• 线程与进程(我的理解)











    1.5.1 程序
    程序(p r o g r a m)是存放在磁盘文件中的可执行文件。使用6个e x e c函数中的一个由内核将
    程序读入存储器,并使其执行。8 . 9节将说明这些e x e c函数。
    1.5.2 进程和进程I D
    程序的执行实例被称为进程( p r o c e s s)。本书的每一页几乎都会使用这一术语。某些操作
    每个U N I X进程都一定有一个唯一的数字标识符,称为进程I D(process ID)。进程I D总是


    General Programming Concepts:
    Writing and Debugging Programs   这个是(AIX 7.1)
    这个也有中文的书籍:AIX V6.1 通用编程概念:编写并调试程序(这段是写的一样的)

    Understanding Threads and Processes
    A thread is an independent flow of control that operates within the same address space as other
    independent flows of controls within a process. Traditionally, thread and process characteristics are
    grouped into a single entity called a process. In other operating systems, threads are sometimes called
    lightweight processes, or the meaning of the word thread is sometimes slightly different.
    The following sections discuss the differences between a thread and a process.
    In traditional single-threaded process systems, a process has a set of properties. In multi-threaded
    systems, these properties are divided between processes and threads.
    Threads have some limitations and cannot be used for some special purposes that require multi-processed
    programs. For more information, see “Limitations” on page 366.
    Process Properties
    A process in a multi-threaded system is the changeable entity. It must be considered as an execution
    frame. It has traditional process attributes, such as:
    v Process ID, process group ID, user ID, and group ID
    v Environment

    v Working directory
    A process also provides a common address space and common system resources, as follows:
    v File descriptors
    v Signal actions
    v Shared libraries
    v Inter-process communication tools (such as message queues, pipes, semaphores, or shared memory)
    Thread Properties
    A thread is the schedulable entity. It has only those properties that are required to ensure its independent
    control of flow. These include the following properties:
    v Stack
    v Scheduling properties (such as policy or priority)
    v Set of pending and blocked signals
    v Some thread-specific data
    An example of thread-specific data is the errno error indicator. In multi-threaded systems, errno is no
    longer a global variable, but usually a subroutine returning a thread-specific errno value. Some other
    systems may provide other implementations of errno.
    Threads within a process must not be considered as a group of processes. All threads share the same
    address space. This means that two pointers having the same value in two threads refer to the same data.
    Also, if any thread changes one of the shared system resources, all threads within the process are
    affected. For example, if a thread closes a file, the file is closed for all threads.

    这里再补充一下LWP(light weight process轻量级进程),这个LWP在不同的操作系统上概念是不一样的。详见



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/WisWang/p/5294281.html
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