WP7 Contrib is a set of components to help build WP7 Apps. It can be plugged into MVVM Light or used as separate components in your App. Our goal is to provide a set of tools and patterns that help WP7 developers.
Now available via NuGet - http://nuget.org/List/Search?searchTerm=author%3A%20WP7Contrib
The framework is built on top of the following framework & libraries:
MVVMLight Toolkit - http://mvvmlight.codeplex.com
SilverlightSerializer - http://whydoidoit.com/silverlight-serializer/
Json.Net - http://json.codeplex.com/
Reactive Extensions for .NET (Rx) - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/devlabs/gg577609 (Currently using version 1.0.10621).