• BZOJ 4568: [Scoi2016]幸运数字

    二次联通门 : BZOJ 4568: [Scoi2016]幸运数字

        BZOJ 4568: [Scoi2016]幸运数字
        树链剖分 + 线段树 + 线性基合并
    #include <cstdio>
    #include <iostream>
    const int BUF = 12312334;
    char Buf[BUF], *buf = Buf;
    #define _L 60
    inline void read (int &now)
        for (now = 0; !isdigit (*buf); ++ buf);
        for (; isdigit (*buf); now = now * 10 + *buf - '0', ++ buf);
    typedef long long LL;
    #define Max 20040
    struct E { E *n; int to; };
    struct LB
        long long v[_L | 1];
        inline void Insert (long long key)
            for (register int i = _L; i >= 0; -- i)
                if (key & (1LL << i))
                    if (!v[i])     { v[i] = key; break; }
                    key ^= v[i];
        void Clear () { for (register int i = 0; i <= _L; ++ i) v[i] = 0; }
        long long Query ()
            long long res = 0;
            for (register int i = _L; i >= 0; -- i)
                if ((res ^ v[i]) > res) res ^= v[i];
            return res;
    inline void read_L (LL &now)
        for (now = 0; !isdigit (*buf); ++ buf);
        for (; isdigit (*buf); now = now * 10 + *buf - '0', ++ buf);
    LL key[Max];
    int N, in[Max];
    struct S_D
        S_D *Left, *Right;
        LB key;
        int Mid;
    LB Answer;
    inline void swap (int &a, int &b) 
        int now = a; a = b, b = now;
    class Segment_Tree
        private :
            S_D poor[Max << 2], *Ta, *Root;    
            inline LB Merge (LB A, LB B)
                LB res; res = B;
                for (register int i = 0; i <= _L; ++ i)
                    if (A.v[i]) res.Insert (A.v[i]);
                return res;
            inline S_D *New (int l, int r)
                ++ Ta, Ta->key.Clear (), Ta->Left = Ta->Right = NULL;
                Ta->Mid = l + r >> 1; return Ta;
            void Build (S_D *&now, int l, int r)
                now = New (l, r);
                if (l == r) return ;
                Build (now->Left, l, now->Mid), Build (now->Right, now->Mid + 1, r);
            void C (S_D *&now, int L, int R, int pos, LL to)
                if (L == R) { now->key.Insert (to); return ; }
                if (pos <= now->Mid) C (now->Left, L, now->Mid, pos, to);
                if (pos > now->Mid) C (now->Right, now->Mid + 1, R, pos, to);
                now->key = Merge (now->Left->key, now->Right->key);
            void Q (S_D *&now, int L, int R, int l, int r)
                if (l <= L && R <= r) { Answer = Merge (Answer, now->key); return ; }
                if (l <= now->Mid) Q (now->Left, L, now->Mid, l, r);
                if (r > now->Mid) Q (now->Right, now->Mid + 1, R, l, r);
        public :
            Segment_Tree () { Ta = poor; }    
            void Build (int l, int r) { return Build (Root, l, r); }        
            void C (int pos, LL to) { return C (Root, 1, N, pos, to); }
            void Q (int l, int r) { return Q (Root, 1, N, l, r); }    
    Segment_Tree Seg;
    class Tree_Chain
        private : 
            int size[Max], deep[Max], son[Max], chain[Max], father[Max];
            E poor[Max << 1], *Ta, *list[Max];
            int Count;
        public :
            Tree_Chain () { Ta = poor; }
            void Do () 
                Dfs_1 (1, 0), Count = 0, Dfs_2 (1, 1); 
                for (register int i = 1; i <= N; ++ i)
                    Seg.C (in[i], key[i]);
            void Dfs_1 (int now, int F)
                father[now] = F, size[now] = 1, deep[now] = deep[F] + 1;
                for (E *e = list[now]; e; e = e->n)
                    if (e->to != F)
                        Dfs_1 (e->to, now), size[now] += size[e->to];
                        if (size[son[now]] < size[e->to]) son[now] = e->to;
            void Dfs_2 (int now, int P)
                chain[now] = P; in[now] = ++ Count;
                if (son[now]) Dfs_2 (son[now], P);
                else return ; 
                for (E *e = list[now]; e; e = e->n)
                    if (e->to != son[now] && e->to != father[now])
                        Dfs_2 (e->to, e->to);
            void In (int u, int v)
                ++ Ta, Ta->to = v, Ta->n = list[u], list[u] = Ta;
                ++ Ta, Ta->to = u, Ta->n = list[v], list[v] = Ta;
            LL Q (int x, int y)
                for (Answer.Clear (); chain[x] != chain[y]; x = father[chain[x]])
                    if (deep[chain[x]] < deep[chain[y]]) swap (x, y);
                    Seg.Q (in[chain[x]], in[x]);
                if (deep[x] > deep[y]) swap (x, y);
                Seg.Q (in[x], in[y]);
                return Answer.Query    ();
    Tree_Chain T;
    int Main ()
        fread (buf, 1, BUF, stdin);
        int Q; read (N), read (Q); register int i;
        int x, y;
        for (i = 1; i <= N; ++ i) read_L (key[i]);
        for (i = 1; i < N; ++ i)
            read (x), read (y), T.In (x, y);
        Seg.Build (1, N), T.Do ();
        for (i = 1; i <= Q; ++ i)
            read (x), read (y);
            printf ("%lld
    ", T.Q (x, y));
        return 0;
    int ZlycerQan = Main ();
    int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {;}
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ZlycerQan/p/7435329.html
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