


    1)ABAP基础介绍 ABAP Workbench: Foundations and Concepts 0.5day
    2)ABAP数据字典 ABAP Dictionary & Exercises   0.5day
    3)报表设计与开发 Techniques of List Processing & Exercises     1.5day
    4)画面设计与开发 Programming User Dialogs & Exercises 1.5day
    5 )BDC开发  Batch input  & Exercises  1day
    6 ) ALV开发  ALV output & Exercises  1day


    SAP 标准初中级课程.
    讲述数据库之间的关系和字段设计及索引表的建立,还有help table的建立。 

    ABAP/4 高级课程培训

    SAP Script&Form、

    通过对SAP Script&Form的学习,学员可以使用SAP Script技术进行FORM的客户化定制或修改SAP的标准FORM,掌握FORM的输出及打印配置;

    通过对RFC/Bapi的学习,学员可以创建或调用远端函数进行SAP R/3系统和外部系统之间的关联。

    SAP NetWeaver技术学习架构

    SAP ABAP 应用开发工程师


    SAP NetWeaver 技术. ORACLE数据库. Java 技术. SAP J2EE &Java 开发集成技术. ABAP编程语言. 应用ABAP开发用户界面. ABAP Objects &ABAP Dictionary. 在SAP和非SAP之间应用ABAP通讯. 高级ABAP编程技术. 系统增强与修改. 使用Web Dynpro & Visual Composer开发用户面.  项目实践. 技术英语/日语口语. 职业素质教育


    通过本课程的学习,学员能够了解ERP的原理和SAP的知识;了解ERP在企业中的应用;能够使用SAP IDE进行编程;能够使用SAP ABAP进行程序的编写和报表的制作;能够编写ORACLE PL/SQL程序;能够应用SAP独立进行项目制作。


    reference websites.
    highlight spot

    digested :
    ABAP Cafe - is an excellent resource, with a lot of source code to download.
    ABAP Central - has some good info, and some really good links (it links to this site among others). ABAP Central has been recently updated, and now contains alot of useful code examples.
    ABAP Development Code Efficiencies - has many good examples of how to code ABAP properly, and efficiently. A good read.
    ABAP/4 Samples - A collection of ABAP reports written by Imre Kabai and Benny G. Sorensen.
    ABAP Source Code - has a number of sample reports that look interesting.
    BasisGuru.com - is a site that has some useful ABAPs in the Utilities section, and some useful FAQs.
    Bence Toth's Website - has sample ABAP programs, and is a good overall resource.
    CT Software - offers several free reports. They may be of some use. Or maybe not...
    Foro de Discussion ABAP - A Spanish language ABAP web site.
    Globe Data - has a useful overview of using SAP and the internet.
    IntelligentERP - has some good articles on various aspects of ABAP. They can be found in Archived SAP ArticlesArchived SAP Articles, and Archived SAP COLUMNSArchived SAP COLUMNS
    Logos Informatic - have some interesting papers on EDI, SAPScript, ALE, and WebRFCs.
    Object-Oriented Language: ABAP Objects - Contains some good papers on ABAP Objects, the object oriented extension of ABAP/4
    OSS website - Access all of your favourite OSS content via the web. Requires an OSS userid.
    Popeys Place - has technical tips, how to's, downloadable code, links, and more.
    Primestaff - is offering a search service for archives of the SAP-R3-L mailing list.
    SAP101 - A good collection of information. Has useful tables, programs, and more. Has more of a BASIS slant.
    SAP and ABAP Goodies - has a collection of interesting (and useful) program examples.
    SAP Assist - has a site with a lot of information, some specifically for developers. This includes links to relavant sites, and forums to ask/answer questions. Also has a good selection of general SAP news.
    SAP Fans Website - A good source for a general overview of SAP. Also contains a number of links. Some are useful, others are not so good.
    SAP Help Files - An SAP site that has most of the 4.0 helpfiles and printfiles online.
    SAP Labs Website - This website has some useful downloads, plus links to the SAP Simplification Site
    SAP Materials web site - A collection of technical documents related to ABAP, ABAP Query, ALE/BAPI and Basis.
    SAP Professionals Home Page - has an excellent collection of SAP related links, and several other documents that have been handy to me.
    SAP R/3-ABAP4 - This site has a great windows help file of ABAP tips, check out the ABAP Hints and Tips section.
    SAP-R3-L Archive - Search the SAP-R3-L mailing list archive, very useful for finding answers to obscure problems.
    SAP Services and Pointers - has many good articles related to SAP and ABAP, as well as some excellent reference material.
    SAP Simplification Site - Good site with some excellent documentation on Data loads, Report Writing, and SAPScript.
    SAPStuff - Like the name says, lots of stuff about SAP. Has a focus on BASIS and ABAP.
    SearchSap - They gave me a link, so I will give them one back.
    Subba Rao's SAP Material Site - This site has a lot of documents on ABAP and technical aspects of SAP.
    Wolfgang's ABAP Home - is the best ABAP site that I have come across in my web wanderings.
    Henriks ABAP Page - A useful page with good info on ABAP Objects, examples of using EnjoySAP controls, and more.
    ABAP Objects - Another site with good info on ABAP Objects
    Introduction to Object Orientation - An Introduction to ABAP Objects
    SAP Hints and Tips on Configuration and Abap/4 - Configuration modules are Material Management, Production Planning, Sales/Distribution, Financial, Controlling and Basis Components.



    SAP Business Suite
    % b3 l7 S8 N9 h
    当前SAP公司的主力产品包,里面包含了mySAP ERP, mySAP CRM, mySAP SCM .... 几乎是SAP的所有东东。如果购买的是此种许可证,就意味着几乎可以用SAP的所有产品的功能--某些特定行业的特定引擎(Engine)除外。

    mySAP ERP
    主要就是以前的SAP R/3加上SAP最新的集成平台SAP Netweaver。
    mySAP CRM
    之所以叫mySAP CRM而不是SAP CRM,就是为了突出SAP的CRM产品是以客户为中心的、灵活可配置的……所以叫”my***“,mySAP CRM主要就是包括SAP的CRM产品功能包(Logic Box)再加上SAP最新的集成平台SAP Netweaver。
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    SAP Netweaver
    4 D/ T" {. r4 s1 J   A
    是SAP最新的集成应用平台,一方面SAP用这么一个平台来集成SAP与非SAP(Oracle, Siebel, ...)应用系统;另一方面SAP把一些各个系统都可以通用的功能放入此平台中,如SAP门户( SAP Portal)可以访问各种SAP应用系统(ERP, CRM...)及非SAP系统、SAP商务智能(SAP BI)可以对来自各种系统的数据进行分析……
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    这是前几年SAP为了迎合网络风潮而给自己的产品包改的名字,它跟www.mySAP.com这个网站没有任何实质关系,其实它就是现在的SAP Business Suite。

    SAP R/3
    以前SAP公司的主力产品,包 括大家非常熟悉的SD, MM, FI, CO, PP..等模块。但从今年起SAP已经不再单独出售R/3的许可证,代之以mySAP ERP。也就意味着客户无论选择SAP的何种产品(mySAP ERP, mySAP CRM...)都会得到SAP Netweaver,其中包括了SAP Portal 与SAP BW的使用许可。

    SAP All-in One (SAP A1)
    在SAP R/3的基础上,SAP做了一些预配置,然后按不同行业交给咨询合作伙伴,由他们再加一些预配置,然后以咨询合作伙伴的名义将加了预配置的系统销售给用户。内含mySAP CRM的部分功能。
    SAP Business One (SAP B1)
    在SAP收购的另一家公司的产品基础上改造而成,优点是价格低廉,并且由于数据结构相同可以无缝地将系统升级至SAP A1, SAP Business Suite。SAP B1中有CRM功能,但远不及mySAP CRM系统中的那么强大。 
    A$ ?$ W
    SAP Release版本之间的差异和关系:
    版本4.6C以前是所谓传统的R3系统,建立在SAP Basis的基础上;
    o6 R

    版本4.70以后,改为R3 Enterprise,最大的变化是SAP WEB AS取代了传统的Basis,核心业务功能模块也作了划分;

    R3 Enterprise之后改称为mySAP ERP2004,基础平台演变成SAP NetWeaver,并产生SAP ECC (ECC = ERP Central Component) ,作为Enterprise的替代,并集成了BW,SEM和ITS; 
    2005第4季度开始mySAP ERP2005的准备,最大的变化将是全面转向ESA体系(基于消息机制的企业应用体系),并引入了新的功能模块,比如PLM和SRM.

    SAP的客户端是 SAP GUI,现在的版本是7.1,在SAP FTP下载 ftp://ftp.sap.com/
    2 s$ R% |. m+ x8 k6 \, |
        IDES 没有免费的服务器之后自己建了,从http://www.qiuhao.com/dispbbs.asp?BoardID=23&ID=4119下载。
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    ! ~( f. D1 k. G# [; o
    SAP 7.1 装完后桌面会有两个图标,TWEAK SAP是一个配置程序,SAP LOGON是登陆程序。IDES 还在已乌龟的速度往我的机器里爬,看它能不能赶过来看开幕式了。

    下了本100小时学会SAP V2现看着了。

    1 Q- |9 V" p; x1 q8 B

    C4 Q   p5 r


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/a311300/p/1559974.html
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