• DOM(Document Object Model) concepts (DOM基础)

    1. What is DOM?
        DOM is an abbrieviattion for  Document Object Model. DOM represent a page as a tree which consists of nodes. therefore , we can manipulate these nodes in order to modify and self-define  the representation or appearance of page. That is to say. all elements of  a page is regardes as a respective nodes. for example, normally. HTML is the ROOT node.
        DOm是文档对象模型的缩写。DOM将页面表示成为由多个节点构成的树。所以,我们可以通过操作树中的节点,来控制或者定义页面的显示样式。 也就是说,在DOM观点下,页面上所有元素都是节点。比如 ,一般来说,HTML是根节点。

    2. a classic DOM Tree Demo.
        e.g. we got such the following html page, and which html code is shown as follows:
            <title>DOM Test</title>
            <h1> welcome to test DOM Tree
            <p id="p1">Welcome ,you are the best one
                <a href="http://winston.cnblogs.com">click here to see me</a>
            <p>Dom is so powerful, what do u think about it

    and , the respevtive DOM tree should be like this:
    则其相应的DOM Tree 应该为:(说明:节点中的值也为节点,其为textNode)

    more about Nodes:(关于节电的说明)

    Rememer, everything in a DOM tree is a node. Elements and text  are special kinds of nodes. but they are still nodes. Anytime you have a node, you can get the name of the node with nodeName, and the value of the node with nodeValue.
    记住,再DOM 树中所有都是节点,元素和文本是两种不同类型的节点。但是他们都是节点。任何时候对于节点,我们都可以获得节点的value以及name。

    you've got to be careful what type of node you're working on, though, or you could end up getting a null value when you'are expecting the name of an element or a string  of text. An element node has a name, like "div" or "img", but won't have a value, And a text node won't have a nodeName, but it will have a value: the actual text stored in the node.
    尽管如此,我们还是要对所操作的节点类型要清楚。因为对于element node 来说,其没有nodeValue的值;同样,对于textNode来说,其没有nodeName这一值;当然,我们如果要获得其相应的属性不会错,只是我们只能得到null/undefined。
    node            node type            nodeName         nodeValue
        p                element node    "p"                     null/undefined
        a                element node      "a"                     null/undefined
     "click here"      text node         null/undefined      "click here"

    3. How to manipulate or get the related Nodes from DOM tree.
        怎样获得或者对DOM Tree中的节点进行操作。
        skill 1:How to get the whole tree of the page?如何获取整个页面的DOM Tree.
                We can get to the whole thing using the "document.docuementElement".
        comments: documentElement is a special property of the docuement object , it always return s the root element of the Dom Tree.  of course,in a html page, the root node is HTMO without doubt.

        skill 2: Find a specific element /node by its "id" attribute:通过ID获得特定的节点。
                We can use "document.getElementById(IdVariable) to find an element /node in our web page.
            var p1Node=document.getElementById("p1");

        skill 3: Find a specific elment/node by its "tagName" attribute:通过TagName获取特定节点。
                we can use "docuemnt.getElementsByTag(tagname)[index] to find an element/node in our web page. just for mention, there are maybe more than one node with the same tagname, such as <a..> <div>, then we can specify the child index to fetch the specified one child node.
            var pNode=document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];

        skill 4: How to get first child, last child, All Child nodes from a parent node.
                we can use childNodes property if a specific node to get all child nodes.
                                firstChild  -> first child node
                                lastChild  -> last child node
        skill 4:How to get the node name / node value.如何获得节点的name 或者value属性。
                we can use p1Node.nodeValue to get the textNode's value, of cs, we can also apply this to element Node, but we will get value of "null/ undefined".
                we can use p1Node.nodeName to get the element node's name.

        skill 5: How to get the property value of node?如何获得节点的属性值?
                we can use getAttributeNode(attributeName).nodeValue to set/get the specific node value.

        skill 6: How to create a new element/text node and then add to a existed node as child?怎样创建一个新的节点,并且把该新的节点添加到已存在的节点下面作为孩子节点?
                createElement(elementName)  --> to create an element node;
                createTextNode(textnodeValue)  --> to create a text node with value textnodeValue
                createAttribute(attributeName)  --> to create a attributeNode named attriteName;
                setAttribute(pAttributeNode)-->set attribute node for a node;
                pNode.appendChild(pchildNode)  --> append pchildNode to pNode as a child node;

    var   pNewElementChild=document.createElement("span");
          var  pNewTextNodeChild=document.createTextNode("click me ");
          var pAttributeNode=document.createAttribute("name");
            the result is like this:
                    <span name="herengang">click me</span>

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Winston/p/1179330.html
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