-- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `account` 登录账号表 -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `account`; CREATE TABLE `account` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `uid` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `accId` varchar(200) NOT NULL, `pw` varchar(200) NOT NULL, `loginTime` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `isBenefit` smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', `remark` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL, `createTime` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `createUser` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `updateTime` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `updateUser` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `account_uid_user` (`uid`) USING BTREE, KEY `account_createUser_user` (`createUser`) USING BTREE, KEY `account_updateUser_user` (`updateUser`) USING BTREE, CONSTRAINT `account_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`createUser`) REFERENCES `user` (`id`), CONSTRAINT `account_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`uid`) REFERENCES `user` (`id`), CONSTRAINT `account_ibfk_3` FOREIGN KEY (`updateUser`) REFERENCES `user` (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=5 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `authority`角色菜单绑定表 -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `authority`; CREATE TABLE `authority` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `roleId` int(11) NOT NULL, `sysmodelId` int(11) NOT NULL, `remark` text, `createTime` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `createUser` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `updateTime` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `updateUser` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=877 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `role`角色表 -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `role`; CREATE TABLE `role` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `roleName` varchar(200) NOT NULL, `createTime` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `createUser` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `updateTime` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `updateUser` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `remark` text, `isBenefit` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=10 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of role -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `role` VALUES ('1', '经销商', null, null, '2013-05-08 11:25:55', null, '经销商备注', null); INSERT INTO `role` VALUES ('9', '管理员', null, null, '2013-05-08 11:25:59', null, '管理员权限', null); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `sysmodel`系统菜单表 -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sysmodel`; CREATE TABLE `sysmodel` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `title` varchar(200) NOT NULL, `modelName` varchar(200) NOT NULL, `createTime` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `createUser` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `updateTime` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `updateUser` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=13 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of sysmodel -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `sysmodel` VALUES ('1', '经销商管理', 'M01', '2011-12-02 00:00:00', '1', '2011-12-02 00:00:00', '1'); INSERT INTO `sysmodel` VALUES ('2', '经销商入库', 'M0101', '2011-12-02 00:00:00', '1', '2011-12-02 00:00:00', '1'); INSERT INTO `sysmodel` VALUES ('3', '经销商出库', 'M0102', '2011-12-02 00:00:00', '1', '2011-12-02 00:00:00', '1'); INSERT INTO `sysmodel` VALUES ('4', '经销商分销', 'M0103', '2011-12-02 00:00:00', '1', '2011-12-02 00:00:00', '1'); INSERT INTO `sysmodel` VALUES ('5', '经销商退货', 'M0104', '2011-12-02 00:00:00', '1', '2011-12-02 00:00:00', '1'); INSERT INTO `sysmodel` VALUES ('6', '分销商管理', 'M02', '2011-12-02 00:00:00', '1', '2011-12-02 00:00:00', '1'); INSERT INTO `sysmodel` VALUES ('7', '分销商入库', 'M0201', '2011-12-02 00:00:00', '1', '2011-12-02 00:00:00', '1'); INSERT INTO `sysmodel` VALUES ('8', '分销商出库', 'M0202', '2011-12-02 00:00:00', '1', '2011-12-02 00:00:00', '1'); INSERT INTO `sysmodel` VALUES ('9', '分销商分销', 'M0203', '2011-12-02 00:00:00', '1', '2011-12-02 00:00:00', null); INSERT INTO `sysmodel` VALUES ('10', '分销商退货', 'M0204', '2011-12-02 00:00:00', '1', '2011-12-02 00:00:00', null); INSERT INTO `sysmodel` VALUES ('11', '管理员管理', 'M03', '2011-12-02 00:00:00', '1', '2011-12-02 00:00:00', null); INSERT INTO `sysmodel` VALUES ('12', '角色管理', 'M04', '2011-12-02 00:00:00', '1', '2011-12-02 00:00:00', null); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for `user`用户表 -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `user`; CREATE TABLE `user` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `badge` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(200) NOT NULL, `ename` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, `gender` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL, `company` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, `department` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, `job` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, `idCardNo` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `birthday` date DEFAULT NULL, `workYears` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `workLocation` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, `email` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, `mobile` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `createTime` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `createUser` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `updateTime` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `updateUser` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `roleId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `status` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'on', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `createUser` (`createUser`) USING BTREE, KEY `updateUser` (`updateUser`) USING BTREE, CONSTRAINT `user_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`createUser`) REFERENCES `user` (`id`), CONSTRAINT `user_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`updateUser`) REFERENCES `user` (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=6 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; 3. 页面代码 注意:此处tree用到的dtree,基于javascript写的。而本人用过zTree后更推荐使用ztree,基于jquery的代码(功能点多,api详细) 因此必须先下载dtree,此处省略下载。 下载后将dtree自带的css和图片存放在项目制定路径下。 本人主要修改了dtree的js代码:实现checkbox,和异步访问功能 点击(此处)折叠或打开 /*--------------------------------------------------| | dTree 2.05 | www.destroydrop.com/javascript/tree/ | |---------------------------------------------------| | Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Geir Landr? | | | | This script can be used freely as long as all | | copyright messages are intact. | | | | Updated: 17.04.2003 | |--------------------------------------------------*/ // Node object function Node(id, pid, name, url, title, target, icon, iconOpen, open) { this.id = id; this.pid = pid; this.name = name; this.url = url; this.title = title; this.target = target; this.icon = icon; this.iconOpen = iconOpen; this._io = open || false; this._is = false; this._ls = false; this._hc = false; this._ai = 0; this._p; //add by ljt // this.checked=checked||false; }; // Tree object function dTree(objName) { this.config = { target : null, //ljt changed it to be false folderLinks : false, useSelection : true, useCookies : true, useLines : true, useIcons : true, useStatusText : false, closeSameLevel : false, inOrder : false, check: true //添加选择框 } //ljt changed this to his own path this.icon = { //root : '../images/dtree/base.gif', root : '../images/dtree/ware.png', //folder : '../images/dtree/folder.gif', folder : '../images/dtree/note.png', //folderOpen : '../images/dtree/folderopen.gif', folderOpen : '../images/dtree/note.png', //node : '../images/dtree/page.gif', node : '../images/dtree/note.png', empty : '../images/dtree/empty.gif', line : '../images/dtree/line.gif', join : '../images/dtree/join.gif', joinBottom : '../images/dtree/joinbottom.gif', plus : '../images/dtree/plus.gif', plusBottom : '../images/dtree/plusbottom.gif', minus : '../images/dtree/minus.gif', minusBottom : '../images/dtree/minusbottom.gif', nlPlus : '../images/dtree/nolines_plus.gif', nlMinus : '../images/dtree/nolines_minus.gif' }; //add by ljt this.cbCollection=new Object(); this.obj = objName; this.aNodes = []; this.aIndent = []; this.root = new Node(-1); this.selectedNode = null; this.selectedFound = false; this.completed = false; }; // Adds a new node to the node array dTree.prototype.add = function(id, pid, name, url, title, target, icon, iconOpen, open) { this.aNodes[this.aNodes.length] = new Node(id, pid, name, url, title, target, icon, iconOpen, open); }; // Open/close all nodes dTree.prototype.openAll = function() { this.oAll(true); }; dTree.prototype.closeAll = function() { this.oAll(false); }; // Outputs the tree to the page dTree.prototype.toString = function() { var str = '<div class="dtree">n'; if (document.getElementById) { if (this.config.useCookies) this.selectedNode = this.getSelected(); str += this.addNode(this.root); } else str += 'Browser not supported.'; str += '</div>'; if (!this.selectedFound) this.selectedNode = null; this.completed = true; return str; }; // Creates the tree structure dTree.prototype.addNode = function(pNode) { var str = ''; var n=0; if (this.config.inOrder) n = pNode._ai; for (n; n<this.aNodes.length; n++) { if (this.aNodes[n].pid == pNode.id) { var cn = this.aNodes[n]; cn._p = pNode; cn._ai = n; this.setCS(cn); if (!cn.target && this.config.target) cn.target = this.config.target; if (cn._hc && !cn._io && this.config.useCookies) cn._io = this.isOpen(cn.id); if (!this.config.folderLinks && cn._hc) cn.url = null; if (this.config.useSelection && cn.id == this.selectedNode && !this.selectedFound) { cn._is = true; this.selectedNode = n; this.selectedFound = true; } str += this.node(cn, n); if (cn._ls) break; } } return str; }; //设置某节点不可选 dTree.prototype.unSelected=function(nodeId){ var ids=document.getElementsByName("c"+this.obj+"_Id"); var tempIds=nodeId.split(","); for(var n=1;n<tempIds.length;n++){ for(var i=0;i<ids.length;i++){ if("c"+this.obj+tempIds[n]==ids[i].id){ ids[i].disabled=true; break; } } } } //add by ljt set Default checked dTree.prototype.defaultChecked=function(nodeId){ // var checkbox_nameId="c"+this.obj+"_Id"; var ids = document.getElementsByName("c"+this.obj+"_Id"); var tempIds=nodeId.split(","); for(var n=0; n < tempIds.length; n++){ for(var i=0; i<ids.length; i++){ if("c"+this.obj+tempIds[n] == ids[i].id){ ids[i].checked=true; break; } } } }; //add by ljt dTree.prototype.co=function(id){ if (this.cbCollection[id])return this.cbCollection[id]; for(var n=0; n<this.aNodes.length; n++){ if(this.aNodes[n].id==id){ this.cbCollection[id]=document.getElementById("c"+this.obj+id); break; } } return this.cbCollection[id]; }; //获取选择的节点 dTree.prototype.getText=function(){ var value=new Array(); var cko;//checkobject for(var n=0;n<this.aNodes.length;n++){ cko=this.co(this.aNodes[n].id); if(cko!=null){ if(cko.checked==true){ value[value.length]=this.aNodes[n].id; } } } return value; }; // Creates the node icon, url and text dTree.prototype.node = function(node, nodeId) { var str = '<div class="dTreeNode">' + this.indent(node, nodeId); if (this.config.useIcons) { if (!node.icon) node.icon = (this.root.id == node.pid) ? this.icon.root : ((node._hc) ? this.icon.folder : this.icon.node); if (!node.iconOpen) node.iconOpen = (node._hc) ? this.icon.folderOpen : this.icon.node; if (this.root.id == node.pid) { node.icon = this.icon.root; node.iconOpen = this.icon.root; } str += '<img id="i' + this.obj + nodeId + '" src="' + ((node._io) ? node.iconOpen : node.icon) + '" alt="" />'; //添加输出的复选框 if(this.config.check==true){ str+='<input type="checkbox" name="c'+this.obj+'_Id" id="c'+this.obj+node.id+'" onclick="javascript:'+this.obj+'.cc(''+node.id+'',''+node.pid+'')"/>'; } } //复选框 dTree.prototype.cc=function(nodeId, nodePid){ //首先获取这个复选框的id var cs = document.getElementById("c" + this.obj + nodeId).checked; var n,node = this.aNodes[nodeId]; var len = this.aNodes.length; for (n=0; n<len; n++) { //循环每一个节点 if (this.aNodes[n].pid == nodeId) { //选择的是非子节点,则要把父节点和子节点全部选中 document.getElementById("c" + this.obj + this.aNodes[n].id).checked = cs; this.cc(this.aNodes[n].id, nodeId); //循环节点 } } if(cs==true){ //节点被选中状态 var pid=nodePid; var bSearch; do{ bSearch=false; for(n=0;n<len;n++){ //循环每一个节点 if(this.aNodes[n].id==pid){ //如果循环的节点的Id等于PId document.getElementById("c"+this.obj+pid).checked=true; //那么这个循环的节点应该被选中 pid=this.aNodes[n].pid; bSearch= true; break; } } }while(bSearch==true); } if(cs==false){ //取消选择 var pid = nodePid; do{ for(j=0;j<len;j++){ //循环每一个多选框,如果该节点有其他子节点被选中,则不取消 if(this.aNodes[j].pid==pid && document.getElementById("c" + this.obj + this.aNodes[j].id).checked==true){ return; } } if(j==len){ //循环结束 for(k=0;k<len;k++){ if(this.aNodes[k].id==pid){ //找到父节点 document.getElementById("c"+this.obj+this.aNodes[k].id).checked=false; pid=this.aNodes[k].pid; break; } } } }while(pid!=-1); } } if (node.url) { str += '<a id="s' + this.obj + nodeId + '" class="' + ((this.config.useSelection) ? ((node._is ? 'nodeSel' : 'node')) : 'node') + '" href="' + node.url + '"'; if (node.title) str += ' title="' + node.title + '"'; if (node.target) str += ' target="' + node.target + '"'; if (this.config.useStatusText) str += ' onmouseover="window.status='' + node.name + '';return true;" onmouseout="window.status='';return true;" '; if (this.config.useSelection && ((node._hc && this.config.folderLinks) || !node._hc)) str += ' onclick="javascript: ' + this.obj + '.s(' + nodeId + ');"'; str += '>'; } else if ((!this.config.folderLinks || !node.url) && node._hc && node.pid != this.root.id) str += '<a href="javascript: ' + this.obj + '.o(' + nodeId + ');" class="node">'; str += node.name; if (node.url || ((!this.config.folderLinks || !node.url) && node._hc)) str += '</a>'; str += '</div>'; if (node._hc) { str += '<div id="d' + this.obj + nodeId + '" class="clip" style="display:' + ((this.root.id == node.pid || node._io) ? 'block' : 'none') + ';">'; str += this.addNode(node); str += '</div>'; } this.aIndent.pop(); return str; }; // Adds the empty and line icons dTree.prototype.indent = function(node, nodeId) { var str = ''; if (this.root.id != node.pid) { for (var n=0; n<this.aIndent.length; n++) str += '<img src="' + ( (this.aIndent[n] == 1 && this.config.useLines) ? this.icon.line : this.icon.empty ) + '" alt="" />'; (node._ls) ? this.aIndent.push(0) : this.aIndent.push(1); if (node._hc) { str += '<a href="javascript: ' + this.obj + '.o(' + nodeId + ');"><img id="j' + this.obj + nodeId + '" src="'; if (!this.config.useLines) str += (node._io) ? this.icon.nlMinus : this.icon.nlPlus; else str += ( (node._io) ? ((node._ls && this.config.useLines) ? this.icon.minusBottom : this.icon.minus) : ((node._ls && this.config.useLines) ? this.icon.plusBottom : this.icon.plus ) ); str += '" alt="" /></a>'; } else str += '<img src="' + ( (this.config.useLines) ? ((node._ls) ? this.icon.joinBottom : this.icon.join ) : this.icon.empty) + '" alt="" />'; } return str; }; // Checks if a node has any children and if it is the last sibling dTree.prototype.setCS = function(node) { var lastId; for (var n=0; n<this.aNodes.length; n++) { if (this.aNodes[n].pid == node.id) node._hc = true; if (this.aNodes[n].pid == node.pid) lastId = this.aNodes[n].id; } if (lastId==node.id) node._ls = true; }; // Returns the selected node dTree.prototype.getSelected = function() { var sn = this.getCookie('cs' + this.obj); return (sn) ? sn : null; }; // Highlights the selected node dTree.prototype.s = function(id) { if (!this.config.useSelection) return; var cn = this.aNodes[id]; if (cn._hc && !this.config.folderLinks) return; if (this.selectedNode != id) { if (this.selectedNode || this.selectedNode==0) { eOld = document.getElementById("s" + this.obj + this.selectedNode); eOld.className = "node"; } eNew = document.getElementById("s" + this.obj + id); eNew.className = "nodeSel"; this.selectedNode = id; if (this.config.useCookies) this.setCookie('cs' + this.obj, cn.id); } }; // Toggle Open or close dTree.prototype.o = function(id) { var cn = this.aNodes[id]; this.nodeStatus(!cn._io, id, cn._ls); cn._io = !cn._io; if (this.config.closeSameLevel) this.closeLevel(cn); if (this.config.useCookies) this.updateCookie(); }; // Open or close all nodes dTree.prototype.oAll = function(status) { for (var n=0; n<this.aNodes.length; n++) { if (this.aNodes[n]._hc && this.aNodes[n].pid != this.root.id) { this.nodeStatus(status, n, this.aNodes[n]._ls) this.aNodes[n]._io = status; } } if (this.config.useCookies) this.updateCookie(); }; // Opens the tree to a specific node dTree.prototype.openTo = function(nId, bSelect, bFirst) { if (!bFirst) { for (var n=0; n<this.aNodes.length; n++) { if (this.aNodes[n].id == nId) { nId=n; break; } } } var cn=this.aNodes[nId]; if (cn.pid==this.root.id || !cn._p) return; cn._io = true; cn._is = bSelect; if (this.completed && cn._hc) this.nodeStatus(true, cn._ai, cn._ls); if (this.completed && bSelect) this.s(cn._ai); else if (bSelect) this._sn=cn._ai; this.openTo(cn._p._ai, false, true); }; // Closes all nodes on the same level as certain node dTree.prototype.closeLevel = function(node) { for (var n=0; n<this.aNodes.length; n++) { if (this.aNodes[n].pid == node.pid && this.aNodes[n].id != node.id && this.aNodes[n]._hc) { this.nodeStatus(false, n, this.aNodes[n]._ls); this.aNodes[n]._io = false; this.closeAllChildren(this.aNodes[n]); } } } // Closes all children of a node dTree.prototype.closeAllChildren = function(node) { for (var n=0; n<this.aNodes.length; n++) { if (this.aNodes[n].pid == node.id && this.aNodes[n]._hc) { if (this.aNodes[n]._io) this.nodeStatus(false, n, this.aNodes[n]._ls); this.aNodes[n]._io = false; this.closeAllChildren(this.aNodes[n]); } } } // Change the status of a node(open or closed) dTree.prototype.nodeStatus = function(status, id, bottom) { eDiv = document.getElementById('d' + this.obj + id); eJoin = document.getElementById('j' + this.obj + id); if (this.config.useIcons) { eIcon = document.getElementById('i' + this.obj + id); eIcon.src = (status) ? this.aNodes[id].iconOpen : this.aNodes[id].icon; } eJoin.src = (this.config.useLines)? ((status)?((bottom)?this.icon.minusBottom:this.icon.minus):((bottom)?this.icon.plusBottom:this.icon.plus)): ((status)?this.icon.nlMinus:this.icon.nlPlus); eDiv.style.display = (status) ? 'block': 'none'; }; // [Cookie] Clears a cookie dTree.prototype.clearCookie = function() { var now = new Date(); var yesterday = new Date(now.getTime() - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); this.setCookie('co'+this.obj, 'cookieValue', yesterday); this.setCookie('cs'+this.obj, 'cookieValue', yesterday); }; // [Cookie] Sets value in a cookie dTree.prototype.setCookie = function(cookieName, cookieValue, expires, path, domain, secure) { document.cookie = escape(cookieName) + '=' + escape(cookieValue) + (expires ? '; expires=' + expires.toGMTString() : '') + (path ? '; path=' + path : '') + (domain ? '; domain=' + domain : '') + (secure ? '; secure' : ''); }; // [Cookie] Gets a value from a cookie dTree.prototype.getCookie = function(cookieName) { var cookieValue = ''; var posName = document.cookie.indexOf(escape(cookieName) + '='); if (posName != -1) { var posValue = posName + (escape(cookieName) + '=').length; var endPos = document.cookie.indexOf(';', posValue); if (endPos != -1) cookieValue = unescape(document.cookie.substring(posValue, endPos)); else cookieValue = unescape(document.cookie.substring(posValue)); } return (cookieValue); }; // [Cookie] Returns ids of open nodes as a string dTree.prototype.updateCookie = function() { var str = ''; for (var n=0; n<this.aNodes.length; n++) { if (this.aNodes[n]._io && this.aNodes[n].pid != this.root.id) { if (str) str += '.'; str += this.aNodes[n].id; } } this.setCookie('co' + this.obj, str); }; // [Cookie] Checks if a node id is in a cookie dTree.prototype.isOpen = function(id) { var aOpen = this.getCookie('co' + this.obj).split('.'); for (var n=0; n<aOpen.length; n++) if (aOpen[n] == id) return true; return false; }; // If Push and pop is not implemented by the browser if (!Array.prototype.push) { Array.prototype.push = function array_push() { for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++) this[this.length]=arguments[i]; return this.length; } }; if (!Array.prototype.pop) { Array.prototype.pop = function array_pop() { lastElement = this[this.length-1]; this.length = Math.max(this.length-1,0); return lastElement; } };
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <taglib xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-jsptaglibrary_2_0.xsd" version="2.0"> <description>Schedule Tag Library</description> <tlib-version>1.0</tlib-version> <short-name>expand</short-name> <uri>/expand</uri> <tag> <name>ifauthorize</name> <tag-class>com.easytalent.common.tag.PermissionTag</tag-class> <body-content>JSP</body-content> <attribute> <name>author</name> <required>true</required> <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue> </attribute> </tag> <tag> <name>notauthorize</name> <tag-class>com.easytalent.common.tag.NoPermissionTag</tag-class> <body-content>JSP</body-content> <attribute> <name>author</name> <required>true</required> <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue> </attribute> </tag> </taglib>
package com.easytalent.manager.action; import java.util.List; import net.sf.json.JSONArray; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.hibernate.annotations.common.util.StringHelper; import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateObjectRetrievalFailureException; import com.easytalent.base.action.BaseAction; import com.easytalent.manager.bean.RoleBean; import com.easytalent.manager.task.RoleManagerTask; import com.easytalent.storage.model.Role; import com.easytalent.storage.model.Sysmodel; import com.easytalent.util.Page; import com.easytalent.util.StackTraceUtil; public class RoleManagerAction extends BaseAction { private RoleManagerTask roleManagerTask;//角色管理task private List<Role> roleList;//角色list private RoleBean detailBean=new RoleBean();//详细bean private RoleBean searchBean;//查询bean private Page page =new Page(); public Page getPage() { return page; } public void setPage(Page page) { this.page = page; } public RoleManagerTask getRoleManagerTask() { return roleManagerTask; } public void setRoleManagerTask(RoleManagerTask roleManagerTask) { this.roleManagerTask = roleManagerTask; } public List<Role> getRoleList() { return roleList; } public void setRoleList(List<Role> roleList) { this.roleList = roleList; } public RoleBean getDetailBean() { return detailBean; } public void setDetailBean(RoleBean detailBean) { this.detailBean = detailBean; } public RoleBean getSearchBean() { return searchBean; } public void setSearchBean(RoleBean searchBean) { this.searchBean = searchBean; } /** * 角色管理action * @return */ public String list() { try { this.initBase(); roleList = roleManagerTask.getAll(searchBean,page); this.page.setPagebar(); return LIST; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(StackTraceUtil.getStackTrace(e)); } finally { } return ERROR; } /** * 角色管理新增空跳转 * @return */ public String add() { try { this.initBase(); // 初始化 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(""); String objId = utilBean.getObjId(); return EDIT; } catch (HibernateObjectRetrievalFailureException e) { // 如果关联到了脏数据,会抛出磁异常(数据库没设外间,有可能有脏数据在里面) } catch (Exception e) { } finally { } return ERROR; } /** * 获得菜单树 * * @return */ public String tree() { try { this.initBase(); // 初始化 List<Sysmodel> list = roleManagerTask.getAuthorityTree(); JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); JSONObject json = null; for (Sysmodel model : list) { json = new JSONObject(); json.put("id", model.getId()); json.put("name", model.getModelName()); json.put("title", model.getTitle()); jsonArray.add(json); } json=new JSONObject(); json.put("success", true); json.put("data", jsonArray); this.outPrint(json); return NONE; } catch (HibernateObjectRetrievalFailureException e) { // 如果关联到了脏数据,会抛出磁异常(数据库没设外间,有可能有脏数据在里面) } catch (Exception e) { } finally { } return ERROR; } /** * 查看方法 * @return */ public String detail() { try { this.initBase();// 初始化 String objId = this.utilBean.getObjId(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(""); if (StringHelper.isNotEmpty(objId)) { Role model = roleManagerTask.findById(Long.valueOf(objId)); this.detailBean = roleManagerTask.model2detailBean(model); List<String> authors = roleManagerTask.getAuthors(Long.valueOf(objId)); if (authors != null) { for (String author : authors) { sb.append(","); sb.append(author); } } if (sb.length() > 0) { detailBean.setAuthority(sb.substring(1)); detailBean.setId(Long.valueOf(objId)); } else { detailBean.setAuthority(""); detailBean.setId(Long.valueOf(objId)); } return DETAIL; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return LIST; } /** * 修改新增方法 * @return */ public String update() { try { this.initBase();// 初始化 Long objId = this.detailBean.getId(); if (request.getParameter("struts.token").equals( request.getSession().getAttribute("struts.token"))) { if (objId!=null) {// 修改 Role model = roleManagerTask.detail2model(detailBean); model = roleManagerTask.updateRole(model); roleManagerTask.saveAuthority(model.getId(), detailBean.getAuthority());//先删掉之前的在新增现在的 this.utilBean.setMessage(this.getText("msg.update.success")); } else {// 新增 Role model = roleManagerTask.detail2model(detailBean); model = roleManagerTask.saveRole(model); roleManagerTask.saveAuthority(model.getId(), detailBean.getAuthority()); this.utilBean.setMessage(this.getText("msg.submit.success")); } } return list();// 一览页面 } catch (Exception e) { } finally { } return ERROR; } }
package com.easytalent.manager.task.impl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils; import com.easytalent.manager.bean.RoleBean; import com.easytalent.manager.task.RoleManagerTask; import com.easytalent.storage.dao.AccountDao; import com.easytalent.storage.dao.AuthorityDao; import com.easytalent.storage.dao.RoleManagerDao; import com.easytalent.storage.dao.SysmodelDao; import com.easytalent.storage.model.Account; import com.easytalent.storage.model.Authority; import com.easytalent.storage.model.Role; import com.easytalent.storage.model.Sysmodel; import com.easytalent.util.ComUtil; import com.easytalent.util.Page; public class RoleManagerTaskImpl implements RoleManagerTask { private RoleManagerDao roleManagerDao;// 角色管理dao private AccountDao accountDao; private AuthorityDao authorityDao;// 角色权限表 private SysmodelDao sysmodelDao;// 系统菜单表 public SysmodelDao getSysmodelDao() { return sysmodelDao; } public void setSysmodelDao(SysmodelDao sysmodelDao) { this.sysmodelDao = sysmodelDao; } public AuthorityDao getAuthorityDao() { return authorityDao; } public void setAuthorityDao(AuthorityDao authorityDao) { this.authorityDao = authorityDao; } public AccountDao getAccountDao() { return accountDao; } public void setAccountDao(AccountDao accountDao) { this.accountDao = accountDao; } public RoleManagerDao getRoleManagerDao() { return roleManagerDao; } public void setRoleManagerDao(RoleManagerDao roleManagerDao) { this.roleManagerDao = roleManagerDao; } public List<Role> getAll(RoleBean bean, Page page) throws Exception { try { if (page.getOrderBy() == null || "".equals(page.getOrderBy())) { page.setOrderBy("o.updateTime desc"); } List<Role> list = roleManagerDao.getAllRolses(bean, page); return list; } catch (Exception e) { // logger.error(StackTraceUtil.getStackTrace(e)); throw e; } finally { } } public Role saveRole(Role model) throws Exception { try { model = roleManagerDao.save(model); return model; } catch (Exception e) { // logger.error(StackTraceUtil.getStackTrace(e)); throw e; } finally { } } @Override public Role detail2model(RoleBean detailBean) { Role modelBean = null; if (detailBean != null) { modelBean = new Role(); BeanUtils.copyProperties(detailBean, modelBean); } return modelBean; } @Override public RoleBean model2detailBean(Role model) { RoleBean detailBean = null; if (model != null) { detailBean = new RoleBean(); BeanUtils.copyProperties(model, detailBean); } return detailBean; } @Override public Role findById(Long objId) throws Exception { try { return roleManagerDao.get(objId); } catch (Exception e) { // logger.error(StackTraceUtil.getStackTrace(e)); throw e; } finally { } } @Override public Account getUserInfo(String id) throws Exception { try { return accountDao.get(Long.valueOf(id)); } catch (Exception e) { // logger.error(StackTraceUtil.getStackTrace(e)); throw e; } finally { } } @Override public List<String> getAuthors(Long roleId) { List<String> authors = authorityDao.getByRoleId(roleId); if (authors == null) { return null; } List<String> authority = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String author : authors) { authority.add(author); } return authority; } @Override public List<Sysmodel> getAuthorityTree() throws Exception { try { List<Sysmodel> list = sysmodelDao.getAuthorityList(); return list; } catch (Exception e) { // logger.error(StackTraceUtil.getStackTrace(e)); throw e; } finally { } } public String saveAuthority(Long roleId, String authorlist) throws Exception { authorityDao.deleteAuthority(roleId);// 清空此角色的权限 if (authorlist == null) { return ""; } Authority authority = null; for (String author : authorlist.split(",", -1)) { authority = new Authority(); Sysmodel sysmodel = sysmodelDao.getSysmodel(author); if (sysmodel == null) { continue; } authority.setRoleId(roleId); authority.setSysmodel(sysmodel); authority.setCreateTime(new Date()); authority.setUpdateTime(new Date()); this.authorityDao.save(authority); } return authorlist; } @Override public Role updateRole(Role model) throws Exception { Date nowDate = ComUtil.getSystemDate(); model.setUpdateTime(nowDate); return roleManagerDao.update(model); } }
RoleManagerDaoImpl package com.easytalent.storage.dao.impl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.hibernate.annotations.common.util.StringHelper; import java.util.List; import com.easytalent.base.dao.impl.GenericDaoImpl; import com.easytalent.manager.bean.RoleBean; import com.easytalent.storage.dao.RoleManagerDao; import com.easytalent.storage.model.Role; import com.easytalent.util.Page; public class RoleManagerDaoImpl extends GenericDaoImpl<Role, Long> implements RoleManagerDao { public RoleManagerDaoImpl() { super(Role.class); } /** * 取得学位List */ public List<Role> getRoleList() { String hql = "from Role c order by c.id asc"; return this.findByHql(hql); } @Override public List<Role> getAllRolses(RoleBean bean, Page page) { Object[] paramArray = null; StringBuilder hql = new StringBuilder(); hql.append("from Role o where 1=1 "); if (bean != null) { List<Object> param = new ArrayList<Object>(); String name = bean.getRoleName(); if (StringHelper.isNotEmpty(name)) { hql.append("and o.roleName like ? "); param.add("%" + name.trim() + "%"); } paramArray = param.toArray(); } hql.append(" order by "); hql.append(page.getOrderBy()); return this.findByHql(hql.toString(), paramArray, page); } }
package com.easytalent.storage.dao.impl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.easytalent.base.dao.impl.GenericDaoImpl; import com.easytalent.storage.dao.SysmodelDao; import com.easytalent.storage.model.Sysmodel; public class SysmodelDaoImpl extends GenericDaoImpl<Sysmodel, Long> implements SysmodelDao { public SysmodelDaoImpl() { super(Sysmodel.class); } @Override public List<Sysmodel> getAuthorityList() { String hql = "from Sysmodel t order by t.modelName asc "; return this.findByHql(hql); } /** * 通过名称取得菜单模型 * @return */ public Sysmodel getSysmodel(String modelName) { Object[] paramArray = null; List<Object> param = new ArrayList<Object>(); String hql = "from Sysmodel t where t.modelName = ? "; param.add(modelName); paramArray = param.toArray(); Object obj = this.findUniqueResult(hql, paramArray); if (obj != null) { return (Sysmodel) obj; } return null; } }
package com.easytalent.storage.dao.impl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.easytalent.base.dao.impl.GenericDaoImpl; import com.easytalent.storage.dao.AuthorityDao; import com.easytalent.storage.model.Authority; public class AuthorityDaoImpl extends GenericDaoImpl<Authority, Long> implements AuthorityDao { public AuthorityDaoImpl() { super(Authority.class); } @Override public int deleteAuthority(Long roleId) throws Exception { Object[] paramArray = null; List<Object> param = new ArrayList<Object>(); String hql = "delete from Authority t where t.roleId = ? "; param.add(roleId); paramArray = param.toArray(); return this.execByHql(hql, paramArray); } @Override public List<String> getByRoleId(Long roleId) { Object[] paramArray = null; List<Object> param = new ArrayList<Object>(); //因为 authority 和sysmodel是多对一,所以,查询多条authority势必会发送多条语句去查询sysmodel //为了避免这个问题,用复杂的hql关联查询,返回obj[]的list String hql = "select s.modelName from Authority t join t.sysmodel s where t.roleId = ? "; param.add(roleId); paramArray = param.toArray(); List<String> authorlist = this.findByHqlReturnObjectArray(hql, paramArray); return authorlist; } }
<package name="role" namespace="/role" extends="struts-elearning"> <action name="roleManager*" class="roleManagerAction" method="{1}"> <result name="list">/jsp/common/RoleManagerList.jsp</result> <result name="edit">/jsp/common/RoleManagerEdit.jsp</result> <result name="detail">/jsp/common/RoleManagerEdit.jsp</result> </action> </package>