• 关于Sql server 的 几道面试题


      今天在网上搜到几道数据库题还不错,是关于数据库表的操作的题目,这类题目经常出现在面试的笔试题目中。 做了一遍,特在这里记录下来做个总结。 



    老师信息表:                                   学生信息表:


    课程表:                                        分数表:


    select a.S# from (
    select  * 
    from sc where C#=1 ) a 
    inner join  (select  * 
    from sc where C#=2)  b on a.S#=b.S#
    where a.score>b.Score


    select  S#,avg(score) as score
    from sc 
    group by s#
    having avg(score)>60 


    select  a.S#,Sname,
    case when b.Num is null then 0 else b.Num end Num ,
    case when  b.SumScore is null then 0 else  b.SumScore end SumScore
    from student a left join 
    (select S#,count(*) Num,sum(score) SumScore from SC group by S# )b on a.S#=b.S#


    select  count(*) Num
    from Teacher  
    where Tname like '李%'


    select S#,Sname 
    from student 
    where S# not in (
    select  distinct S# 
    from SC c 
    where exists  (
    select  C# 
    from Course a left join teacher b on a.T#=b.T# 
    where  b.Tname='叶平' and c.C#=a.C#) )


    select a.S#,b.Sname from (
    select a.S# 
    from (
    select  * 
    from sc 
    where C# in (1,2)) a
    group by a.S# 
    having count(*)=2) a  
    left join Student b on a.S#=b.S#

    select a.S#,C.Sname from (
    select  * 
    from sc where C#=1 ) a 
    inner join  (select  * 
    from sc where C#=2)  b on a.S#=b.S#
    left join student c on a.S#=c.S#


    select a.S#,b.Sname from (
    select S# from (
    select sc.* from sc  where C# in (
    select  C# from Course a inner join 
    Teacher b on a.T#=b.T# where b.tname='叶平' )     
    ) a group by S# 
    having  count(*)=(select count(*) from Course a inner join 
    Teacher b on a.T#=b.T# where b.tname='叶平')
    )  a left join Student b on a.S#=b.S#


    select distinct a.S#,c.Sname 
    from sc  a left join Student c on a.S#=c.S# 
    where  not exists (
    select  S# 
    from sc b where Score>60 and a.S#=b.S#) 


    select a.* 
    from  student  a 
    where a.S# not in (select  S# 
    from sc 
    group by S# 
    having count(*)=(
    select count(*)
    from Course)) 


    select  distinct a.S#,b.Sname  
    from sc a left join Student b on a.S#=b.S#
    where C#  in (
    select a.C# 
    from Sc a left join student b on a.S#=b.S#
    where b.Sname='张三')                                       
    and a.S#<> (select  S# from Student where Sname='张三')    


    select a.S#,b.Sname  from (
    select a.S# 
    from (
    select * 
    from sc  a
    where S#<>1 and exists (select  * 
    from sc  b where S#=1 and a.C#=b.C#  ) )  a
    group by   a.S#
    having count(*)= (select  count(*) 
    from sc  b where S#=1)  ) a left join Student b on a.S#=b.S# 


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    http 协议详解
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/YanYongSong/p/5378596.html
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