offsetof 宏
#define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) ((size_t)&((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER)
(TYPE *)0
非常巧妙,告诉编译器有一个指向结构体 TYPE 的指针,其地址是0,然后取该指针的 MEMBER 地址 &((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER
,因为基址是0,所以这时获取到的 MEMBER 的地址就是相当于在结构体 TYPE 中的偏移量了。
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
struct TYPE{
int mem;
int member;
int main()
struct TYPE type;
printf("&type = %p
", &type);
printf("&type.member = %p
", &type.member);
printf("&((struct type *)0)->member = %lu
", ((size_t)&((struct TYPE *)0)->member) );
printf("offsetof(struct TYPE member) = %zd
", offsetof(struct TYPE, member));
return 0;
&type = 0x7ffc1104a110
&type.member = 0x7ffc1104a114
&((struct type *)0)->member = 4
offsetof(struct TYPE member) = 4
container_of 宏
* container_of - cast a member of a structure out to the containing structure
* @ptr: the pointer to the member.
* @type: the type of the container struct this is embedded in.
* @member: the name of the member within the struct.
#define container_of(ptr, type, member) ({
void *__mptr = (void *)(ptr);
BUILD_BUG_ON_MSG(!__same_type(*(ptr), ((type *)0)->member) &&
!__same_type(*(ptr), void),
"pointer type mismatch in container_of()");
((type *)(__mptr - offsetof(type, member))); })
#define container_of(ptr, type, member) ({
const typeof( ((type *)0)->member ) *__mptr = (ptr);
(type *)( (char *)__mptr - offsetof(type,member) );})
第一部分:void *__mptr = (void *)(ptr);
或const typeof( ((type *)0)->member ) *__mptr = (ptr);
两个的差别在于 __mptr 的类型一个是 void * ,一个是 type *。
void * 较为容易理解,下面来看看 type *:
关于 typeof 关键字其作用是返回变量的类型,简单理解就是如下,详细可参见GCC typeof在kernel中的使用——C语言的“编译时多态”
int a;
typeof(a) b; //这等同于int b;
typeof(&a) c; //这等同于int* c;
因此const typeof( ((type *)0)->member ) *__mptr = (ptr);
的作用就是通过 typeof 获取结构体成员 member 的类型,然后定义一个这个类型的指针变量 __mptr 并将其赋值为 ptr。
第二部分:(type *)( (char *)__mptr - offsetof(type,member) )
宏计算出 member 在 type 中的偏移,然后用 member 的实际地址__mptr
减去偏移,得到 type 的起始地址。从上面关于offsetof
宏的 Example 也可以验证这一点:
&type.member = 0x7ffc1104a114 - &((struct type *)0)->member = 4 = &type = 0x7ffc1104a110