• postman 断言解析

    最近在学习postman官方文档, 顺势翻译出来,以供学习!
    1.设置环境变量--Setting an environment variable 
    postman.setEnvironmentVariable("key", "value");
    2.设置全局变量--Set a global variable
    postman.setGlobalVariable("key", "value");
    3.检查响应中包含string--Check if response body contains a string
    tests["Body matches string"] = responseBody.has("string_you_want_to_search");
    4.转化XML格式的响应成JSON对象---Convert XML body to a JSON object
    var jsonObject = xml2Json(responseBody);
    5.检查响应body中等于指定string--Check if response body is equal to a string
     tests["Body is correct"] = responseBody === "response_body_string";
    6.检查JSON某字段值--Check for a JSON value
    var data = JSON.parse(responseBody);
    tests["Your test name"] = data.value === 100;
    7.检查Content-Type是否包含在header返回(大小写不敏感)--Content-Type is present (Case-insensitive checking)
     tests["Content-Type is present"] = postman.getResponseHeader("Content-Type"); //Note: the getResponseHeader() method returns the header value, if it exists.
    8.检查Content-Type是否包含在header返回(大小写敏感)--Content-Type is present (Case-sensitive)
     tests["Content-Type is present"] = responseHeaders.hasOwnProperty("Content-Type");
    9.检查请求耗时时间小于200ms--Response time is less than 200ms
    tests["Response time is less than 200ms"] = responseTime < 200;
    10.检查Status code为200--Status code is 200
    tests["Status code is 200"] = responseCode.code === 200;
    11.检查Code name包含指定string--Code name contains a string
     tests["Status code name has string"] = responseCode.name.has("Created");
    12.检查成功post的请求status code--Succesful POST request status code
    tests["Successful POST request"] = responseCode.code === 201 || responseCode.code === 202;
    13.为JSON data使用微小验证器--Use TinyValidator for JSON data
    var schema = {
     "items": {
     "type": "boolean"
    var data1 = [true, false];
    var data2 = [true, 123]; 
    tests["Valid Data1"] = tv4.validate(data1, schema);
    tests["Valid Data2"] = tv4.validate(data2, schema);
    Sample data files 
    JSON files are composed of key/value pairs
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Wguang/p/6566332.html
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