就是这样,可以根据点击部门传值(部门id)到后台 来进行查询!
// 获取后台根据区划配置显示的事项类型 20150228 zhangh if (BaseParameter.SERVICETYPE_REG_FLAG.equals(BaseParameter.YES)) { if (!Common.isNullOrSpace(areaId)) { System.out.println("进入"); hql.append(" and ((sb.serviceType in (select s.code from zwdt.pojo.ServiceTypeConfigure s where s.districtId = ?) ) or (sb.otherServiceType in (select s.code from zwdt.pojo.ServiceTypeConfigure s where s.districtId = ? and s.status = '1')) )"); // hql.append(" and ((sb.serviceType in (select s.code from zwdt.pojo.ServiceType s where s.status = 'on' and s.display = '1' and s.code != ?) ) or (sb.otherServiceType in (select s.code from zwdt.pojo.ServiceType s where s.otherType = '1' and s.display = '1')) )"); parmaList.add(areaId); // parmaList.add(BaseParameter.QT); parmaList.add(areaId); } }