore(ptr, self)
                mstore(add(ret, 0x20), ptr)
            ret._len = len(self);
         * @dev Returns a new slice containing the same data as the current slice.
         * @param self The slice to copy.
         * @return A new slice containing the same data as `self`.
        function copy(slice memory self) internal pure returns (slice memory) {
            return slice(self._len, self._ptr);
         * @dev Copies a slice to a new string.
         * @param self The slice to copy.
         * @return A newly allocated string containing the slice's text.
        function toString(slice memory self) internal pure returns (string memory) {
            string memory ret = new string(self._len);
            uint retptr;
            assembly { retptr := add(ret, 32) }
            memcpy(retptr, self._ptr, self._len);
            return ret;
         * @dev Returns the length in runes of the slice. Note that this operation
         *      takes time proportional to the length of the slice; avoid using it
         *      in loops, and call `slice.empty()` if you only need to know whether
         *      the slice is empty or not.
         * @param self The slice to operate on.
         * @return The length of the slice in runes.
        function len(slice memory self) internal pure returns (uint l) {
            // Starting at ptr-31 means the LSB will be the byte we care about
            uint ptr = self._ptr - 31;
            uint end = ptr + self._len;
            for (l = 0; ptr < end; l++) {
                uint8 b;
                assembly { b := and(mload(ptr), 0xFF) }
                if (b < 0x80) {
                    ptr += 1;
                } else if(b < 0xE0) {
                    ptr += 2;
                } else if(b < 0xF0) {
                    ptr += 3;
                } else if(b < 0xF8) {
                    ptr += 4;
                } else if(b < 0xFC) {
                    ptr += 5;
                } else {
                    ptr += 6;
         * @dev Returns true if the slice is empty (has a length of 0).
         * @param self The slice to operate on.
         * @return True if the slice is empty, False otherwise.
        function empty(slice memory self) internal pure returns (bool) {
            return self._len == 0;
         * @dev Returns a positive number if `other` comes lexicographically after
         *      `self`, a negative number if it comes before, or zero if the
         *      contents of the two slices are equal. Comparison is done per-rune,
         *      on unicode codepoints.
         * @param self The first slice to compare.
         * @param other The second slice to compare.
         * @return The result of the comparison.
        function compare(slice memory self, slice memory other) internal pure returns (int) {
            uint shortest = self._len;
            if (other._len < self._len)
                shortest = other._len;
            uint selfptr = self._ptr;
            uint otherptr = other._ptr;
            for (uint idx = 0; idx < shortest; idx += 32) {
                uint a;
                uint b;
                assembly {
                    a := mload(selfptr)
                    b := mload(otherptr)
                if (a != b) {
                    // Mask out irrelevant bytes and check again
                    uint256 mask = uint256(-1); // 0xffff...
                    if(shortest < 32) {
                      mask = ~(2 ** (8 * (32 - shortest + idx)) - 1);
                    uint256 diff = (a & mask) - (b & mask);
                    if (diff != 0)
                        return int(diff);
                selfptr += 32;
                otherptr += 32;
            return int(self._len) - int(other._len);
         * @dev Returns true if the two slices contain the same text.
         * @param self The first slice to compare.
         * @param self The second slice to compare.
         * @return True if the slices are equal, false otherwise.
        function equals(slice memory self, slice memory other) internal pure returns (bool) {
            return compare(self, other) == 0;
         * @dev Extracts the first rune in the slice into `rune`, advancing the
         *      slice to point to the next rune and returning `self`.
         * @param self The slice to operate on.
         * @param rune The slice that will contain the first rune.
         * @return `rune`.
        function nextRune(slice memory self, slice memory rune) internal pure returns (slice memory) {
            rune._ptr = self._ptr;
            if (self._len == 0) {
                rune._len = 0;
                return rune;
            uint l;
            uint b;
            // Load the first byte of the rune into the LSBs of b
            assembly { b := and(mload(sub(mload(add(self, 32)), 31)), 0xFF) }
            if (b < 0x80) {
                l = 1;
            } else if(b < 0xE0) {
                l = 2;
            } else if(b < 0xF0) {
                l = 3;
            } else {
                l = 4;
            // Check for truncated codepoints
            if (l > self._len) {
                rune._len = self._len;
                self._ptr += self._len;
                self._len = 0;
                return rune;
            self._ptr += l;
            self._len -= l;
            rune._len = l;
            return rune;
         * @dev Returns the first rune in the slice, advancing the slice to point
         *      to the next rune.
         * @param self The slice to operate on.
         * @return A slice containing only the first rune from `self`.
        function nextRune(slice memory self) internal pure returns (slice memory ret) {
            nextRune(self, ret);
         * @dev Returns the number of the first codepoint in the slice.
         * @param self The slice to operate on.
         * @return The number of the first codepoint in the slice.
        function ord(slice memory self) internal pure returns (uint ret) {
            if (self._len == 0) {
                return 0;
            uint word;
            uint length;
            uint divisor = 2 ** 248;
            // Load the rune into the MSBs of b
            assembly { word:= mload(mload(add(self, 32))) }
            uint b = word / divisor;
            if (b < 0x80) {
                ret = b;
                length = 1;
            } else if(b < 0xE0) {
                ret = b & 0x1F;
                length = 2;
            } else if(b < 0xF0) {
                ret = b & 0x0F;
                length = 3;
            } else {
                ret = b & 0x07;
                length = 4;
            // Check for truncated codepoints
            if (length > self._len) {
                return 0;
            for (uint i = 1; i < length; i++) {
                divisor = divisor / 256;
                b = (word / divisor) & 0xFF;
                if (b & 0xC0 != 0x80) {
                    // Invalid UTF-8 sequence
                    return 0;
                ret = (ret * 64) | (b & 0x3F);
            return ret;
         * @dev Returns the keccak-256 hash of the slice.
         * @param self The slice to hash.
         * @return The hash of the slice.
        function keccak(slice memory self) internal pure returns (bytes32 ret) {
            assembly {
                ret := keccak256(mload(add(self, 32)), mload(self))
         * @dev Returns true if `self` starts with `needle`.
         * @param self The slice to operate on.
         * @param needle The slice to search for.
         * @return True if the slice starts with the provided text, false otherwise.
        function startsWith(slice memory self, slice memory needle) internal pure returns (bool) {
            if (self._len < needle._len) {
                return false;
            if (self._ptr == needle._ptr) {
                return true;
            bool equal;
            assembly {
                let length := mload(needle)
                let selfptr := mload(add(self, 0x20))
                let needleptr := mload(add(needle, 0x20))
                equal := eq(keccak256(selfptr, length), keccak256(needleptr, length))
            return equal;
         * @dev If `self` starts with `needle`, `needle` is removed from the
         *      beginning of `self`. Otherwise, `self` is unmodified.
         * @param self The slice to operate on.
         * @param needle The slice to search for.
         * @return `self`
        function beyond(slice memory self, slice memory needle) internal pure returns (slice memory) {
            if (self._len < needle._len) {
                return self;
            bool equal = true;
            if (self._ptr != needle._ptr) {
                assembly {
                    let length := mload(needle)
                    let selfptr := mload(add(self, 0x20))
                    let needleptr := mload(add(needle, 0x20))
                    equal := eq(keccak256(selfptr, length), keccak256(needleptr, length))
            if (equal) {
                self._len -= needle._len;
                self._ptr += needle._len;
            return self;
         * @dev Returns true if the slice ends with `needle`.
         * @param self The slice to operate on.
         * @param needle The slice to search for.
         * @return True if the slice starts with the provided text, false otherwise.
        function endsWith(slice memory self, slice memory needle) internal pure returns (bool) {
            if (self._len < needle._len) {
                return false;
            uint selfptr = self._ptr + self._len - needle._len;
            if (selfptr == needle._ptr) {
                return true;
            bool equal;
            assembly {
                let length := mload(needle)
                let needleptr := mload(add(needle, 0x20))
                equal := eq(keccak256(selfptr, length), keccak256(needleptr, length))
            return equal;
         * @dev If `self` ends with `needle`, `needle` is removed from the
         *      end of `self`. Otherwise, `self` is unmodified.
         * @param self The slice to operate on.
         * @param needle The slice to search for.
         * @return `self`
        function until(slice memory self, slice memory needle) internal pure returns (slice memory) {
            if (self._len < needle._len) {
                return self;
            uint selfptr = self._ptr + self._len - needle._len;
            bool equal = true;
            if (selfptr != needle._ptr) {
                assembly {
                    let length := mload(needle)
                    let needleptr := mload(add(needle, 0x20))
                    equal := eq(keccak256(selfptr, length), keccak256(needleptr, length))
            if (equal) {
                self._len -= needle._len;
            return self;
        // Returns the memory address of the first byte of the first occurrence of
        // `needle` in `self`, or the first byte after `self` if not found.
        function findPtr(uint selflen, uint selfptr, uint needlelen, uint needleptr) private pure returns (uint) {
            uint ptr = selfptr;
            uint idx;
            if (needlelen <= selflen) {
                if (needlelen <= 32) {
                    bytes32 mask = bytes32(~(2 ** (8 * (32 - needlelen)) - 1));
                    bytes32 needledata;
                    assembly { needledata := and(mload(needleptr), mask) }
                    uint end = selfptr + selflen - needlelen;
                    bytes32 ptrdata;
                    assembly { ptrdata := and(mload(ptr), mask) }
                    while (ptrdata != needledata) {
                        if (ptr >= end)
                            return selfptr + selflen;
                        assembly { ptrdata := and(mload(ptr), mask) }
                    return ptr;
                } else {
                    // For long needles, use hashing
                    bytes32 hash;
                    assembly { hash := keccak256(needleptr, needlelen) }
                    for (idx = 0; idx <= selflen - needlelen; idx++) {
                        bytes32 testHash;
                        assembly { testHash := keccak256(ptr, needlelen) }
                        if (hash == testHash)
                            return ptr;
                        ptr += 1;
            return selfptr + selflen;
        // Returns the memory address of the first byte after the last occurrence of
        // `needle` in `self`, or the address of `self` if not found.
        function rfindPtr(uint selflen, uint selfptr, uint needlelen, uint needleptr) private pure returns (uint) {
            uint ptr;
            if (needlelen <= selflen) {
                if (needlelen <= 32) {
                    bytes32 mask = bytes32(~(2 ** (8 * (32 - needlelen)) - 1));
                    bytes32 needledata;
                    assembly { needledata := and(mload(needleptr), mask) }
                    ptr = selfptr + selflen - needlelen;
                    bytes32 ptrdata;
                    assembly { ptrdata := and(mload(ptr), mask) }
                    while (ptrdata != needledata) {
                        if (ptr <= selfptr)
                            return selfptr;
                        assembly { ptrdata := and(mload(ptr), mask) }
                    return ptr + needlelen;
                } else {
                    // For long needles, use hashing
                    bytes32 hash;
                    assembly { hash := keccak256(needleptr, needlelen) }
                    ptr = selfptr + (selflen - needlelen);
                    while (ptr >= selfptr) {
                        bytes32 testHash;
                        assembly { testHash := keccak256(ptr, needlelen) }
                        if (hash == testHash)
                            return ptr + needlelen;
                        ptr -= 1;
            return selfptr;
         * @dev Modifies `self` to contain everything from the first occurrence of
         *      `needle` to the end of the slice. `self` is set to the empty slice
         *      if `needle` is not found.
         * @param self The slice to search and modify.
         * @param needle The text to search for.
         * @return `self`.
        function find(slice memory self, slice memory needle) internal pure returns (slice memory) {
            uint ptr = findPtr(self._len, self._ptr, needle._len, needle._ptr);
            self._len -= ptr - self._ptr;
            self._ptr = ptr;
            return self;
         * @dev Modifies `self` to contain the part of the string from the start of
         *      `self` to the end of the first occurrence of `needle`. If `needle`
         *      is not found, `self` is set to the empty slice.
         * @param self The slice to search and modify.
         * @param needle The text to search for.
         * @return `self`.
        function rfind(slice memory self, slice memory needle) internal pure returns (slice memory) {
            uint ptr = rfindPtr(self._len, self._ptr, needle._len, needle._ptr);
            self._len = ptr - self._ptr;
            return self;
         * @dev Splits the slice, setting `self` to everything after the first
         *      occurrence of `needle`, and `token` to everything before it. If
         *      `needle` does not occur in `self`, `self` is set to the empty slice,
         *      and `token` is set to the entirety of `self`.
         * @param self The slice to split.
         * @param needle The text to search for in `self`.
         * @param token An output parameter to which the first token is written.
         * @return `token`.
        function split(slice memory self, slice memory needle, slice memory token) internal pure returns (slice memory) {
            uint ptr = findPtr(self._len, self._ptr, needle._len, needle._ptr);
            token._ptr = self._ptr;
            token._len = ptr - self._ptr;
            if (ptr == self._ptr + self._len) {
                // Not found
                self._len = 0;
            } else {
                self._len -= token._len + needle._len;
                self._ptr = ptr + needle._len;
            return token;
         * @dev Splits the slice, setting `self` to everything after the first
         *      occurrence of `needle`, and returning everything before it. If
         *      `needle` does not occur in `self`, `self` is set to the empty slice,
         *      and the entirety of `self` is returned.
         * @param self The slice to split.
         * @param needle The text to search for in `self`.
         * @return The part of `self` up to the first occurrence of `delim`.
        function split(slice memory self, slice memory needle) internal pure returns (slice memory token) {
            split(self, needle, token);
         * @dev Splits the slice, setting `self` to everything before the last
         *      occurrence of `needle`, and `token` to everything after it. If
         *      `needle` does not occur in `self`, `self` is set to the empty slice,
         *      and `token` is set to the entirety of `self`.
         * @param self The slice to split.
         * @param needle The text to search for in `self`.
         * @param token An output parameter to which the first token is written.
         * @return `token`.
        function rsplit(slice memory self, slice memory needle, slice memory token) internal pure returns (slice memory) {
            uint ptr = rfindPtr(self._len, self._ptr, needle._len, needle._ptr);
            token._ptr = ptr;
            token._len = self._len - (ptr - self._ptr);
            if (ptr == self._ptr) {
                // Not found
                self._len = 0;
            } else {
                self._len -= token._len + needle._len;
            return token;
         * @dev Splits the slice, setting `self` to everything before the last
         *      occurrence of `needle`, and returning everything after it. If
         *      `needle` does not occur in `self`, `self` is set to the empty slice,
         *      and the entirety of `self` is returned.
         * @param self The slice to split.
         * @param needle The text to search for in `self`.
         * @return The part of `self` after the last occurrence of `delim`.
        function rsplit(slice memory self, slice memory needle) internal pure returns (slice memory token) {
            rsplit(self, needle, token);
         * @dev Counts the number of nonoverlapping occurrences of `needle` in `self`.
         * @param self The slice to search.
         * @param needle The text to search for in `self`.
         * @return The number of occurrences of `needle` found in `self`.
        function count(slice memory self, slice memory needle) internal pure returns (uint cnt) {
            uint ptr = findPtr(self._len, self._ptr, needle._len, needle._ptr) + needle._len;
            while (ptr <= self._ptr + self._len) {
                ptr = findPtr(self._len - (ptr - self._ptr), ptr, needle._len, needle._ptr) + needle._len;
         * @dev Returns True if `self` contains `needle`.
         * @param self The slice to search.
         * @param needle The text to search for in `self`.
         * @return True if `needle` is found in `self`, false otherwise.
        function contains(slice memory self, slice memory needle) internal pure returns (bool) {
            return rfindPtr(self._len, self._ptr, needle._len, needle._ptr) != self._ptr;
         * @dev Returns a newly allocated string containing the concatenation of
         *      `self` and `other`.
         * @param self The first slice to concatenate.
         * @param other The second slice to concatenate.
         * @return The concatenation of the two strings.
        function concat(slice memory self, slice memory other) internal pure returns (string memory) {
            string memory ret = new string(self._len + other._len);
            uint retptr;
            assembly { retptr := add(ret, 32) }
            memcpy(retptr, self._ptr, self._len);
            memcpy(retptr + self._len, other._ptr, other._len);
            return ret;
         * @dev Joins an array of slices, using `self` as a delimiter, returning a
         *      newly allocated string.
         * @param self The delimiter to use.
         * @param parts A list of slices to join.
         * @return A newly allocated string containing all the slices in `parts`,
         *         joined with `self`.
        function join(slice memory self, slice[] memory parts) internal pure returns (string memory) {
            if (parts.length == 0)
                return "";
            uint length = self._len * (parts.length - 1);
            for(uint i = 0; i < parts.length; i++)
                length += parts[i]._len;
            string memory ret = new string(length);
            uint retptr;
            assembly { retptr := add(ret, 32) }
            for(uint i1 = 0; i1 < parts.length; i1++) {
                memcpy(retptr, parts[i1]._ptr, parts[i1]._len);
                retptr += parts[i1]._len;
                if (i < parts.length - 1) {
                    memcpy(retptr, self._ptr, self._len);
                    retptr += self._len;
            return ret;
    pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
    import "./Table.sol";
        @title 将Bean格式化为json
    library LibStringUtil {
        function getEntry(string[] memory fields, Entry entry) internal view returns (string[] memory) {
            string[] memory values = new string[](fields.length);
            for (uint i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
                values[i] = entry.getString(fields[i]);
            return values;
        function getJsonString(string[] memory fields, Entries entries) internal view returns (int, string memory) {
            string memory detail;
            if (0 == entries.size()) {
                return (- 1, detail);
            else {
                //            [{"index":"",{"key1":"","key2":""}}]
                detail = "[";
                // 获取Bean的值
                for (uint i = 0; i < uint(entries.size()); i++) {
                    string[] memory values = getEntry(fields, entries.get(int(i)));
                    for (uint j = 0; j < values.length; j++) {
                        if (j == 0) {
                            detail = strConcat4(detail, "{"index":"", values[0], "","data":{");
                        detail = strConcat6(detail, """, fields[j], "":"", values[j], """);
                        if (j == values.length - 1) {
                            detail = strConcat2(detail, "}}");
                        } else {
                            detail = strConcat2(detail, ",");
                    if (i != uint(entries.size()) - 1) {
                        detail = strConcat2(detail, ",");
                detail = strConcat2(detail, "]");
                return (0, detail);
        function strConcat6(
            string memory str1,
            string memory str2,
            string memory str3,
            string memory str4,
            string memory str5,
            string memory str6
        ) internal pure returns (string memory) {
            string[] memory strings = new string[](6);
            strings[0] = str1;
            strings[1] = str2;
            strings[2] = str3;
            strings[3] = str4;
            strings[4] = str5;
            strings[5] = str6;
            return strConcat(strings);
        function strConcat5(
            string memory str1,
            string memory str2,
            string memory str3,
            string memory str4,
            string memory str5
        ) internal pure returns (string memory) {
            string[] memory strings = new string[](5);
            strings[0] = str1;
            strings[1] = str2;
            strings[2] = str3;
            strings[3] = str4;
            strings[4] = str5;
            return strConcat(strings);
        function strConcat4(
            string memory str1,
            string memory str2,
            string memory str3,
            string memory str4
        ) internal pure returns (string memory) {
            string[] memory strings = new string[](4);
            strings[0] = str1;
            strings[1] = str2;
            strings[2] = str3;
            strings[3] = str4;
            return strConcat(strings);
        function strConcat3(
            string memory str1,
            string memory str2,
            string memory str3
        ) internal pure returns (string memory) {
            string[] memory strings = new string[](3);
            strings[0] = str1;
            strings[1] = str2;
            strings[2] = str3;
            return strConcat(strings);
        function strConcat2(string memory str1, string memory str2) internal pure returns (string memory) {
            string[] memory strings = new string[](2);
            strings[0] = str1;
            strings[1] = str2;
            return strConcat(strings);
        function strConcat(string[] memory strings) internal pure returns (string memory) {
            // 计算字节长度
            uint bLength = 0;
            for (uint i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
                bLength += bytes(strings[i]).length;
            // 实例化字符串
            string memory result = new string(bLength);
            bytes memory bResult = bytes(result);
            // 填充字符串
            uint currLength = 0;
            for (uint i1 = 0; i1 < strings.length; i1++) {
                // 将当前字符串转换为字节数组
                bytes memory bs = bytes(strings[i1]);
                for (uint j = 0; j < bs.length; j++) {
                    bResult[currLength] = bs[j];
            return string(bResult);

    基于Table.sol 、LibStrings.sol、LibStringUtil.sol   实现返回例子

    pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
    pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
    import "./Table.sol";
    import "./LibStrings.sol";
    import "./LibStringUtil.sol";
    contract BudgetApp{
              TableFactory tf = TableFactory(0X1001);
              constructor() public{
              function get(string dwbm,string[] yskey,string[] ystr,int startPage,int endPage)constant public returns(int, string memory){
                  Table table = tf.openTable("t_sichuan_bud");
                  // 条件为空表示不筛选 也可以根据需要使用条件筛选
                  Condition condition = table.newCondition();
                  for (uint i = 0; i < yskey.length; i++) {
                  Entries entries = table.select(dwbm, condition);
                  string[] memory info = new string[](11);
                  info[0] = "dwbm";
                  info[1] = "dwmc";
                  info[2] = "zcgnflbm";
                  info[3] = "zcgnfl";
                  info[4] = "zcjjflbm";
                  info[5] = "zcjjfl";
                  info[6] = "zfjjkmdm";
                  info[7] = "zfjjfl";
                  info[8] = "je";
                  info[9] = "xm";
                  info[10] = "jsonData";
                  return LibStringUtil.getJsonString(info, entries);
              function set(string dwbm,string[] paystr,string jsonData) public returns(int){
                  Table tb = tf.openTable("t_sichuan_bud");
                  Entry entry = tb.newEntry();
                  int count = tb.insert(dwbm,entry);
                  return count;


    public interface CommonService {
        <T> String get(T t, int startPage, int endPage,String flag);
        <T> boolean set(T t,String flag);
        <T> TransactionInfo setData(T t, String flag);
    public class CommonServiceImpl implements CommonService {
        private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CommonServiceImpl.class);
        private Web3j web3j;
        private BudgetApp budgetApp;
        // DataSourIndi
        private DataSourIndi dataSourIndi;
        private TargetRele targetRele;
        private TargetReleDown targetReleDown;
        private IndexTobeDiv indexTobeDiv;
        private ExecutableIndi executableIndi;
        private DirectPayVoucher directPayVoucher;
        private DirectPayVoucherItem vouitem;
        private OneCardSolu oneCardSolu;
        private AccountingBook account;
        private Generalplan generalplan;
        private DirectPayment directPayment;
        private Earlywarning earlywarning;
         * 公共查询
         * 查询时dwdm || yslydm 不能为空null 或""  为空返回null
         * @param t
         * @param startPage 0
         * @param endPage   10
         * @param flag
         * @param <T>
         * @return
        public <T> String get(T t, int startPage, int endPage, String flag) {
            log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>get>>>>>>>>>>>>T" + JSONObject.toJSON(t).toString() + " startPage:" + startPage + " endPage" + endPage + " flag" + flag);
            List<String> keylist = new ArrayList<>();
            List<String> vallist = new ArrayList<>();
            Field fields[] = t.getClass().getDeclaredFields();//t 是实体类名称
            String[] name = new String[fields.length];
            Object[] value = new Object[fields.length];
            String dwdm = "";
            String yslydm = "";
            Tuple2<BigInteger, String> send = null;
            try {
                Field.setAccessible(fields, true);
                for (int i = 0; i < name.length; i++) {
                    if (fields[i].get(t) != null && fields[i].get(t) != "") {
                        vallist.add((String) fields[i].get(t));
                    if ("dwbm".equals(fields[i].getName()) || "dwdm".equals(fields[i].getName())) {
                        dwdm = (String) fields[i].get(t);
                    if ("yslydm".equals(fields[i].getName())) {
                        yslydm = (String) fields[i].get(t);
                send = doGetDown(startPage, endPage, flag, keylist, vallist, dwdm, yslydm, send);
                if (send != null) {
                    return send.getValue2();
                } else {
                    return null;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>errorinfo", e);
                return null;
         * 公共添加
         * dwdm || yslydm 不能为空null 或""  为空返回false
         * @param t
         * @param flag
         * @param <T>
         * @return
        public <T> boolean set(T t, String flag) {
            log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>>>>>T" + JSONObject.toJSON(t).toString() + " flag" + flag);
            List<String> keylist = new ArrayList<>();
            List<String> vallist = new ArrayList<>();
            Field fields[] = t.getClass().getDeclaredFields();//t 是实体类名称
            String[] name = new String[fields.length];
            Object[] value = new Object[fields.length];
            String dwdm = "";
            String yslydm = "";
            String jsonData = "";
            TransactionReceipt _temp = null;
            try {
                Field.setAccessible(fields, true);
                for (int i = 0; i < name.length; i++) {
                    if (fields[i].get(t) != null) {
                        vallist.add((String) fields[i].get(t));
                    } else {
                    if ("dwbm".equals(fields[i].getName()) || "dwdm".equals(fields[i].getName())) {
                        dwdm = (String) fields[i].get(t);
                    if ("yslydm".equals(fields[i].getName())) {
                        yslydm = (String) fields[i].get(t);
                    if ("jsonData".equals(fields[i].getName())) {
                        jsonData = (String) fields[i].get(t);
                _temp = doSetDown(flag, vallist, dwdm, yslydm, jsonData, _temp);
                if (_temp != null) {
                    return true;
                } else {
                    return false;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>errorinfo", e);
                return false;
         * 公共添加
         * dwdm || yslydm 不能为空null 或""   为空返回 null
         * @param <T>
         * @param t
         * @param flag
         * @return
        public <T> TransactionInfo setData(T t, String flag) {
            log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>>>>>T" + JSONObject.toJSON(t).toString() + " flag" + flag);
            List<String> keylist = new ArrayList<>();
            List<String> vallist = new ArrayList<>();
            Field fields[] = t.getClass().getDeclaredFields();//t 是实体类名称
            String[] name = new String[fields.length];
            Object[] value = new Object[fields.length];
            String dwdm = "";
            String yslydm = "";
            String jsonData = "";
            TransactionReceipt _temp = null;
            TransactionInfo transactionInfo=new TransactionInfo();
            try {
                Field.setAccessible(fields, true);
                for (int i = 0; i < name.length; i++) {
                    if (fields[i].get(t) != null) {
                        vallist.add((String) fields[i].get(t));
                    } else {
                    if ("dwbm".equals(fields[i].getName()) || "dwdm".equals(fields[i].getName())) {
                        dwdm = (String) fields[i].get(t);
                    if ("yslydm".equals(fields[i].getName())) {
                        yslydm = (String) fields[i].get(t);
                    if ("jsonData".equals(fields[i].getName())) {
                        jsonData = (String) fields[i].get(t);
                _temp = doSetDown(flag, vallist, dwdm, yslydm, jsonData, _temp);
                if (_temp != null) {
                    return transactionInfo;
                } else {
                    return null;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>errorinfo", e);
                return null;
         * get
         * @param startPage
         * @param endPage
         * @param flag
         * @param keylist
         * @param vallist
         * @param dwdm
         * @param yslydm
         * @param send
         * @return
         * @throws Exception
        private Tuple2<BigInteger, String> doGetDown(int startPage, int endPage, String flag, List<String> keylist, List<String> vallist, String dwdm, String yslydm, Tuple2<BigInteger, String> send) throws Exception {
            if ("1".equals(flag)) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dwdm)) {
                    send = budgetApp.get(dwdm, keylist, vallist, BigInteger.valueOf(startPage), BigInteger.valueOf(endPage)).send();
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>get>>>>>>>>>>>budgetApp:" + send);
                } else {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>budgetApp dwdm is null.skip...>>>>>>>>");
            } else if ("2".equals(flag)) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(yslydm)) {
                    send = dataSourIndi.get(yslydm, keylist, vallist, BigInteger.valueOf(startPage), BigInteger.valueOf(endPage)).send();
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>get>>>>>>>>>>dataSourIndi:" + send);
                } else {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>dataSourIndi yslydm is null.skip...>>>>>>>>");
            } else if ("3".equals(flag)) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(yslydm)) {
                    send = targetRele.get(yslydm, keylist, vallist, BigInteger.valueOf(startPage), BigInteger.valueOf(endPage)).send();
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>get>>>>>>>>>targetRele:" + send);
                } else {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>targetRele yslydm is null.skip...>>>>>>>>");
            } else if ("4".equals(flag)) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dwdm)) {
                    send = targetReleDown.get(dwdm, keylist, vallist, BigInteger.valueOf(startPage), BigInteger.valueOf(endPage)).send();
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>get>>>>>>>>>targetRele:" + send);
                } else {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>targetReleDown dwdm is null.skip...>>>>>>>>");
            } else if ("5".equals(flag)) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dwdm)) {
                    send = indexTobeDiv.get(dwdm, keylist, vallist, BigInteger.valueOf(startPage), BigInteger.valueOf(endPage)).send();
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>get>>>>>>>>>indexTobeDiv:" + send);
                } else {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>indexTobeDiv dwdm is null.skip...>>>>>>>>");
            } else if ("6".equals(flag)) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dwdm)) {
                    send = executableIndi.get(dwdm, keylist, vallist, BigInteger.valueOf(startPage), BigInteger.valueOf(endPage)).send();
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>get>>>>>>>>>executableIndi:" + send);
                } else {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>executableIndi dwdm is null.skip...>>>>>>>>");
            } else if ("7".equals(flag)) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dwdm)) {
                    send = directPayVoucher.get(dwdm, keylist, vallist, BigInteger.valueOf(startPage), BigInteger.valueOf(endPage)).send();
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>get>>>>>>>>>directPayVoucher:" + send);
                } else {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>directPayVoucher dwdm is null.skip...>>>>>>>>");
            } else if ("8".equals(flag)) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dwdm)) {
                    send = vouitem.get(dwdm, keylist, vallist, BigInteger.valueOf(startPage), BigInteger.valueOf(endPage)).send();
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>get>>>>>>>>>vouitem:" + send);
                } else {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>vouitem dwdm is null.skip...>>>>>>>>");
            } else if ("9".equals(flag)) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dwdm)) {
                    send = oneCardSolu.get(dwdm, keylist, vallist, BigInteger.valueOf(startPage), BigInteger.valueOf(endPage)).send();
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>get>>>>>>>>>oneCardSolu:" + send);
                } else {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>oneCardSolu dwdm is null.skip...>>>>>>>>");
            } else if ("10".equals(flag)) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dwdm)) {
                    send = account.get(dwdm, keylist, vallist, BigInteger.valueOf(startPage), BigInteger.valueOf(endPage)).send();
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>get>>>>>>>>>account:" + send);
                } else {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>account dwdm is null.skip...>>>>>>>>");
            } else if ("11".equals(flag)) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dwdm)) {
                    send = generalplan.get(dwdm, keylist, vallist, BigInteger.valueOf(startPage), BigInteger.valueOf(endPage)).send();
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>get>>>>>>>>>generalplan:" + send);
                } else {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>generalplan dwdm is null.skip...>>>>>>>>");
            } else if ("12".equals(flag)) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dwdm)) {
                    send = directPayment.get(dwdm, keylist, vallist, BigInteger.valueOf(startPage), BigInteger.valueOf(endPage)).send();
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>get>>>>>>>>>directPayment:" + send);
                } else {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>directPayment dwdm is null.skip...>>>>>>>>");
            } else if ("13".equals(flag)) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dwdm)) {
                    send = earlywarning.get(dwdm, keylist, vallist, BigInteger.valueOf(startPage), BigInteger.valueOf(endPage)).send();
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>get>>>>>>>>>earlywarning:" + send);
                } else {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>earlywarning dwdm is null.skip...>>>>>>>>");
            return send;
         * doSetDown  添加方法提取
         * @param flag
         * @param vallist
         * @param dwdm
         * @param yslydm
         * @param jsonData
         * @param _temp
         * @return
         * @throws Exception
        private TransactionReceipt doSetDown(String flag, List<String> vallist, String dwdm, String yslydm, String jsonData, TransactionReceipt _temp) throws Exception {
            if ("1".equals(flag)) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dwdm)) {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>budgetApp:" + dwdm + " vallist:" + vallist + " jsonData:" + jsonData);
                    _temp = budgetApp.set(dwdm, vallist, jsonData).send();
    //                String strs = BudgetApp.getTransactionDecoder().decodeOutputReturnJson(_temp.getInput(), _temp.getOutput());
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>BlockNumber: " + _temp.getBlockNumber() + "  BlockHash: " + _temp.getBlockHash());
                } else {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>budgetApp dwdm is null.skip...>>>>>>>>");
            } else if ("2".equals(flag)) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(yslydm)) {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>dataSourIndi:" + yslydm + " vallist:" + vallist + " jsonData:" + jsonData);
                    _temp = dataSourIndi.set(yslydm, vallist, jsonData).send();
    //                String strs = DataSourIndi.getTransactionDecoder().decodeOutputReturnJson(_temp.getInput(), _temp.getOutput());
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>BlockNumber: " + _temp.getBlockNumber() + "  BlockHash: " + _temp.getBlockHash());
                } else {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>dataSourIndi yslydm is null.skip...>>>>>>>>");
            } else if ("3".equals(flag)) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(yslydm)) {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>targetRele:" + yslydm + " vallist:" + vallist + " jsonData:" + jsonData);
                    _temp = targetRele.set(yslydm, vallist, jsonData).send();
    //                String strs = TargetRele.getTransactionDecoder().decodeOutputReturnJson(_temp.getInput(), _temp.getOutput());
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>BlockNumber: " + _temp.getBlockNumber() + "  BlockHash: " + _temp.getBlockHash());
                } else {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>targetRele yslydm is null.skip...>>>>>>>>");
            } else if ("4".equals(flag)) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dwdm)) {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>targetReleDown:" + dwdm + " vallist:" + vallist + " jsonData:" + jsonData);
                    _temp = targetReleDown.set(dwdm, vallist, jsonData).send();
    //                String strs = TargetReleDown.getTransactionDecoder().decodeOutputReturnJson(_temp.getInput(), _temp.getOutput());
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>BlockNumber: " + _temp.getBlockNumber() + "  BlockHash: " + _temp.getBlockHash());
                } else {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>targetReleDown dwdm is null.skip...>>>>>>>>");
            } else if ("5".equals(flag)) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dwdm)) {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>indexTobeDiv:" + dwdm + " vallist:" + vallist + " jsonData:" + jsonData);
                    _temp = indexTobeDiv.set(dwdm, vallist, jsonData).send();
    //                String strs = IndexTobeDiv.getTransactionDecoder().decodeOutputReturnJson(_temp.getInput(), _temp.getOutput());
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>BlockNumber: " + _temp.getBlockNumber() + "  BlockHash: " + _temp.getBlockHash());
                } else {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>indexTobeDiv dwdm is null.skip...>>>>>>>>");
            } else if ("6".equals(flag)) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dwdm)) {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>executableIndi:" + dwdm + " vallist:" + vallist + " jsonData:" + jsonData);
                    _temp = executableIndi.set(dwdm, vallist, jsonData).send();
    //                String strs = ExecutableIndi.getTransactionDecoder().decodeOutputReturnJson(_temp.getInput(), _temp.getOutput());
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>BlockNumber: " + _temp.getBlockNumber() + "  BlockHash: " + _temp.getBlockHash());
                } else {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>executableIndi dwdm is null.skip...>>>>>>>>");
            } else if ("7".equals(flag)) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dwdm)) {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>directPayVoucher:" + dwdm + " vallist:" + vallist + " jsonData:" + jsonData);
                    _temp = directPayVoucher.set(dwdm, vallist, jsonData).send();
    //                String strs = DirectPayVoucher.getTransactionDecoder().decodeOutputReturnJson(_temp.getInput(), _temp.getOutput());
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>BlockNumber: " + _temp.getBlockNumber() + "  BlockHash: " + _temp.getBlockHash());
                } else {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>directPayVoucher dwdm is null.skip...>>>>>>>>");
            } else if ("8".equals(flag)) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dwdm)) {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>vouitem:" + dwdm + " vallist:" + vallist + " jsonData:" + jsonData);
                    _temp = vouitem.set(dwdm, vallist, jsonData).send();
    //                String strs = DirectPayVoucherItem.getTransactionDecoder().decodeOutputReturnJson(_temp.getInput(), _temp.getOutput());
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>BlockNumber: " + _temp.getBlockNumber() + "  BlockHash: " + _temp.getBlockHash());
                } else {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>vouitem dwdm is null.skip...>>>>>>>>");
            } else if ("9".equals(flag)) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dwdm)) {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>oneCardSolu:" + dwdm + " vallist:" + vallist + " jsonData:" + jsonData);
                    _temp = oneCardSolu.set(dwdm, vallist, jsonData).send();
    //                String strs = OneCardSolu.getTransactionDecoder().decodeOutputReturnJson(_temp.getInput(), _temp.getOutput());
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>BlockNumber: " + _temp.getBlockNumber() + "  BlockHash: " + _temp.getBlockHash());
                } else {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>oneCardSolu dwdm is null.skip...>>>>>>>>");
            } else if ("10".equals(flag)) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dwdm)) {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>account:" + dwdm + " vallist:" + vallist + " jsonData:" + jsonData);
                    _temp = account.set(dwdm, vallist, jsonData).send();
    //                String strs = AccountingBook.getTransactionDecoder().decodeOutputReturnJson(_temp.getInput(), _temp.getOutput());
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>BlockNumber: " + _temp.getBlockNumber() + "  BlockHash: " + _temp.getBlockHash());
                } else {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>account dwdm is null.skip...>>>>>>>>");
            } else if ("11".equals(flag)) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dwdm)) {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>generalplan:" + dwdm + " vallist:" + vallist + " jsonData:" + jsonData);
                    _temp = generalplan.set(dwdm, vallist, jsonData).send();
    //                String strs = Generalplan.getTransactionDecoder().decodeOutputReturnJson(_temp.getInput(), _temp.getOutput());
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>BlockNumber: " + _temp.getBlockNumber() + "  BlockHash: " + _temp.getBlockHash());
                } else {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>generalplan dwdm is null.skip...>>>>>>>>");
            }else if ("12".equals(flag)) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dwdm)) {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>directPayment:" + dwdm + " vallist:" + vallist + " jsonData:" + jsonData);
                    _temp = directPayment.set(dwdm, vallist, jsonData).send();
    //                String strs = Generalplan.getTransactionDecoder().decodeOutputReturnJson(_temp.getInput(), _temp.getOutput());
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>BlockNumber: " + _temp.getBlockNumber() + "  BlockHash: " + _temp.getBlockHash());
                } else {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>directPayment dwdm is null.skip...>>>>>>>>");
            }else if ("13".equals(flag)) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dwdm)) {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>earlywarning:" + dwdm + " vallist:" + vallist + " jsonData:" + jsonData);
                    _temp = earlywarning.set(dwdm, vallist, jsonData).send();
    //                String strs = Generalplan.getTransactionDecoder().decodeOutputReturnJson(_temp.getInput(), _temp.getOutput());
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>set>>>>>>>>>BlockNumber: " + _temp.getBlockNumber() + "  BlockHash: " + _temp.getBlockHash());
                } else {
                    log.info(">>>>>>>>>>>>>earlywarning dwdm is null.skip...>>>>>>>>");
            return _temp;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/aGboke/p/14024631.html
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