• 设计模式03SOLID(L)里式替换原则

    Liskov Substitution Principle    里式替换原则

    • Liskov Substitution: 里氏替换。在任何基类类出现的地方,子类能直接替代基类,也就是说,基类有任何修改,都不会对子类功能产生影响。

    • 以下例子:正方形是矩形吗? 
    • class Rectange
                      //public  int width { get; set; }
                     // public  int height { get; set; }
                      public virtual int width { get; set; }
                      public virtual int height { get; set; }
                      public Rectange()
                      public Rectange(int width, int height)
                          this.width = width;
                          this.height = height;
                      public override string ToString()
                          return $"{nameof(width)}:{width} .{nameof(height)}:{height}";
                  class Square:Rectange
                     // public new int width {  set { base.width = base.height = value; } }
                     // public new int height { set { base.height = base.width = value; } } 
                      public override int width {
                          set { base.width = base.height = value; }
                      public override int height {
                          set { base.height = base.width = value; }
                  internal class Program
                      static public int Area(Rectange r) => r.width * r.height;
                      static void Main(string[] args)
                          Rectange rc = new Rectange(2,3);
                          Console.WriteLine($"{rc} has a area {Area(rc)}");
                          Rectange square = new Square();
                          square.width = 4;
                          Console.WriteLine($"{square} has a area {Area(square)}");
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Zingu/p/16257063.html
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