• UVA_Cubic Eight-Puzzle UVA 1604

    Let's play a puzzle using eight cubes placed on a 3 x 3 board leaving one empty square.
    Faces of cubes are painted with three colors. As a puzzle step, you can roll one of the cubes to the adjacent
    empty square. Your goal is to make the specified color pattern visible from above by a number of such steps.
    The rules of this puzzle are as follows.
    Coloring of Cubes: All the cubes are colored in the same way as shown in Figure 3. The opposite
    faces have the same color.
    Figure 3: Coloring of a cube

    1.Initial Board State: Eight cubes are placed on the 3 x 3 board leaving one empty square. All the
    cubes have the same orientation as shown in Figure 4. As shown in the figure, squares on the board
    are given x and y coordinates, (1, 1), (1, 2), ..., and (3, 3). The position of the initially empty square
    may vary.

    Figure 4: Initial board state
    2.Rolling Cubes: At each step, we can choose one of the cubes adjacent to the empty square and roll it
    into the empty square, leaving the original position empty. Figure 5 shows an example.
    Figure 5: Rolling a cube

    3.Goal: The goal of this puzzle is to arrange the cubes so that their top faces form the specified color
    pattern by a number of cube rolling steps described above.
    4.Your task is to write a program that finds the minimum number of steps required to make the specified color
    pattern from the given initial state.
    The input is a sequence of datasets. The end of the input is indicated by a line containing two zeros separated
    by a space. The number of datasets is less than 16. Each dataset is formatted as follows.
    x y
    11 F21 F31
    12 F22 F32
    13 F23 F33
    The first line contains two integers x and y separated by a space, indicating the position (x, y) of the initially
    empty square. The values of x and y are 1, 2, or 3.
    The following three lines specify the color pattern to make. Each line contains three characters F1j, F2j, and
    3j, separated by a space. Character Fij indicates the top color of the cube, if any, at position (i, j) as follows:
    the square is Empty.
    There is exactly one `E' character in each dataset.
    For each dataset, output the minimum number of steps to achieve the goal, when the goal can be reached
    within 30 steps. Otherwise, output ``-1'' for the dataset.
    3618 - Cubic Eight-Puzzle 2/3
    Sample Input
    1 2
    W W W
    E W W
    W W W
    2 1
    R B W
    R W W
    E W W
    3 3
    W B W
    B R E
    R B R
    3 3
    B W R
    B W R
    B E R
    2 1
    B B B
    B R B
    B R E
    1 1
    R R R
    W W W
    R R E
    2 1
    R R R
    B W B
    R R E
    3 2
    R R R
    W E W
    R R R
    0 0
    Sample Output




    #include <iostream>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <cstring>
    #include <cstdio>
    #include <queue>
    #include <ctime>
    using namespace std;
    const int MaxHashSize = 1526597;
    const int MaxState = 2500000;
    int tot,target[256];
    char g[9];
    int dir[4][2] = {0,1,0,-1,-1,0,1,0};
    int getdia[6][4] = {5,5,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,4,0,0,1,1,5,5,2,2,1,1,0,0,3,3};
    typedef struct status
    char  pos;
    char  step;
    int   g;    
    char  h;
    friend bool operator < (const status& a ,const status& b)
     if (a.step + a.h < b.step + b.h)
      return false;
     if (a.step + a.h == b.step + b.h && a.step < b.step)
      return false;
     return true;    
    priority_queue<status> q;
    status start;
    int Head[MaxHashSize],Next[MaxState];
    status st[MaxState];
    void init_Hash()
    int GetHashValue(status &x)
     return x.g % MaxHashSize;
    bool insert_Hash(int id)
     int h = GetHashValue(st[id]);
     int u = Head[h];
     while(u != -1)
         if (st[u].g == st[id].g)
          return false;
        u = Next[u];
     Next[id] = Head[h];
     Head[h] = id;
     return true;
    int caculateh(status &x)
     int res = 0;
     int ok = 1;
     for(int i = 0 ; i < 9 ; ++ i)
          int temp = 0;
          for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; ++ j)
            int s = (x.g >> (3*i + j)) & 1;
           temp |= (s << j);    
        if ( (temp == 0 || temp == 1) && g[i] != 'W')
         res ++ ;
        else if ( (temp == 2 || temp == 3) && g[i] !='R')
         res ++;
        else if ( (temp == 4 || temp == 5) && g[i] != 'B')
         res ++;
        else if (temp == 7 && g[i] != 'E' )
          res ++;    
          ok = 0;
    if (ok)
     return res;
     return res - 1;
    int bfs()
     int front = 0 ,rear = 1;
        status ss = q.top();q.pop();
        st[front++] = ss;
        if (ss.h == 0)
         return ss.step;
        if (ss.h + ss.step > 30)
         return -1;
        int pos = ss.pos;
        int x = pos / 3;
        int y = pos % 3;
        int step = ss.step;
        int g = ss.g;
        for(int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; ++ i)
           int newx = x + dir[i][0];
           int newy = y + dir[i][1];
           if (newx >= 3 || newx < 0 || newy >= 3 || newy < 0)
           int newpos = newx * 3 + newy;
           status ns = ss;
           int temp = 0;
           for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; ++ j)
                int s = (g >> (newpos * 3 + j) )  & 1;
                temp |= (s << j);
           int sis = getdia[temp][i];
           for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ;++ j)
            ns.g |= (1 << (newpos*3 + j));
           for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; ++ j)
            if (sis >> j & 1)
             ns.g |= (1 << pos * 3 + j);
             ns.g &= ~(1 << pos * 3 + j);
           ns.step = step + 1;
           ns.pos = newpos;
           ns.h = caculateh(ns);
           st[rear] = ns;
           if (insert_Hash(rear))
     return -1;
    int main(int argc, char * argv[])
     int kk = clock();
     int s1,s2;
     while(scanf("%d%d%*c",&s1,&s2) && s1)
        tot = 0;
          for(int i = 0 ; i < 9 ; ++ i)
        int fp = (s2-1) * 3 + s1 - 1;
        start.pos = fp;
        start.g = 0;
        for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++ i)
         start.g |= (1 << (3*fp+i));
        st[0] = start;
        start.h = caculateh(start);
        start.step = 0;
        cout << bfs() << endl;     
      cout << "Time use " << clock() - kk << endl;
     return 0;    



    顺便多题一句双广复杂度是 2*n^(a/2) ,而单向的是n^a,code 如下

      1 #include <iostream>
      2 #include <algorithm>
      3 #include <cstring>
      4 #include <cstdio>
      5 using namespace std;
      6 const int MaxHashSize = 1526597;
      7 const int MaxState = 2500000;
      8 int tot,target[256],ssl;
      9 char g[9];
     10 int dir[4][2] = {0,1,0,-1,-1,0,1,0};
     11 int getdia[6][4] = {5,5,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,4,0,0,1,1,5,5,2,2,1,1,0,0,3,3};
     14 typedef struct status
     15 {
     16 char  pos;
     17 char  step;
     18 int   g;    
     19 };
     21 status start;
     22 int Head[MaxHashSize],Next[MaxState];
     23 int Head2[MaxHashSize],Next2[MaxState];
     24 status st[MaxState];
     25 status st2[MaxState];
     27 void init_Hash()
     28 {
     29  memset(Head,-1,sizeof(Head));    
     30  memset(Head2,-1,sizeof(Head));    
     31 }
     33 int GetHashValue(status &x)
     34 {
     35  return x.g % MaxHashSize;
     36 }
     38 bool insert_Hash(int id ,int l)
     39 {
     40  int h;
     41  if (l == 0)
     42   h = GetHashValue(st[id]);
     43  else
     44   h = GetHashValue(st2[id]);
     45  int u;
     46  if (l == 0)
     47   u = Head[h];
     48  else
     49   u = Head2[h];
     51  while(u != -1)
     52  {
     53      if (l == 0)
     54       {
     55      if (st[u].g == st[id].g)
     56       return false;
     57     u = Next[u];
     58      }
     59     else
     60      {
     61     if (st2[u].g == st2[id].g)
     62       return false;
     63     u = Next2[u];    
     64      }
     65  }
     66  if (l == 0)
     67   {
     68     Next[id] = Head[h];
     69     Head[h] = id;    
     70   }
     71  else
     72   {
     73       Next2[id] = Head2[h];
     74     Head2[h] = id;
     75   }
     76  return true;
     77 }
     80 int meet(int id,int l)
     81 {
     82  int u,h;
     83  if (l == 0)
     84   {
     85     h = GetHashValue(st[id]);
     86     int u = Head2[h];
     87     while(u != -1)
     88      {
     89          if (st2[u].g == st[id].g)
     90           return st[id].step + st2[u].step;
     91            u = Next2[u];
     92      }
     94     return -1;
     95   }
     96  else
     97   {
     98     h = GetHashValue(st2[id]);
     99     int u = Head[h];
    100     while(u != -1)
    101      {
    102          if (st[u].g == st2[id].g)
    103           return st[u].step + st2[id].step;
    104            u = Next[u];
    105      }
    107     return -1;
    108   }
    109 }
    112 int bfs()
    113 {
    114  int front = 0 ,rear = 1;
    115  int front2 = 0 , rear2 = 256;
    116  while(front < rear && front2 < rear2)
    117   {
    118       if (1)
    119       {
    120     status ss = st[front++] ;
    121     int ans = meet(front-1,0);
    122     if (ans != -1)
    123      return ans > 30 ? -1 : ans;
    124     if (ss.step >= 30)
    125      return -1;
    126     int pos = ss.pos;
    127     int x = pos / 3;
    128     int y = pos % 3;
    129     int step = ss.step;
    130     int g = ss.g;
    131     for(int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; ++ i)
    132      {
    133        int newx = x + dir[i][0];
    134        int newy = y + dir[i][1];
    135        if (newx >= 3 || newx < 0 || newy >= 3 || newy < 0)
    136         continue;
    137        int newpos = newx * 3 + newy;
    138        status ns = ss;
    139        int temp = 0;
    140        for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; ++ j)
    141         {
    142             int s = (g >> (newpos * 3 + j) )  & 1;
    143             temp |= (s << j);
    144         }
    145        int sis = getdia[temp][i];
    146        for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ;++ j)
    147         ns.g |= (1 << (newpos*3 + j));
    148        for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; ++ j)
    149         if (sis >> j & 1)
    150          ns.g |= (1 << pos * 3 + j);
    151         else
    152          ns.g &= ~(1 << pos * 3 + j);
    153        ns.step = step + 1;
    154        ns.pos = newpos;
    155        st[rear] = ns;
    156        if (insert_Hash(rear,0))
    157         {
    158              rear++;
    159         }
    160       }    
    161     }
    162       status ss = st2[front2++] ;
    163     int ans = meet(front2-1,1);
    164     if (ans != -1)
    165      return ans > 30 ? -1 : ans;
    166     if (ss.step >= 30)
    167      return -1;
    168     int pos = ss.pos;
    169     int x = pos / 3;
    170     int y = pos % 3;
    171     int step = ss.step;
    172     int g = ss.g;
    173     for(int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; ++ i)
    174      {
    175        int newx = x + dir[i][0];
    176        int newy = y + dir[i][1];
    177        if (newx >= 3 || newx < 0 || newy >= 3 || newy < 0)
    178         continue;
    179        int newpos = newx * 3 + newy;
    180        status ns = ss;
    181        int temp = 0;
    182        for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; ++ j)
    183         {
    184             int s = (g >> (newpos * 3 + j) )  & 1;
    185             temp |= (s << j);
    186         }
    187        int sis = getdia[temp][i];
    188        for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ;++ j)
    189         ns.g |= (1 << (newpos*3 + j));
    190        for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; ++ j)
    191         if (sis >> j & 1)
    192          ns.g |= (1 << pos * 3 + j);
    193         else
    194          ns.g &= ~(1 << pos * 3 + j);
    195        ns.step = step + 1;
    196        ns.pos = newpos;
    197        st2[rear2] = ns;
    198        if (insert_Hash(rear2,1))
    199         {
    200              rear2++;
    201         }
    202       }    
    203   }
    204  return -1;
    205 }
    209 void dfs(int n,int temp)
    210 {
    211  if (n == 9)
    212   {
    213       st2[tot].g = temp;
    214       st2[tot].step = 0;
    215       insert_Hash(tot,1);
    216       st2[tot++].pos = ssl;
    217   }
    218  else
    219   {
    220       int f;
    221       if (g[n] == 'W')
    222        {
    223         f = temp;
    224        dfs(n+1,f);
    225           f |= (1 << (3*n));
    226        dfs(n+1,f);
    227      }
    228     else if(g[n] == 'R')
    229      {
    230          f = temp;
    231          f |= (1 << (3*n+1));
    232          dfs(n+1,f);
    233          f |= (1 << 3*n);
    234          dfs(n+1,f);
    235      }
    236     else if(g[n] == 'B')
    237      {
    238          f = temp;
    239          f |= (1 << 3*n+2);
    240          dfs(n+1,f);
    241          f |= (1 << 3*n);
    242          dfs(n+1,f);
    243      }
    244     else if(g[n] == 'E')
    245      {
    246          f = temp;
    247          for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; ++ j)
    248           f |= (1 << 3*n + j);
    249            dfs(n+1,f);
    250      }
    251   }
    252 }
    265 int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    266 {
    267  int s1,s2;
    268  while(scanf("%d%d%*c",&s1,&s2) && s1)
    269   { 
    270     tot = 0;
    271       for(int i = 0 ; i < 9 ; ++ i)
    272         {
    273            scanf("%c%*c",&g[i]);
    274            if (g[i] == 'E')
    275             ssl = i;
    276        }
    277     int fp = (s2-1) * 3 + s1 - 1;
    278     start.pos = fp;
    279     start.g = 0;
    280     init_Hash();
    281     dfs(0,0);
    282     for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++ i)
    283      start.g |= (1 << (3*fp+i));
    284     st[0] = start;
    285     insert_Hash(0,0);
    286     start.step = 0;
    287     cout << bfs() << endl;     
    288   }
    289  return 0;    
    290 }
    No Pain , No Gain.
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