• BZOJ 3611: [Heoi2014]大工程

    二次联通门 : BZOJ 3611: [Heoi2014]大工程

        BZOJ 3611: [Heoi2014]大工程
        虚树 + dp 
        dp[i] 表示在以i为根的子树路径总长
        size[i] 表示在以i为根的子树中关键点的个数
    #include <cstdio>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <algorithm>
    #define INF 1e9
    #define Max 1000004
    const int BUF = 100000100;
    char Buf[BUF], *buf = Buf;
    void read (int &now)
        for (now = 0; !isdigit (*buf); ++ buf);
        for (; isdigit (*buf); now = now * 10 + *buf - '0', ++ buf);
    struct Edge
        int to, next, w;
    int deep[Max];
    inline int min (int a, int b)
        return a < b ? a : b;
    inline int max (int a, int b)
        return a > b ? a : b;
    struct Graph
        Edge e[Max << 1];
        int C, list[Max];
        inline void In (int from, int to)
            if (from == to) return ;
            e[++ C].to = to;
            e[C].next = list[from];
            list[from] = C;
            e[C].w = deep[to] - deep[from];
        inline void Clear () { C = 0;}    
    int dfn[Max], Dfs_Clock;
    inline bool Comp (int a, int b)
        return dfn[a] < dfn[b];
    void swap (int &a, int &b)
        int now = a;
        a = b;
        b = now;
    class Tree_Chain_Get
        private : Graph G;
                  int size[Max], father[Max], chain[Max], son[Max];
        public :
            void Dfs_1 (int now, int Father)
                size[now] = 1, father[now] = Father;
                   deep[now] = deep[Father] + 1, dfn[now] = ++ Dfs_Clock;
                for (int i = G.list[now]; i; i = G.e[i].next)
                    if (G.e[i].to != Father)
                        Dfs_1 (G.e[i].to, now);
                        size[now] += size[G.e[i].to];
                        if (size[son[now]] < size[G.e[i].to])
                           son[now] = G.e[i].to;
            void Dfs_2 (int now, int point)
                chain[now] = point;
                if (son[now])
                    Dfs_2 (son[now], point);
                else return ;
                for (int i = G.list[now]; i; i = G.e[i].next)
                    if (G.e[i].to != son[now] && G.e[i].to != father[now])
                        Dfs_2 (G.e[i].to, G.e[i].to);
            inline void Insert_edges (const int &M)
                for (int i = 1, x, y; i <= M; i ++)
                    read (x), read (y);
                    G.In (x, y), G.In (y, x);
                Dfs_1 (1, 0);
                Dfs_2 (1, 1);
            inline int Get_Lca (int x, int y)
                for (; chain[x] != chain[y]; )
                    if (deep[chain[x]] < deep[chain[y]])
                        swap (x, y);
                    x = father[chain[x]];
                return deep[x] < deep[y] ? x : y;
    Tree_Chain_Get Lca;
    class Virtual_Tree
        private : 
            Graph T;
            int visit[Max];
            int key[Max], Stack[Max], maxn[Max], minn[Max], Total;
            long long Answer_1, size[Max], dp[Max];
            int Answer_2, Answer_3;
        public :
            void Dp (int now)
                size[now] = visit[now];
                dp[now] = 0;
                minn[now] = visit[now] ? 0 : INF;
                maxn[now] = visit[now] ? 0 : -INF;
                int to;
                for (int i = T.list[now]; i; i = T.e[i].next)
                    to = T.e[i].to;
                    Dp (to);
                    Answer_1 += (dp[now] + size[now] * T.e[i].w) * size[to] + dp[to] * size[now];
                    size[now] += size[to];
                    dp[now] += dp[to] + T.e[i].w * size[to];
                    Answer_2 = min (Answer_2, minn[now] + minn[to] + T.e[i].w);
                    Answer_3 = max (Answer_3, maxn[now] + maxn[to] + T.e[i].w);
                    minn[now] = min (minn[now], minn[to] + T.e[i].w);
                    maxn[now] = max (maxn[now], maxn[to] + T.e[i].w);
                T.list[now] = 0;
            void Build_Tree ()
                int K;
                read (K);
                for (int i = 1; i <= K; ++ i)
                    read (key[i]);
                    visit[key[i]] = 1;
                std :: sort (key + 1, key + 1 + K, Comp);
                int top = 0, lca;register int now;
                T.Clear ();
                Stack[++ top] = 1;
                for (int i = 1; i <= K; ++ i)
                    now = key[i];
                    lca = Lca.Get_Lca (now, Stack[top]);
                    if (lca == Stack[top])
                        Stack[++ top] = now;
                    for (; lca == Lca.Get_Lca (now, Stack[top - 1]); )
                        T.In (Stack[top - 1], Stack[top]);
                        -- top;
                        lca = Lca.Get_Lca (now, Stack[top]);
                    T.In (lca, Stack[top]);
                    Stack[top] = lca;
                    Stack[++ top] = now;
                for (; -- top; T.In (Stack[top], Stack[top + 1]));
                Answer_1 = 0,  Answer_2 = INF, Answer_3 = -INF;
                Dp (1);
                printf ("%lld %d %d
    ", Answer_1, Answer_2, Answer_3);
                for (int i = 1; i <= K; ++ i)
                    visit[key[i]] = 0;
            void Doing (const int &K)
                for (int i = 1; i <= K; ++ i)
                    Build_Tree ();
    Virtual_Tree Flandre;
    int Main ()
        fread (buf, 1, BUF, stdin);
        int N, M;
        read (N);
        Lca.Insert_edges (N - 1);
        read (M);
        Flandre.Doing (M);    
        return 0;
    int ZlycerQan = Main ();
    int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {;}
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ZlycerQan/p/7354384.html
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