• HOJ10513 Allocation Scheme[简单DFS]


    Allocation Scheme
    Time Limit: 1000ms, Special Time Limit:2500ms, Memory Limit:32768KB
    Total submit users: 69, Accepted users: 64
    Problem 10513 : No special judgement
    Problem description
    A manager of one company received a emergent project that needs to be completed in shortest time。With considering and analysing, the manager would divide the project into N independent tasks and that needs N employees to complete. Every ernployee can do any one of the N tasks, but the time is different. Please design a allocation scheme for the manager to make the task can be completed in shortest time.

    The number of the employees N begins with 0, so is the tasks number N. The time of every task done by every employee is stored in a two-dimensional array task_worker[N][N]. For example: task_worker[i][j] means the time of task i completed by employee j.

    The first row show the shortest time to complete the project.(unit: hour)
    Output the situation of the allocation scheme.

    Sample Input
    10  11  12  11  9  11
    11  9   10  13  11  12
    12  10  11  10  13  9
    9   14  9   10  10  11
    10  10  9   11  12  11
    10  7  10   10  10   8
    Sample Output
    The shortest time is 54 hours
    Task 0 is distributed to employee 4
    Task 1 is distributed to employee 1
    Task 2 is distributed to employee 3
    Task 3 is distributed to employee 0
    Task 4 is distributed to employee 2
    Task 5 is distributed to employee 5
    Problem Source

    HNU Contest 



     1  #include <iostream>   
     2  #include <iomanip>   
     3  #include <fstream>   
     4  #include <sstream>   
     5  #include <algorithm>   
     6  #include <string>   
     7  #include <set>   
     8  #include <utility>   
     9  #include <queue>   
    10  #include <stack>   
    11  #include <list>   
    12  #include <vector>   
    13  #include <cstdio>   
    14  #include <cstdlib>   
    15  #include <cstring>   
    16  #include <cmath>   
    17  #include <ctime>   
    18  #include <ctype.h> 
    19  using namespace std;
    21  int map[101][101];
    22  char str[101];
    23  int record[101];
    24  int record1[101];
    25  int vst[101];
    26  int mintime;
    27  int n;
    28  char t[101]; 
    30  void DFS(int cnt,int sum)
    31  {
    32      int i;
    33      if(cnt==n+1)
    34      {
    35          if(sum<mintime)
    36          {
    37              mintime=sum;
    38              for(i=0;i<=n;i++)
    39                  record1[i]=record[i];
    40          }
    41          return;  
    42     }
    43     for(i=0;i<=n;i++)
    44     {
    45         if(!vst[i])
    46         {
    47             vst[i]=1;
    48             record[cnt]=i; 
    49             DFS(cnt+1,sum+map[cnt][i]);
    50             vst[i]=0;
    51         }
    52     }
    53  }
    55  int main()
    56  {
    57      int i,j;
    58      int temp;
    59      while(gets(str))
    60      {
    61          memset(map,0,sizeof(map));
    62          memset(record,0,sizeof(record));
    63          n=0;
    64          temp=0;
    65          for(i=0;i<strlen(str);i++)
    66          {
    67              if(str[i]==' '&&str[i+1]!=' ')
    68              {
    69                  map[0][n]/=10;
    70                  n++;
    71              }
    72             else if(str[i]!=' ') 
    73             {
    74                 map[0][n]+=(int(str[i])-48);
    75                 map[0][n]*=10;
    76             } 
    77             else{
    79             }
    80          }
    81          for(i=1;i<=n;i++)
    82              for(j=0;j<=n;j++)
    83                  scanf("%d",&map[i][j]);
    84          cin>>t; 
    85        mintime=9999999;
    86        for(i=0;i<=n;i++)
    87        {
    88            memset(vst,0,sizeof(vst));
    89            memset(record,0,sizeof(record));
    90              vst[i]=1;
    91              record[0]=i;
    92              DFS(1,map[0][i]);
    93        }
    94        printf("The shortest time is %d hours\n",mintime);
    95        for(i=0;i<=n;i++)
    96            printf("Task %d is distributed to employee %d\n",i,record1[i]);
    97     }
    98     return 0;
    99  }

                If you have any questions about this article, welcome to leave a message on the message board.

    Brad(Bowen) Xu
    E-Mail : maxxbw1992@gmail.com

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/XBWer/p/2600522.html
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