• The Mediator Pattern of Design Model调停者模式/中介者模式

    1 Mediator Pattern definition 调停者模式定义
            The Mediator Pattern defines an object that encapsulates how a set of objects interact. This promotes loose coupling,keeping the objects from refering to each other explicitly, and lets u vary their interaction indepently

    2 Mediator Benefits
        when there are many interaction among objects, and each operations of one object depends explictly on other objects. Under this curcusmtance, when one object's behavious is changed, it will result in many other changes of the involved objects. To prevent this, we can apply Mediator Pattern to loosely decouple them.
         (1) change n-to-n net-architecture relationship among objects to 1-to-n star-architecture which regards the Mediator as a roll, thus maintains their interaction easy.
        (2) Abstract the behaviours and collabrations among objects
            当对象间存在很多交互行为,并且这些交互行为相互引用时,对象之间的关系就会变得纷繁复杂。一个对象行为的修改会影响到其他对象的引用。为了解决这种问题,我们可以采用Mediator 模式,来实现对象间的松散耦合。

    3 Application Demo应用举例
            (1) WTO : 
            WTO change the buseness trade  relationship among contries into  such relationship of countries to WTO and WTO to coutries, which is in chage of mediate among coutries.
            (2) 4 Girls MaJiang Gamble:
           4 girls is Majing grambling. they are confused how much they should give to each other. then they can set up a mediator. The loser just needs to give responding money to Mediator,  The winner just gets responding money from Mdeiator
            (3) House Rent Agency
            Many people wanna lend out their  houses, at the same time, many people wanna rent houses. therefore, we set up House Rent Agency as Mediator to deal with such operations.
            有人想出租房屋,有人想要租房屋。这是房屋中介机构就是一个Mediator 角色,负责房东和租客之间的沟通。

      4. classic  Mediator Pattern included  objects:
            (1) abstract Mediator : define an interface that   is from colleague object to mediator object, in generan ,it's an event method.
            (2) concrete Mediator: implement all abstract methods that are declared by abstract Mediator. It should know all concrete-colleague class. and it can receive message from one concrete-message class, then send message to other concrete-message class.
            (3)abstract colleague:define an interface from Mediator to colleague object.
            (4) concrete colleague

    5 Mediator Side-effect
        decrease the complex among colleagues while increase the comlex for Mediator.

    6 Mediator Pattern Code implementation:
    part I: Mediator Pattern Hirarchy Diagram for the following codes:

    part II: implemantation
    using System;
    namespace DesignPattern.Mediator

    public abstract class AbstractMediator 

    public abstract void ColleagueChanged(AbstractColleague ac); 

    public abstract class AbstractColleague 
    private AbstractMediator mediator;

    public AbstractColleague(AbstractMediator mediator) 

    public AbstractMediator Mediator 

    get{return this.mediator;}

    public abstract void Action();

    public void Change() 


    public class ConcreteMediator : AbstractMediator 
    private ColleagueA colleagueA;
    private ColleagueB colleagueB;

    public override void ColleagueChanged(AbstractColleague ac) 

    public void CreateConcreteMediator() 
    this.colleagueA=new ColleagueA(this);
    this.colleagueB=new ColleagueB(this);

    public ColleagueA ColleagueA 

    get{return this.colleagueA;} 

    public ColleagueB ColleagueB 

    get{return this.colleagueB;}


    public class ColleagueA : AbstractColleague 

    public ColleagueA(AbstractMediator mediator):base(mediator){}

    public override void Action() 
    "Action From ColleagueA");


    public class ColleagueB : AbstractColleague 

    public ColleagueB(AbstractMediator mediator):base(mediator){}

    public override void Action() 
    "Action From ColleagueB"); 

    public class Client 
    public static void Main() 
                ConcreteMediator cm
    =new ConcreteMediator();
                AbstractColleague c1
                AbstractColleague c2



    execution result is the following shown:


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Winston/p/1183763.html
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