1: #include"pcap.h"
2: typedef struct ip_address{
3: u_char byte1,byte2,byte3,byte4;
4: }ip_address;
5: typedef struct ip_header{
6: u_char ver_ihl; // 版本 (4 bits) + 首部长度 (4 bits)
7: u_char tos; // 服务类型(Type of service)
8: u_short tlen; // 总长(Total length)
9: u_short idenfication;
10: u_short flags_fo;
11: u_char ttl;
12: u_char proto;
13: u_short crc;
14: ip_address saddr;
15: ip_address daddr;
16: u_int op_pad;
17: }ip_header;
19: //UDP head
20: typedef struct udp_header{
21: u_short sport; // 源端口(Source port)
22: u_short dport; // 目的端口(Destination port)
23: u_short len; // UDP数据包长度(Datagram length)
24: u_short crc; // 校验和(Checksum)
25: }udp_header;
26: //每次捕获到数据包时,libpcap都会自动调用这个回调函数
27: void packet_handler(u_char *param,const pcap_pkthdr*header,const u_char *ptk_data){
29: char timestr[16];
30: //将时间戳转换成可识别的格式
31: time_t local_tv_sec=header->ts.tv_sec;
32: tm *ltime=localtime(&local_tv_sec);
33: strftime( timestr, sizeof timestr, "%H:%M:%S", ltime);
34: printf("%s,%.6d len:%d ",timestr,header->ts.tv_usec,header->len);
36: ip_header *iphead=(ip_header*)(ptk_data+14);
37: u_int ip_len=(iphead->ver_ihl&0xf)*4;
38: udp_header *udphead=(udp_header*)((u_char*)iphead+ip_len);
39: u_short sport=ntohs(udphead->sport);
40: u_short dport=ntohs(udphead->dport);
41: printf("%d.%d.%d.%d.%d -> %d.%d.%d.%d.%d ",
42: iphead->saddr.byte1,
43: iphead->saddr.byte2,
44: iphead->saddr.byte3,
45: iphead->saddr.byte4,
46: sport,
47: iphead->daddr.byte1,
48: iphead->daddr.byte2,
49: iphead->daddr.byte3,
50: iphead->daddr.byte4,
51: dport);
53: }
54: int main(){
55: pcap_if_t *alldevs;
56: pcap_t *adhandle;
57: char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
58: u_int netmask=0;
59: bpf_program fcode;
60: char packet_filter[]="ip and udp";
62: if(pcap_findalldevs_ex(PCAP_SRC_IF_STRING,NULL,&alldevs,errbuf)==-1){
63: fprintf(stderr,"Error in pcap_findalldevs: %s ",errbuf);
64: exit(1);
65: }
67: //print device list
68: int count=1;
69: for(pcap_if_t *d=alldevs;d!=NULL;d=d->next){
70: printf("%d. %s",count++,d->name);
71: printf("(%s) ",d->description);
72: }
73: if(count==1) {
74: printf("No interface found! Make sure WinPcap is isntalled ");
75: return -1;
76: }
77: int num;
78: printf("Enter the interface number:(1-%d): ",count);
79: scanf("%d",&num);
80: if(num<1||num>count){
81: printf("Out Of Range ");
82: pcap_freealldevs(alldevs);
83: return -1;
84: }
85: pcap_if_t *d=alldevs;
86: // 跳转到选中的适配器
87: for(int i=0;i<num-1;i++,d=d->next);
88: // 设备名
89: // 65535保证能捕获到不同数据链路层上的每个数据包的全部内容
90: // 混杂模式
91: // 读取超时时间
92: // 远程机器验证
93: // 错误缓冲池
94: adhandle=pcap_open(d->name,65536,PCAP_OPENFLAG_PROMISCUOUS,1000,NULL,errbuf);
95: if(adhandle==NULL){
96: fprintf(stderr,"Unable to open the adapter %s",d->name);
97: return -1;
98: }
99: if (pcap_datalink(adhandle)!=DLT_EN10MB){
100: fprintf(stderr,"This program works only on Ethernet network. ");
101: pcap_freealldevs(alldevs);
102: return -1;
103: }
106: if(d->addresses!=NULL)
107: netmask=((sockaddr_in *)(d->addresses->netmask))->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr;
108: else
109: netmask=0xffffff;
110: printf("debug: %d ",netmask);
111: if(pcap_compile(adhandle,&fcode,packet_filter,1,netmask)<0){
112: fprintf(stderr,"Error setting thr filter ");
113: pcap_freealldevs(alldevs);
114: return -1;
115: }
116: printf("Listening on %s... ",d->description);
118: pcap_freealldevs(alldevs);
119: //开始捕获
120: pcap_loop(adhandle,0,packet_handler,NULL);
123: }